
jpg displaying differently in Firefox and IE

I've recently been working on a website that uses a mix of png and jpg files. I used a few jpgs because of size issues. Everything was working great, until I tested it in IE. In all versions of IE that I tested it in, the jpgs were lighter, and the colors didn't match with my pngs. Firefox: IE: As you can see, this is a bit of a ...

Can I compile my PHP script to a faster executing format?

I have a PHP script that acts as a JSON API to my backend database. Meaning, you send it an HTTP request like: http://example.com/json/?a=1&b=2&c=3... it will return a json object with the result set from my database. PHP works great for this because it's literally about 10 lines of code. But I also know that PHP is slow and...

How to make your web framework popular ?

I am developing open source web framework, it's almost ready but I still do not know how to promote it. What would you advice ? (except spamming stackoverflow, of course:) ) ...

Best pdf generator in PHP , mpdf or fpdf?

hi all, Which is th best pdf generator for php, i know some opensources libs mpdf and fpdf.. Thanx in advance ...

Impact of IDNs on web developers?

Hi, So, the BBC just released the story that ICANN is going to approve non-latin scripts for use in domain names (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8333194.stm). I'm wondering what influence this will have on us web developers. Are we going to see errors when we're grabbing referral urls, or large numbers of unicode issues when cr...

Does ec2 have good latency?

For keeping a website with significant traffic, how good is the latency on Amazon EC2? I have heard that it is slow for websites and web apps. Is this true? ...

How to check password strenth in asp.net?

I want to check the strength of the password entered by user during registration. I have to make some regular expression for it. Any Insights. ...

Overriding Django views with decorators

I have a situation that requires redirecting users who are already logged in away from the login page to another page. I have seen mention that this can be accomplished with decorators which makes sense, but I am fairly new to using them. However, I am using the django login and a third party view (from django-registration). I do not ...

How to store parts of form-data when they're on separate pages?

Whenever I'm to prepare a long form for the client I always want to split it into separate pages, so the visitor doesn't have to fill it all, but does it in steps. Something like: Step 1 > Step 2 > Step 3 > Thank You! I've never done it for one reason: I don't know how to store the data from separate steps efficiently? By efficien...

getenv("HTTP_XXX) return nothing

Hello! Why this code return "" : $ip = ""; if(getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP")) { $ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"); } elseif(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")) { $ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"); } else { $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); } Environment: W2003EE, IIS 6.0, PHP 5.2.9 (ISAPI) $_SERVER is a built-in PHP variable. getenv() look...

Recommened SQL Priviledges for MySQL users for CMS'es

I have been experimenting with a lot of web development apps like Drupal, Moodle, Efront and Elgg lately. For better security, I run test servers on a XAMPP setup on a virtual XP machine inside Mac OS X 10.4, using Parallels. I think this should be pretty secure, right? When installing software like Elgg, it asks me to create a user in ...

Efficient way to display Inbox(1) count in a webapp w/o calling DB for each page request

In my web application we have built a message center / inbox functionality, in the navigation of each page we link to the "Message Center" and include next to it a count of the unread messages, for example "Message Center (2)". To populate the (2), with each request we run a *SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MessageTable WHERE unread = true blah bl...

Design/Development of Portals

What things one should keep in mind while designing and developing Portals ? What design considerations would change with different types of portals like information portal, content management portal, application centric portal, content centric portal, vertical enterprise portals and horizontal enterprise portals ? ...

PHP exec() function

Hi All, I developed a program on windows xp and I used exec to run a ".bat" file and it worked fine. I copied the exact program on windows 2003 and the bat file didn't run. I used echo before the exec function and it seemed to work fine, I mean it echoed : D:\xampp\htdocs\x>RunDLL32.EXE printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "HP LaserJet P2015 ...

Is it possible to develop completely 'javascript-free' website or web-application ?

Hi, I'm an ASP.NET developer having started long back in classic ASP. In Classis ASP everything had to be done manually, no smart-debugging support and not so great IDEs like VS [except DreamWeaver]. Just a 'subjective' thought as it came in I wish to discuss it here as 'community-wiki'. Is It possible to develop completely 'javascript...

What is difference between Interaction design, Visual Design, Web design, UX design, UI design, UI development?

What is difference between Interaction design, Visual Design, Web design, UX design, UI design, UI development? BTB, link found below answered for UI Vs UX. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1334496/difference-between-ui-and-ux ...

Using JavaScript "Regular Expression" in Asp.Net

I want to check password strength of password entered by user in Asp.Net page. I have comeup with a javascript regular expression to do it. But I am not sure How to match string using regular expression. I have write this code, but its not working. I think there is an error in line if (true==checkspace.exec(password)) alert...

How can I correctly remove an AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior from a component in Apache Wicket?

I'm having trouble with adding and then removing an AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior in Apache Wicket. The behaviour gets added okay but then as soon as I remove the behavior I get a "Page Expired" come up in the browser very soon, I guess because the removal wasn't clean. My set up is basically a label which starts changing by timer, and...

Should I put images on a subdomain to speed up website loading?

I read somewhere that browsers can only send a few concurrent request to resources on a domain. So if we split the resources across subdomains or may be domains .. will it speed up things? Did you experiment something like this? What were the results or issues if any? ...

How to get the bounding box of a wrapping inline element with prototype.

I used to use cumulativeOffset() and getDimensions() to calculate the bounding box of elements, but just realized that cumulativeOffset returns the top left corner oft the start of an element. Meaning: if an inline element wraps, and the next line is more to the left than the start, I get a displaced bounding box. After researching a bi...