
Recommended data model and data source for a Spring MVC website administration / configuration page?

I am interested in having a web configuration/admin page for a website. Is it more common to store a websites configuration in a database, xml, or .properties files? What does the data model (classes) usually look like? If stored in a file, is concurrent access typically handled and how? Are there any good examples for a generic site a...

Http Handler Configuration Problem

I try to config IIS 7.5 to use a managed http handler using web.config file with content below: It works perfectly on some verbs such as OPTION and PROPFIND, but can't catch GET command on existing files. What should I do to catch all verbs regardless of file existence? ...

Should I use 'Integrated Security=True' in a production environment?

Is it a bad practice to use Integrated Security=True on a production server in ASP.NET? ...

System.Configuration: Question on the Configuration.Save method

What is the difference between configuration.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified, true) and configuration.Save()? Background: I have a programme, where I manipulate a web.config, which I use for configuring WCF Services. I load it into a Configuration object, change some attributes and save it back. When I use configuration.Save(Configu...

log4net with NHibernate is only logging while not providing a logger name in web.config

I'm working on a ASP.NET MVC application. In my solution, I have some projects: Domain - class library, my DAL. Reference NHibernation etc, but not log4net. WebUI - ASP.NET MVC project, references log4net. Does NOT reference NHibernate (hence the DAL project) In my web.config, I have configured log4net this way: ...

Web.config in a subdirectory ignored

We have a web.config in a physical subdirectory of a virtual directory that's under an application in an IIS site. Something like this: Site App Web.config Virtual Dir Subdir Web.config In the Web.config we put this configuration in system.web: <webServices> <protocols> <add name="HttpPost" /> <add name="HttpGet" /...

It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level

Hi Excepts, I want to manage two web.config file in a application one for the front-end user and second for the back-end(admin) user.for admin section I have created a folder with name admin in the same website.following settiongs are in the admin/web.config ...

sql server driver name

Hi, How do I find what string is to be put in my ASP.NET application config file in the 'driver' attribute for the dataAccess node? So here is the node to be clear: <add name="somenamehere" driver="I want to know what goes in here???" connectionStringName="somenamehere"/> Its a MS SQL Server 2008. I am sorry if this has been answered...

Web config size limit exceeded under IIS7 0x80070032

I have a web.config file which is quite large in my current solution running on IIS7. It's working perfect on my dev server however I encounter the error 0x80070032 "Config Error Cannot read configuration file because it exceeds the maximum file size" My current solution uses a very large web.config file. The architecture of my CMS ap...

Config file content management for .net applications

I am looking for a proven approach for management of configuration file (app.config and web.config) and its contents for .NET applications. The objectives are: Keep the file's content encrypted to eliminate unwanted change by unauthorised way. Have a user interface to change tags, values for particular sections Manage which sections ar...

web.release.config change dynamic webservice url

I'm editing my web.release.config file for production. I want the web.config file changed after a publish. I found how to change the web.config by using the web.release.config file properly, but not for this particular component. The URL of an dynamic webservice has to change. In the web.config: <applicationSettings> <FooService.P...

ASP.NET: Where to store application settings?

Recently, I discovered that the "Web.Config" file contains an <appSettings> section which seemed good for storing one's Application Settings. Heck, it even has a programmatic way to access the file thru a standard System library. So being all clever, I wrote an Interface to access it and then a Concrete implementation of the interface, s...

Visual Studio 2010 hangs on loading web.config

I have a weird situation: Visual Studio 2010 will hang up indefinitely on me when opening certain websites. It prompts me for my credentials and loads up much of the project tree, and then just hangs at the "Preparing Solution..." dialog, which just then never goes away. In every case, the status bar of VS says that it is currently loadi...

After migrating a website from vs2005 to vs2010 we get a build error - ASPPARSE: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ?

Hi, We have a vs2005 solution including 2 websites. We converted the solution to vs2010 and changed all settings in IIS and in the config file to use framework 4.0. We removed the old assembly references in webconfig file and added references to the new versions of the assemblies. And here the problem comes. When we add a refererence to...

Configuring an additonal sub login area with ASP.NET membership?

Hi, I have a main login for my client facing website configured with ASP.NET membership. I also have a secondary login for my admin backoffice called /admin with a login page /admin/login.aspx upon logging in it should direct to: /admin/secure/ I've placed a web.config file in /admin/secure/ as follows <?xml version="1.0"?> <config...

Creating a typed configuration class using MS Enterprise Library 5.0

I have a ASP.Net 4.0 web application for which I need to create typed configuration class. What I mean is as follows: class SettingsClass { int count; string name; decimal amount; } Should map to the configuration file as: <MyAppSettings> <xmlSerializationSection type="..."> <SettingsClass> <count>...

how to set maximum password length in web.config file?

I had set minRequiredPasswordLength,minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters in membership section of web.config file. but i need maximum password length also to set. how to set in web.config file? ...

403.14 and defaultDocument

We are having a problem on our web server which is driving us mad!! When we define defaultDocument in our web.config we always get the dreaded 403.14 Http error. The config is (inside system.webserver): <defaultDocument enabled="true"> <files> <clear/> <add value="~/Forms_Mosaic/Our System.aspx"/> </files> </def...

Adding tracelistener to web.config

I want to use below code with a website. Which config sections I should add to web.config to log the output into a file or windows eventlog ? using System.Diagnostics; // Singleton in real code Class Logger { // In constructor: Trace.AutoFlush = false; public void Log(message) { String formattedLog = formatLog(message)...

WCF service with a version for QA and PROD

Here is my scenario...I have a WPF app that talks to a WCF service. The connection string settings are in the WCF service. The WCF service can be deployed to two different web sites, one for QA and one for PROD (each with its own URI). I want my WPF app to be able to be run using QA data or PROD data. Basically, I would pass a pa...