
How to get the volume of MP3 file?

I need to get the average volume of the mp3 file in dB. This must be that when listening to multiple files automatically adjust the volume. In this case, the files themselves do not need to normalize. Ideally, I need to get a result in the command line, but fit and just an algorithm. ...

How do I integrate a BSDF into a ray caster.

I'm trying to implement sub surface scattering at isosurfaces and looked up how a BSDF works mathematically. Implementing the reflective and diffuse part seems to be quite easy as i just have to evaluate phong at the isosurface intersection, but how do you I apply the transmissive part of the BSDF? In what way do i have to modify the r...

Does GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint() return the GUID of a volume?

Does GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint() return the GUID of a volume in c++? GetVolumeNameForVolumeMmountPoint() { LPCTSTR lpszvolumeMountPoint, LPTSTR lpszVolumeName, DWORDcchBufferLength, } I mean if I am using a removeable disk. will the lpszVolumeName remained the same on the same computer? Does it return a certain ID for a certain...

How to use C to write to flash drive bootsector despite error 'Failed to open file to write.:Permission Denied' ?

My goal is to manipulate the boot-sector in my flashdrive (volume E:) I am using XP. I am able to read the boot-sector FILE *fp_read = fopen("\\\\.\\E:", "rb"); /* Able to proceed to read boot sector */ however i am not able to open the file to write using fopen in 'wb' mode. FILE *fp_read = fopen("\\\\.\\E:", "wb"); /* Unable t...

Set volume using SDK functions causes one channel to be inactive.

Here is my problem: I made a simple mixer class for my own purposes, here it goes: struct Volume { DWORD left; DWORD right; }; CMixer::CMixer () { m_hMixer = 0; m_value = 0; } CMixer::~CMixer(void) { delete [] m_value; if (m_hMixer) mixerClose (m_hMixer); } bool CMixer::Init( UINT type /*= MAIN*/) { // ge...

How do you implement an MPVolumeView?

Hey! I want the user to be able to change the system volume with a slider, and I realized the only way to do this is with an MPVolumeView. But I can't find any example code for it, and every method I try to implement won't show up. So what is the easiest and correct, working way of implementing a MPVolumeView? ...

MPVolumeView in a UIAlertView?

Is it possibe to put an MPVolumeView in a UIAlertView? I have tried to put it inside of it, but it does not display. It may be the sizeToFit or initWithFrame: part? Is there a way of testing if the MPVolumeView is actually being created? Here's the code I initialize both the UIAlertView and MPVolumeView with: UIAlertView *volumeAlert ...

MPVolumeView, avoid displaying "No Volume Available"

Hey. I have a project with a MPVolumeView in it. It is set up, and it works, the only thing is that when I mute the device, the text "No Volume Available" comes up instead of the MPVolumeView. I would rather like the slider of the MPVolumeView to be disabled when the device is muted. The volumeView is initialized in the view volumeBoun...

DirectSound affects system volume on WinXP

Hello guys, I'm currently developing an audio engine that is used in voice network chat software. Everything is working fine - capture/playback/mixing channels. The problem is in using it under Windows XP. I've been getting user reports with information that their global system volume is set to zero after launching the application. I...

Check to see if system volume is muted?

Hello everyone. I am working on a project that plays audio for part of the program. I would like to be able to display a message if the user's system volume is muted. I am using Python on Windows. ...

AVAudioRecorder normalize volume

hey there, I've got an app that records audio. I'm wondering how I can increase the gain. is there a way to normalize the audio or amplify it somehow? thanks, howie ...

How can I implement a volume meter for a song currently playing? (iPhone OS 3.1.3)

I'm very new to core audio and I just would like some help in coding up a little volume meter for whatever's being outputted through headphones or built-in speaker, like a dB meter. I have the following code, and have been trying to go through the apple source project "SpeakHere", but it's a nightmare trying to go through all that, witho...

set different volumes inside app

i'd like to set the volume inside the touchesBegan action on half the volume of the IBAction. - (void) awakeFromNib { [super awakeFromNib]; engine = [[Finch alloc] init]; E = [[RevolverSound alloc] initWithFile:PATH(@"E.wav")rounds:9]; } -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UITouch *touch = [[event allT...

How to prevent volume keys and camera key from waking up phone in Android?

I have an activity that I want to show up when the phone goes to sleep. However, the phone wakes up when I press the volume buttons or the camera button. I tried using the dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) method, but it doesn't prevent the phone from waking up. How else can I disable that functionality? Thanks, ...

Flash Audio pause button with volume slider

Flash CS4 - Action Script 2 I need to make a controller for audio that contains the following items 1 (!) Button that pauses and replays the audio file (consists of 2 pictures: 1 on, 1 off) Volume slider to controll the volume (consists of a bar and slider) I have searched for tutorials that combine the two, but couldn't find it. Th...

Earth Mover's Distance computation in 3D

Is there a package out there that can compute the Earth Mover's Distance on two 3D grid inputs? Barring that, is there some example code or algorithm description for computing it efficiently? ...

JMF microphone volume controller

How to obtain the Microphone volume controller in JMF? this is what I have: I tried this implementation concept of yours, but I keep getting a null from the first volume processor when I try to get the stream, here is how I do it: // the device is the media device specifically audio Processor processorForVolume = Manager.createProcess...

Closing a window when it's "no longer needed".

This is kind of a hard question to describe, and I've searched for about an hour now to no avail. Essentially, picture a small 'flyout' window like the Windows 7 Wireless Control or the Volume Slider from the system tray(notification area). When you click on the icon, the application pops up with focus, and if you click off of it, the w...

Set orientation of volume indicator for iPhone glES game.

I'm subclassing UIView using the standard EAGLView framework. When I detect orientation changes, I just add a rotation to my OpenGL stack. However, when the user adjusts the volume using the physical iPhone buttons, the volume indicator is (naturally) not rotated by the GL stack. How do I rotate the volume indicator? ...

what are the devises will be listed

Hi.. please let me know what are the devices wil be listed using the below code guid = GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME; // Get device Information handle for Volume interface hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs( &guid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE | DIGCF_PRESENT ); Thank you ...