
JQuery: Toggle question

How do you fire a JQuery toggled event once, and only once, another JQuery toggled event has been completed? I have the following: I have <div id="displayDivWhenPageLoads">...</div> - this DIV is show (visible) when the web page loads. I also have <div id="displayDivWhenToggledSelected">...</div> - this DIV is hidden (display:none) wh...

HTML & CSS: How I can make an image's bottom edge align with text?

In my HTML pages I have text with imgs. The top edge of the img is aligned with the top of the text, but I want the bottom of the img to be aligned with the text. How can this be done? UPDATE Now I see this is the default behaviour, but it doesn't happen in my page. What could possibly be wrong? ...

JQuery - which .js do I need to download just to use the 'toggle' functionality?

What's the minimum JavaScript I need if all I want to do is use the JQuery toggle functionality? I'm confused if I need to download everything from http://jqueryui.com/download Or if I can use just the base JQuery from jquery.com ...

Web development: Should I learn PHP?

I am a student at university and I want to get in touch with web development. But I don't know which language I should learn. I have a strong C++ and Java background. I tried JavaEE but it's difficult to host JavaEE Projects. Almost all server hosters run PHP, (python, perl). I would like to start with PHP. The Question is : Should i s...

Extract data webpage

Folks, I'm tryning to extract data from web page using C#.. for the moment I used the Stream from the WebReponse and I parsed it as a big string. It's long and painfull. Someone know better way to extract data from webpage? I say WINHTTP but isn't for c#.. ...

Planning web applications

I'm about to start building new start-up so i need some guidelines from you. What's the best way to plan a website? I don't think like "first design, then the database relations, then start development", but "how to plan the way application is going to work"? Are there some proven methods, like THE best way to do website 'blueprints', ...

jQuery: take existing HTML, modify one node, then reinject

I have a blob of HTML that I'm retrieving using simple jQuery selectors, something like the following: <div id="stuff"> <ul> <li>some</li> <li class="ninja">stuff</li> </ul> </div> I'm basically doing: var myblock = $("#stuff").html(); now I want to inject an additional li element to the bottom of that li list with very si...

How to detect if visitor is still on website (besides polling)?

Is there a simple way to detect if the visitor is still viewing a page on a web page that does not require polling the server every X seconds? If there was something less taxing on the server, that would be ideal. ...

object reference not set to an instance of object

i have a webapplication that only for saving a uploadded video file's path to the sqlserver database.i have a bussiness logicslayer in the application .iam using asp.net/vb.net. i put this in the bll for connecting with stored procedure, Dim Db As Database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() there is a error that-- object reference not ...

Is it possible to create a form using only JS?

Hi All, I am trying to create a form using only JavaScript. I mean create a form for a web page, add elements to it, set their values and submit the form. Moreover, if JS is disabled in the browser the normal HTML form should get submitted. Is there any way to achieve this? Thank You All. ...

www not present in some websites

why don't some websites have "www" after http:// .. for eg stackoveflow does not have "www" ...

Wordpress - Skip category page if only one post in category

Hi there, I'm trying to figure out a way of being able to click a link in a sidebar and skip straight to a single page if there is only one post in a category. This is the website I've built for the company I work for. For example. If you click on the "Kings Theatre" link in the sidebar (under "browse by client") it goes to a category p...

blocked links in sitemap

i'm using a online sitemap generator tool which generates links even for which are blocked in robots.txt. Is these blocked links affect site ranking ? . Is there anyway to overcome it ? ...

Starting a new Site - Should I "Use a Template" or "Write from Scratch"

I have been thinking of starting a site of my own for long time. I am good at all concepts of C#/ASP.NET and all DB stuff. I have created and can create a site from scratch for myself. But the effort/time involved in creating a site from scratch is little discouraging, where next thing (and more important thing) I need to worry about is ...

jquery: using appendTo in second to last row of table

I have a piece of the DOM that I'd like to insert into my page. Currently I'm just blindly using: $(myblob).appendTo(someotherblob); How do I do the same thing, but append myblob to the second to last row that is within someotherblob. someotherblob in this case is a table and I want to inject a row above the second to last one. ...

What to replace FrontPage with?

I use FrontPage for two different tasks; authoring html help and authoring a couple of websites. The websites don't require a lot of stuff -- they are there to disseminate a bit of information to a couple of small audiences. FrontPage has been quick and easy for these tasks. WYSIWYG is good for these jobs and I like being able to click ...

What is the best way to create a number-used-once security token in PHP?

For security purposes, I would like to create a security token for every CRUD operation on a site running a LAMP stack. The security token would be attached to the a href URL and would be verified after the user clicks on the link before displaying or doing anything. First of all, are using security tokens a good first step in securing ...

PHP request handler script and SEO

Would using a central "page handler" affect SEO negatively? eg A page request comes in for www.mysite.com/index.php, which mod_rewrite passes on as www.mysite.com/handler.php?page=index. Handler.php gathers the page-specific includes, language files and templates, and outputs the resultant html. My understanding is that the page handle...

How to copy code and paste in Rich Text Format with syntax highlighting?

I want to ability to select code from my program such as dreamweaver or visual studio and then paste the code into a word file or my favourite work processor and have the syntax highlighted as well. Is there a website that can provide this service with the ability to highlight syntax from various languages? ...

What's the best practice for single sign on at one web server?

We have some apps written in classic ASP, ASP.NET and PHP. They are all in one same web server. We want to transfer between the apps who is currently log in or none, we do not need to transfer everything in the session object. What is the best way? We need secure and high performance. Thanks. ...