
How to receive SMS "from around the world" and save in website database?

From few months ago when i was using twitter, i was able to send twitter a SMS and when i go home and check my twitter page, i see the SMS i sent is on the website as a tweet. "That was great" Now, i want to make the same in my website, so someone will send my website SMS as a command and my website will save this command in the db for ...

jQuery UI multiple selections

Hello see this demo from jquery ui you have to hold down the Ctrl key to make multiple selections I really like the code but I don't want to force my visitor to press ctrl key I want the code to allow multiple selections without holding ctrl key is this possible? ...

How to pass multiple checkboxes using jQuery ajax post

Hello How to pass multiple checkboxes using jQuery ajax post this is the ajax function function submit_form(){ $.post("ajax.php", { selectedcheckboxes:user_ids, confirm:"true" }, function(data){ $("#lightbox").html(data); }); } and this is my form <form> <input type='checkbox' name='user_ids[]' value='1'id='checkbox_1' /...

How to send extra info in nagios email

I have setup a nagios monitoring and configured check_http plugin to check for a specific URL in my application. That url returns either 'ok' or an error message. My nagios sends me an email when it detects something not 'ok'. However what I am getting is only "HTTP CRITICAL - string not found". What I would like to get in email is the ...

Using the ClassLoader method to retrieve all resources under classes as Input Streams

Hello there, My problem is one that you would think is quite common, but I haven't so far managed to find a solution. Building a Java web app under Tomcat 5.5 (although a requirement is that it can be deployed anywhere, like under a WebLogic environment, hence the loading resources as streams requirement). Good practice dictates that r...

Rewriting a midsize application in OO.

What are some apraoches i can take to rewrite fairly large procedural php roughly 2000 lines of code app as an oo app. And should i even try to do so, or should i build on top of the existing app? I wrote it when i was learning programming and i now i want to expand it. ...

How to save the order for jQuery UI portlet plugin?

Hello I am using the portlet plugin from jQuery UI my question is: is it possible to save the order of the portlets in the database so when the user come back he can see his portlets sorted in the same order?How? Thanks ...

ASP.NET Membership Provider - Specify settings in database rather than Web.config

I'm using the ASP.NET membership provider for authentication of users in my web app. I want to do two things To enable the client to configure settings such as maxInvalidPasswordAttempts and passwordAttemptWindow without having to know about the web.config (e.g. through a UI) To have the ability to share these settings across several ...

Effective Techniques for Password Retrieval in Modern Web Applications

Hi, We've been working on web application where in we need to implement traditional web-apps functionality of password retrieval. According to the trends there are approaches like.. Sending Password reset link to user's email. Asking Secret Question to the user for Password recovery. Resetting the existing Password and creating a new ...

extract urls from text in PHP

Hello I have this text $string = "this is my friend's website http://example.com I think it is coll"; how can I extract the link into another variable I know it should be by using regular expression especially "preg_match" but I don't know how? Thanks ...

Is there any HTML URL encoding function freely available on web?? (Implementation in C)

I want to use URL encoder for my C program. I am wondering if there is any freely available URL encoding function implemented in C (on the web)??? I tried searching it, but couldn't get one :( ...

Required reading for a soon-to-be web developer

I am about to start working with web development after doing (non-web) server and client development for about ten years. I'm not looking for info on any particular framework, library or about TCP/IP. What I am looking for is reading (dead tree or online) that will help me understand the different challenges and terminology that is ne...

Let user review a file before uploading it

I am programming a control to allow the users of our intranet to upload multiple files into our system, but with some added functionality. Imagine you as a user are uploading N files, when you add N files the intranet presents you a list like this: File_name_1 ..... [View] [Remove] [Upload] File_name_2 ..... [View] [Remove] [Upload] . ...

Width of IE explorer scroll bar?

I have a client with a resolution Width of 1200 on their monitor and I need to maximize the width of my web site but I don't want the client to have to use the horizontal scroll bar. What is the max width you can use in a website in IE 7 with a screen resolution of 1200 without needing to use a horizontal scroll bar(Other users will hav...

Key Shortcuts in Web Application

I'm thinking about creating some keyboard shortcuts to my web application. But, most of the important shortcuts are already attached to the browser itself (like F1, F2, Fn; Ctrl+N; Ctrl+P, Alt+P, Alt+A, etc...) I've notice that the browsers don't use any Shift+Key combination. But, Shift+Key are already reserved to type uppercase lette...

Refactor to Design Pattern: displaying/hiding different combinations of controls based on state

Assume you have controls A, B, C, D and E all with a Visibility property. You also have states 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 in which various combinations of your controls would be displayed. Currently this is being handled by switch statements for each state: i.e. Select Case PageState case "1" a.visible = false b.visible = true ...

Pros and Cons of a separate image server (e.g. images.mydomain.com)?

We have several images and PDF documents that are available via our website. These images and documents are stored in source control and are copied content on deployment. We are considering creating a separate image server to put our stock images and PDF docs on - thus significantly decreasing the bulk of our deployment package. Does an...

How to give a page focus again so that the space bar pages down in FF?

I have an ajax script with a "get more posts" button that inserts a couple screens/viewports worth of information. In doing this, the document looses focus at some point and thus the default behavior of the space bar (page down) doesn't work in firefox. How can I focus the document again to regain the default behavior? What components c...

What should a Multipart HTTP request with multiple files look like?

I'm working on an iPhone app that makes a multipart HTTP request with multiple image files. It looks like what's happening, on the server side, is that one of the images is getting parsed properly, but the other two files are not. Can anybody post a sample HTTP multipart request that contains multiple image files? ...

apache prefork/mod_wsgi spawned process count seemingly past configuration

in a production environment running nginx reversing back to apache mpm-prefork/mod_wsgi, im seeing 90 apache child processes, when i would expect that 40 would be the maximum, as configured below. the configuration/setup is nothing exciting: nginx is reverse proxying to apache via proxy_pass, and serving static media apache only serves...