
How to automatically insert underscores between my method name words?

Is there an Add_in to Visual studio which automatically inserts underscores between my method name Words? For example i will write "public void ChangeEmail Should Update Email()" then press a shortcut and it will convert to "public void ChangeEmail_Should_Update_Email()" ...

Visual Studio 2010 extension get reference to solution explorer

I'm moving one of my macros over to become a VS2010 extension. I have the line from the macro... Dim items As EnvDTE.UIHierarchyItems = DTE.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer.UIHierarchyItems I've managed to get DTE - DTE dte = GetService(typeof(SDTE)) as DTE; but it does contain a ToolWindows Property. I tried using dte.Windows to get th...

Can I develop visual studio extension for viewing Web User Control in temp web page?

I work now in a huge project that we build all interface as Web User Controls .. every time I want to view & test one i should add it in web page and then view .. I think in a way to develop a visual studio extension that show "View in Temp Web Page" when I make right click on a user control to allow me view user control in a generated t...

How to add a file property in a visual studio add in?

Hey, I'm working on my first add-in and I want to add a custom property to the properties windows of any file or directory in the project. So, if right now there are properties like "Build Action", "Copy to Output Directory", "Custom Tool", and "Custom Tool Namespace", I want to add another property, say, "MyAddinProperty". After goog...

IDE crashes while calling ProjectItems.AddFromFile with TFS connected

Hi, i wrote a Visual Studio 2008 Addin, which generates some code files for me with some settings which i can enter on a UI form. If i execute the addin with a connection to our TFS 2008, the dialog of the TFS appears where the progress bar is shown (file is added to tfs source control). The host IDE (where i call the Addin) crashes w...

Addin to add XML comments for private variable

Just like Ghostdoc is there any add-in for Visual Studio 2008 that can automatically add XML comments for private variables, as Ghostdoc and few others doesn't support private variables. ...

Get current TFS connection in a Visual Studio addin

I'm working on a Visual Studio 2010 add-in, and I'm trying to figure out how to determine the currently connected TFS server. I'm guessing I need to use DTE, but I'm having a brain cramp figuring out where to get the info. Any help is, of course, appreciated. EDIT: Actually, I may have found the answer, which I culled from a couple p...

Sort selected text from Visual Studio context menu

Currently VS has a very useful feature: sort usings (C#). I want the same functionality for any random text, for example - XML nodes in config files. How complex to implement that? VS addin, right? Is it possible to call some VS API which is used for sorting usings? ...

visual studio package obfuscation

Hi, I am developing a Visual Studio addin/package and plan to obfuscate it. I have license .NET Reactor from but it is throwing exception while obfuscating the addin. Does anyone know if anybody has faced such issues with obfuscation of VS addin assembly? As per my experience we should not obfuscate public methods. Regard...

Working with EnvDTE library within Visual Studio 2010SDK - build modes and binary path (?)

Dear Community, I am working on a small program which aims to modify my main, top-level application binary file post-build. In order to fully automate the process, I need to obtain a valid path to the binary, e. g. ../debug/application.exe or ../release/application.exe. My problem is, that I need to get the binary path independently o...

Visual Studio Add-Ins: Can't get Document object from SelectedItems

Let me start by saying I'm new to developing add-ins for visual studio... When using the DTE2 object, I am attempting to get some info on the document that is currently selected. If I do something like this: DTE2 VisualStudioInstance = somethingOrOther; Document documentInfo; if(VisualStudioInstance.SelectedItems.MultiSelect == false)...

Word 2007 - adding custom information invisible to the user in word elements

Hi, I would like to store some custom data on Word elements. In PowerPoint, every shape has a 'Tags' property, which is visible to programmers only, and anything can be stored in it. It's described here: Is there a convenient way to do it in Word? Regards. ...

How do special folders in projects work?

In regards to visual studio extensions how do things like References, Properties, App_Code, App_Data work? I am looking to create a special folder that is in every .NET project that has some custom context menus. I cant seem to find any information on how to do this? ...

Visual Studio Add-in development - Get directory path within a C++ project

Hello, i'm currently trying to build an add-in which is similar to VSNewFile. So it's just a simple extension which provides a faster way to create new files. The problem with VSNewFile is that it doesn't work for C++ projects and i need it for that. Here is my problem: I'm unable to retrieve the absolute path of a selected directo...

API for adding Code Snippets Locations in visual studio

I'm currently creating a Visual Studio Add-In and require the ability to add a location for custom Code Snippets to the users Visual Studio Environment programatically. I'm aware of the DTE Command Tools.CodeSnippetsManager but don't know if there are command argurments which allow me to add these locations. ...

Utilise Visual Studio Theme in Add-In

Is it possible to utilise the current Visual Studio theme within an Add-In? I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and want to use the dark and light blue colouring of the environment to colour certain controls within my addin. ...

How to uninstall VMware add-in from visual studio 2008?

Hi I've VMware Workstation 6.5.2 installed on my PC. This program's add-in, use assign F6 key to one of its commands. The problem is that when ever I reassign F6 key to BuildSolution command, after reopening VS, the add-in change my settings and reassign it to its command again... What I have to do?! Is it possible to uninstall this add...

Access "Embed Interop Types" property of a project reference programatically

I am writing a plugin for Visual Studio, I am able to see all the properties of all the references for a project, except for one property. How can I access the "Embed Interop Types" property of a reference programmatically? Right now I am using the VSLangProj80.Reference3 class to get the properties, but it does not include the "Embed ...

VisualNDepend Visual Studio 2010 Addin failed

I try to use the Addin from VisualNDepend in Visual Studio 2010, but when I open Visual Studio 2010 I always get the following error message. ************** Exception Text ************** Exception on Addin.Connect.OnConnection() Exception in NDepend v3.0.3.4916 .NET Fx Version: 4.0.30319.1 OS Windows Version: 6.1.7600.0 Processor Archit...

C# structural highlighting in Visual Studio

Hi, Is there any way to make code blocks highlighting/collapsing in Resharper ? In CodeRush it is called "structural highlighting" feature: Or maybe other Visual Studio 2010 add-on(preferably free) which would do this simple job and would not conflict with Resharper. thanks ...