
iPhone SDK - How to disable the volume indicator view if the hardware buttons are pressed?

Is there any way to prevent the volume indicator view form showing if you press the volume up/down hardware bottons? It's needed for a demo app only. So the method don't need to be App Store safe. ...

does winmm.dll support volume control with each sound

functions defintion winmm.dll : BOOL PlaySound( LPCTSTR pszSound, HMODULE hmod, DWORD fdwSound ); MMRESULT auxSetVolume( UINT uDeviceID, DWORD dwVolume ); the auxSetVolume use a uDeviceID Flag to Control the Volume, but there is no DeviceID need with the PlaySound function. does it mean auxSetVolume will control the gl...

Volume of a B-rep?

I would like to know how to calculate the volume of a solid object that is represented by Boundary representation (B-Rep)? Any hints? Thanks in advance ...

iphone - MPMoviePlayerController - How can I decrease volume of the video programatically

I'm using MPMoviePlayerController to play a video which has audio as well. Its working fine. I'm hiding the default controls. So no controls are showing on the video. I want to place a slider on the video (i successfully placed a slider as well over the video). With the slider, I want to control the volume of the video that is being play...

Custom theme for Media Volume Controller (whatever it's called) of Android?

I'm trying custom the theme of Media Volume Controller (I don't know what it's called, just try to name it). It's something like a Toast with "Media Volume" title which appears when we press volume buttons (+ and -) in games. But I don't know which View it's, or it's a Toast, a Dialog. So far as I try, I could not find anything which ref...

Flash 10.1: Can you programmatically adjust the input volume of the Microphone?

I need to variably adjust the input volume of the mic in Flash 10.1. This is not the same as gain, as gain is a software solution, whereas I need to control the mic input level on the microphone itself. Does someone know if this is possible and how I'd do it? ...

openal pitch shift.

Can anyone tell me why the volume becomes lower when I make the pitch higher in openal? The higher the pitch, the lower the volume..... alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1.2f); alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, 1.0f); with this setting, the volume is still very very low. is there a way to cheat it to make the gain above 1? Maybe this has somethin...

How do I set the side buttons to only change the media volume and not the ringer volume?

My app plays short audio files and if you want to increase or decrease the volume you have to press the side buttons really fast while it's playing, otherwise you increase/decrease the ringer volume on your phone. I was looking through the API and I can't find a way to set the default to the media volume? Does anyone know if I'm missing...

Slight noise problem when changing the volume in my soft synth

Hi, I'm writing a little software synthesizer and it sounds pretty decent except for a slight noise when the volume changes. e.g. while the volume is changing, a sine wave sounds more like a flute, when the volume is constant it sounds bright and pure. As the volume changes pretty much constantly because of the ADSR, this is very annoyin...

Audiotoolbox Sound Volume Issue

I have some Audiotoolbox sounds. I created a sound in a UIViewController A. Using AudioServices functions, I play them, and it's fine. When I change the system sound volume via device (with my finger), the sound's volume behaves just fine and changes accordingly. But then I alloc another UIViewController B and add its view as a subvie...

Music volume influences sound effects volume

Hi! On one hand, I have a MPMusicPlayerController playing music, on the other, I play sound effects like this: NSString *sound_path=[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"snd_special_explode" ofType:@"caf"]; CFURLRef url =(CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:sound_path]; SystemSoundID specialExplode; AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(...

Block USB, based on Volume/Capacity

Hello, I want to block a USB based on volume using C#. Like I want to block USB stick if capacity is greater than 8GB. Look there is a method to block USB on PC using registry. but this will make USB undetectable so I can not get volume information. I want to do that If my client program is running on some machine and I put restriction...

Android: device specific volume issues

My app uses the MediaPlayer for audio playback and gives the user the option to switch between AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL and AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC (Earphone and SpeakerPhone) Everything works great on the emulator, HTC Droid Eris, and HTC Incredible. However when we went to test the app on the new HTC G2, the audio was so quiet...

Audio Processing: Playing with volume level

I want to read a sound file from application bundle, copy it, play with its maximum volume level(Gain value or peak power, I'm not sure about the technical name of it), and then write it as another file to the bundle again. I did the copying and writing part. Resulting file is identical to input file. I use AudioFileReadBytes() and Audi...

How to set channel gain in OpenAL?

I tried alBufferf (myChannelId, AL_MAX_GAIN (and AL_GAIN), volumeValue); and got error 0xA002. ...

AIX vg creation problem in shell script

Creating a volume group using mkvg -y trialvg xyz works but the same line represented like this mkvg -y $vg_name $dev_name in a shell script causes the following problem : bash-4.0# ./execute_AIX.sh Creating VG trialvg with device xyz Executing Command: mkvg -y trialvg xyz 0519-100 libodm: Cannot open the object class collection file. ...

What is the principle of VirtualBox's dynamic size hard disk?

Do you know TrueCrypt Project? It makes a container file and formats it. The container file will be seen as like a volume. An we do I/O to the volume, the I/O will be crypted. By the way, can the container file size be flexible like virtualbox's dynamic hard disk(.vdi file)? I made a crypt driver like the TrueCrypt. But my container f...

MPVolumeView appearing in other cells.

Hi, i am using the code below to implement a volume view into a cell. [[cell detailTextLabel] setText: @""]; MPVolumeView *systemVolumeSlider = [[MPVolumeView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(100, 10, 200, 100)]; [cell addSubview: systemVolumeSlider]; [self.view addSubview:cell]; [systemVolumeSlider release]; //[MPVolumeView r...

Could not disable volume control notification icon on Ubuntu 10.10

I am annoyed with the pop up of volume control notification on GUI of my Ubuntu 10.10 ,The volume slide bar moves automatically.Its flickering on my screen and hinders my work.I wonder why ,I am new to Ubuntu ,Please let me know how to put off this notification I tried sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notificatio...