I want to prevent the parent config in our IIS 7 app from pushing down the following section to any sub web.configs in any applications under the parent application.
<sectionGroup name="system.web.extensions" type="System.Web.Configuration.SystemWebExtensionsSectionGroup, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Cultu...
Let me clear with my Question, I have say 100 classes all these 100 classes implements 1 interface say IDependency, say suppose my classname is Customer it implements IDependency
public class Customer : IDependency
public class Order:IDependency
it goes on till 100 classes
And I am registering this class in web.config like
<type typ...
I'm using VS 2005 for web forms.
Looking at the web.config I see a stateConnectionString attribute.
Is this really needed?
When is this needed?
How is this used?
I toggled customErrors=On in web.config, set the defaultRedirect for my custom Error.aspx page. However, this is only to prevent application errors from spitting out code - I'd still like IIS to handle 404s etc. with its default handlers, since they work fine.
Any way to specify in my ASP.NET app or IIS for IIS to take priority?
I know...
Hi (I'm pretty new to this),
I have a login control in my C# program and once the user logs in, they are able to see links to other programs (a portal). Is it possible to hide the 'create new user' link to everyone except the admin once the user has logged in? Is this something I'd change in the web.config as I only want admins to be ab...
Simple task, but for some reason no simple solution just yet.
We've all got web.config files - and I haven't worked anywhere yet that doesn't have the problem where someone yells across the room "Sh*t, I've just uploaded the wrong web.config file".
Is there a simple way of being able to auto generate a web.config file that will contain...
I have a type in my App_Code folder from a Web Site project that I want to refer to in Web.config. The type attribute is requiring me to put in an assembly name. The internets is failing me with what to put in for the assembly.
Specifically in,
<add type...
I control the code but not the server and the person at the other end knows as much about IIS as I do.
I have the classic:
<customErrors mode="Off"/>
in my root level web.config, but am not seeing error details. Could the above have been overriden by a setti...
When convering a asp.net 1.0 app to run with asp.net 3.5 vs.net 2008, do I need to modify the web.config?
I'm using a custom configuration section in my web.config file for ASP.NET
One of my fields is:
<add percent="5" label="<5%" />
As you can see in label I have a "<" sign - this is causing errors. How can I store this value there without having compile issue?
I have a SharePoint web part (essentially just a "Hello World" app) that I just created and am having a problem deploying it. I have signed the .dll, created the .dwp, and registered it as a safe control in web.config. I am able to add it to the Web Part Gallery and add the details for it; however, when I attempt to add it to a page, I g...
I'm running my app on shared hosting.
When I run the latest changes on my dev server, everything works fine - When I upload, I see the generic "Error occured but isn't being shown" message.
If I change my web.config to include
CustomErrors mode="off"
then I still see the same error message.
I'm guessing that one of my recent c...
but free :-)
I am wondering how do I set a timeout for a user if they don't do any requests after say 10mins there session is killed and they are logged out.
I have in my webconfig this
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn"
I have the following seetings in my web.config file.
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="90000" maxRequestLength="204800" />
But I am not able to upload anyfile which are greater than 50MB. Wht could be the reason. The web browser keeps on waiting for the upload to finish but anyfile lesser than 50MB gets uploaded without any issues. Are t...
How can we encrypt the connection string section in web.config file?
Hi All,
I have a ASP.NET web application in which I have references to a couple of Class Libraries I developed.
Each of these libraries has a version number set in the AssemblyInfo.cs file.
I would like to force the application to use only libraries with a specific version. i.e.
If I have User.dll of version which is a refere...
Hi there,
so i finished one of my ASP.NET-projects and want to deploy it on the productive server. And suddenly WHOOM: Runtime error!
Okay, no problem; look at the error message, see the stack trace, solve problem, everybody happy. Peanuts!
The server tells me, that the customErrors-Settings in my web.config are set that no error mess...
How do I set the batch size for Nhibernate? I'd like to do this in the web.config. The examples I see, don't make a lot of sense to me.
In this example they are using code to set the batch size. I don't wnat to do that. I want it configurable in the web.config.
I understand how to add the config section, I just have read articles t...
Why are we using the machine.config file to store connection string although we have web.config file?
Any help would be appreciated.