
problem with Chrome form handling: input onfocus="this.select()"

I'm using the following HTML code to autoselect some text in a form field when a user clicks on the field: input onfocus="this.select()" type="text" value="Search" This works fine in Firefox and Internet Explorer (the purpose being to use the default text to describe the field to the user, but highlight it so that on click they can j...

CSS Style Firefox/Safari/Chrome

hi, i have a problem with css differences between browsers. i have a simple input textfield an a submit button. the should be arranged. with webkit (safari/webkit) everything looks fine but firefox doesnt do it. does anyone have an idea whats wrong? i have written a little test html page: <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> #input ...

Disabling Scrollbars in WebKit (flat frame mode)

Hello, I'm embedding WebKit in a Windows C++ Application. I'm using the Cairo port. It works fine. I'd like to disable the scrollbars that appear when there's more data that the client area can display. Like the iPhone, the iPhone does not have scrollbars, scrolling is implemented differently. How can I disable the scrollbars programa...

Using HTTPPOST with WebViewClient

I am looking for an example of using a WebViewClient with shouldOverrideUrlLoading and using HttpPost. I need to display a web page, keep it within my layout boundaries so it can not launch a new browser and also use HttpPost to send data to the host. ...

iphone webkit css animations cause flicker

This is the iphone site: http://www.thevisionairegroup.com/projects/accessorizer/site/ After you click "play now" you'll get to a game. The guns will scroll in. You can scroll the purse and accessories up and down. You can see that when you let go they snap into place. Just as that snap happens, there's a flicker that occurs. The only w...

Css3 Transition on background transparent not working in Chrome 5

I`m trying to create an animation using CSS3 transition. The animation is a gradient background that should change his color (rgba). I used the webkit tag for the gradient and it`s working in Chrome 5.0.375.55. Sample code (something like this): .tag { -webkit-transition: all 1.0s ease-in-out; background-image: -webkit-gradient(radi...

How to insert a WebView into a cocoa app?

I'm rather new with the whole OSX programming, I wanted to stick a WebView into an empty app. Apparently it isn't as simple as sticking a WebView on a window in interface builder and creating an outlet. IBOutlet WebView *webView; It gives me a expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'WebView' and when I don't use an outlet, it te...

Rendering html/js in J2me app?

Is is possible to display html document in J2ME mobile app? Is it possible using for example WebKit? I was looking for some webkit's j2me implementation or some tutorial or advice in google but found nothing. ...

How to build an Ipad web app like GMAIL for the iPad

Hello, I'm interested in building am iPad web app like The GMAIL iPad web app. What is the best way to build it? What is the best framework? Jqtouch, webkit, etc. Thanks ...

CSSRules is empty

I have this very simple HTML page, and I'm trying to get the CSSRules of #poulet, but when I'm accessing the documents.styleSheets[0].cssRules I get this error in Chrome v5.0.375.55: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null Here is what my code looks like: HTML FILE <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link re...

How to save webpage in QT webkit as "save as complete webpage"

Hello, I need to save web page using QT webkit similar to "Save as complete webpage". Following are my requirements, Save the index html file, maintaining entity encoding. Need to download all linked images and other resources. Need to change resource path in html page to local downloaded path. Need to maintain webpage current stat...

Why won't this HTML work?

I have a span text block inside a paragraph. Inside this span block I have two paragraph breaks. On webkit, the browser renders the first paragraph correctly but fails back to browser default settings on the last two. Why? <style type="text/css"> span.post-content { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; }...

jQTouch animated table cell hight

Hi everybody, I am using jQTouch to show a table list. When a cell (really a <li> tag in jQTouch) is clicked, I would like to animate the height of the cell down to 0, then hide the element. I have tried using jquery.animate() for this, and it works on firefox/chrome/opera, but it is super slow on the iPhone. Does anyone have any id...

Turn off grey box when mousedown in Mobile Safari

On Mobile Safari, when you click on an element it gets a grey box around it between mousedown and mouseup. How do you turn this off? ...

mouseOver event-mapping on iPad Safari with webkit-user-select: none

I don't have an iPad yet to find this out; have had only a brief opportunity to look at one at the Apple store. Could someone please describe what, if anything, happens to the mouseOver event of an image-map area when the image-map|area has had user-select disabled with "webkit-user-select: none" in the CSS, as described here in section...

In Qt, can I QWebFrame::print() supply additional rendering layers?

I am leveraging WebKit from QWebFrame to convert HTML pages to PDF. Is it possible to apply some additional rendering logic before the page is sent to the QPrinter? What I want to do is to be able to convert links and form controls in HTML to interactive counterparts in PDF, instead of just a vector graphic dump? Thanks a lot for any g...

Webkit and IE breaking jQuery slideUp/Down function. FIXED!

Rephrasing a previous question, been worknig on it a while and have fixed a few issues, but remaining is that some menus don't expand or close when clicked in IE and Webkit browsers. Everything works perfectly fine in FF. And the Chrome Developer tools and IE's tools don't show any errors in the scripts. The FILTER MENY is meant to clos...

HTML5 Gaussian blur effect

How is apple able to achieve the (apparent) Gaussian blur effect for the photos in the background in this demo: http://www.apple.com/html5/showcase/gallery/ ...

How to fix flicker when using Webkit transforms & transitions

I have a very simple demo working that uses Webkit transforms and transitions for smooth horizontal scrolling between 'panels' (divs). The reason I want to go this route as opposed to a Javascript driven system is that it's for the iPad and Javascript performance is quite poor, but the css transforms and transitions are smooth as silk. ...

iPhone simulator for Windows

I would like an iPhone simulator for Windows. Something similar to this one here: http://css-tricks.com/video-screencasts/38-basics-tips-on-designing-for-the-iphone/ Note, this is NOT to test iPhone Apps... but rather, to test websites. I know I could just use a browser, but I was hoping for something with a bit more functionality ( sp...