When working with MasterPages, a common irritation I run into is that script tags in the master are relative to the consuming page.
So for instance, your JavaScript might work if your consuming page is in the root of your app, but when you put another page in a subfolder, the relative path breaks and the JavaScript is not foun...
Renting houses can be nasty so I need to automate it. Please, have a look at here. If you make a mistake, all of your changes are gone. I tried to insert the values in the url like:
but it does not work. What is the problem?
My last question was somewhat narrower than this one.
I am interested to know how to track search terms in general. How would you install Google Analytics to simple form with a submit button (assuming there is only one field)?
Once I created a form builder where user could select any number of fields for a web form. The tool then produced a code snippet which user could copy in the JSP.
The submitted form data was stored as a key-value pairs in the DB, so basically just two columns were required for the form specific data. If I remember right, the processing ...
After having worked in MVC for a few months, I'm back in a previously written WebForms 3.5 application, and I'm trying to fix up what I can with what I've learned.
Part of this is the "strongly-typed model with a partial view" concept which is incredibly awesome. By inheriting my custom "ListTemplate" control, I can then use its GetMod...
How can I disable a DropDownList in ASP.NET?
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Effective Total Hours">
<%# Eval("TotalHoursEffect")%>
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlEditTotalHoursEffect" AppendDataBoundItems="true"
DataSourceID="dsTHMsql" DataValueField="Minutes" Enabled...
I have to add Wufoo-like WYSIWYG form-builder functionality to a Rails webapp.
Does anyone know of good resources (gems/engines/plugins/example code) that would help?
The question seems to be trivial, but i didn't found an answer with google.
If I have multiple independent controls in a web-form, e.g. DropDownLists and grid, and I need to use postback information from one eventhandler in another eventhandler, therefore i need to make it fire properly one after aonther.
I see a lot of indirect ways ...
I have a third-party CustomControl which requires some info for databinding or anything else what it happen in a postback event handler.
Trying to send this info via, say, dropDownList i face that this dropdownlist postback event handler isn't firing before CustomControlEventHandler, as it happens in ASP.Net. What is usual workaround?
is this solution possible in
i just want to be able to move an image around on a webform
I'm looking to get rid of the code-behind for a control in my WebForms 3.5 application. Again bitten by the bug of how it's done in MVC, I'd like to get a step closer to this methodology by doing:
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="Core.DataTemplate<Models.NewsArticle>" %>
This gives me the parser error you'd expect, so I remembered...
I've created another header row for a gridview programmatically. In this row I have a few controls including a label that I want to align all the way to the left of the cell. The one cell has a columnspan of 7 so it runs across the entire gridview. how do i align that label programmatically??
Dim cell As New TableCell
Dim lblfilter ...
How come my button refuses to do a postback in my super small learning ASP.Net MVC application?
<legend>Blog message</legend>
<%using (Html.BeginForm())
{ %>
<label for="EntryTitle">Title:</label><br />
<%= Html.TextBox("EntryTitle") %>
<label ...
I'm a Ruby on Rails / PHP guy, and my company got me to work with ASP.NET. It's not too bad, I'm glad to learn a new language but since I started working with this technology everyone is bothering me about Repeaters.
The thing is that I totally fail of seeing the point: what make using a repeater better than just displaying things in a ...
i have one page to design. in this it includes an , password text box,
My requirment is that when an user hit the submit button without entering any data, then it shows a message in red color at side of both the text box as "Cannot be empty"
How it can be done without using Javascript?
Lets say I have a webforms website, and I have a paged gridview. Inside the gridview there are links to other pages in the site, these links may be the only links in the entire site to this content. Currently google and other search engines can probably only follow the links that appear on the first page since the gridview pager ...
I'm looking for an ASP.NET control to show a series of ad images (maybe 3-5), that will cycle through the ads (with fading, preferably), and have navigation buttons so the user can jump around. Here's an example.
Any recommendations? Free is always nice, but I'm willing to spend to get the job done right. Also, I'm using Sitefinity, so ...
How can I make a DISPLAYED DATA(int) of a PARTICULAR COLUMN to be a hyperlink in a GRIDVIEW, so when I click on that DATA it will display details of that chosen row line items.
I have an update panel with a gridview and some radios inside it. Senario is that when user select a radio, some bottoms get visible. But after radio eventhandler is trigered, updatepanel contents get dissapered. Any idea about this problem?
<asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptManager_main" runat="server">
I wrote a UserControl that attaches a Javascript function to a form's submit button. The Javascript function ensures that the page is valid by calling Page_IsValid and then proceeds to execute some code. For the problematic pages, the Page_IsValid is set to true on first load. If I don't set the OnClientClick, Page_IsValid is correctly...