
URL contain Special characters Giving Problem in IE7 and Firefox

hello every one I am trying to open .pdf file in IE7 and firefox, But its not working Actualy There is Hyperlink on HTML page on That Hyperlink click event i m opening .PDF file Problem with file name when i used to open file D:\Documents\Doc\Trans1\1\Pages from 818 averill avenue 1_001-5.pdf its working fine in all browsers but whe...

IIS web.config setting turns url in to parameter

I did this on another project and now I can't make it work. I need to set up the virtual address's in the web.config so that the URL http://my.webspace.com/thesite/animal/dog/puppy actualy goes to the page /thesite/animal.html with dog and puppy in the parameters. ...

How would you optimise/simulate 'random' loading of large image files?

We use large background images (hi-res photos, up to 700 KB) for our page design. It's part of the experience of the site that as you browse around, you see different images. At the moment a different (random) image is loaded on each page request, from a pool of ~15 images, which could grow over time. I'm looking for a sane way to opti...

Is it safe to assume Javascript is always turned on?

Duplicate: Do web sites really need to cater for browsers that don’t have Javascript enabled? Only supporting users who have Javascript enabled. How common is it for Javascript to be disabled How many people disable Javascript? I've been doing web applications on and off for a few years now and each application I write seem...

Losing Text Input on the Web

How many times has this happened to you? You are typing a long block of text into a form on a web page and you click next or submit or whatever. Then an error occurs. So you click back to fix the error and your whole spiel is gone! Today I heard a coworker cussing at our help desk software, because he typed a long solution in and got a...

What does ${imagepath} refer to in a CSS file?

I am trying to adapt a perl script that is used to generate a splash page for a public wifi installation. I was only given a couple example files to work from and no documentation. After several hours on the phone with the access point vendor I was told I could "just edit" the examples in order to design our custom page. I am trying to u...

Using PL/SQL, what are good options for sending large amounts of data to client side code?

Using PL/SQL, what are good options for sending large amounts of data to client side code? To elaborate, server side PL/SQL operates on a request and generates a response with a large amount of data that must be sent to the client side code. Are there "good options" for sending down large amounts of data? What types of Oracle pros/cons ...

How to increment a counter each page load (in PHP)?

I want a certain action to happen when a user has visited X pages of a site Do I have to store the counter externally (in a txt file or db)? I can't think of a way to set the counter to 0, then increment it each page load. The counter would always get reset to 0, or am I missing something obvious? ...

Add Expires or Cache Control Header to static content in IIS

After running the YSlow plugin on a site, I saw that one of the recommendations was to add far future expires headers to the scripts, stylesheets, and images. I would like to do this, does anyone have experience with this? I am using IIS 7 and I read an article from Microsoft but am not interested in disabling caching for asp pages o...

Easy way to handle developemnt/production URLs in flex air app

Easy way to handle developemnt/production URLs in flex air app? I want to point to my local box for testing, but when I launch I want it to automatically point to the production URL. ...

How do different browsers handle caching for static content without an Expires Header?

After running the YSlow plugin on a site, I saw that one of the recommendations was to add far future expires headers to the scripts, stylesheets, and images. I asked a different question about how to set this up in IIS, but I am actually just curious about how each browser behaves. I have read that IE will cache items per browsing s...

Conceptual/Generalized Web Programming Book Recommendation?

About me: I am just a few years out of college (with a computer science degree). I am quite familiar with C, C++, and most of all Objective-C, and comfortable (but not super knowledgeable) with bash scripting and Lisp. In my career I've mostly only been doing QA type work on a cross-platform Mac/Windows server product. And I've written n...

Deploying only changed part of a website with git to ftp (svn2web for git)

I'm having a website with many big images file. The source (as well as the images) is maintained with git. I wish to deploy that via ftp to a bluehost-like cheap server. I do not wish to deploy all the website each time (so that I won't have to upload too many unchanged files over and over), but to do roughly the following: In a git r...

Slider On/Off Switch in WPF

Hi, I am looking for a WPF tutorial on creating a slide ON/OFF switch like on the iPhone. Here is an example (the "Send all traffic" option) https://secure-tunnel.com/support/software_setup/iphone/images/iphone_vpn_settings.jpg Any ideas? Cheers, Kevin. ...

service that takes xxx. and resolves to IP

Does anyone know of a free service that's out there that takes xxx. and resolves to IP I need this so that I can launch ec2 boxes and point my selenium test scripts at them. I would just use IPs but I need the subdomains to work. Or is there some alternative way to accomplish the same goal? I don't want to...

How can I stop Internet Explorer from creating new instances?

Is it a way to stop IE to create a new instance everytime it encounters a popup window? I'm debugging two Silverlight applications at the same time. The first one creates new popup window with the second one. Debugging works fine in FireFox because it does not create a separate process. But IE creates new instance and of course Visual St...

How to cancel navigation when user clicks a link?

I'm trying to load some stuff using AJAX when a user clicks a link, but I want the link to actually go somewhere so that the app still works when javascript is disabled. Is there any way to just do something with javascript and cancel navigation when a link is clicked? What's the best practice? Can that be done, or do I need to replace ...

How to force IE to reload javascript?

I'm using IE 8 on Vista, and everytime I change a javascript file and then start debugging, I have to hit Ctrl+F5 to have it reload my javascript. Is there any way to make it automatically reload javascript when I start debugging, but not lose the performance gains when just browsing the net? Yeah yeah I know you probably don't like IE,...

JSON viewer for Linux

Can anyone recommend a good JSON viewer (or even editor) for Linux? ...

GWT integration in existing J2EE application

Hi , I am new to GWT.I have developed a GWT application in version-1.6.4 and it is working fine.Now I want to integrate with that project in existing J2EE application.I dont know how to go ahead? Where to copy GWT source codes in existing J2EE application.I am using RPC also in GWT. Can anyone provide help on this? Thanks. ...