
How to enable WebKitDeveloperExtras on Android's WebView

If I write a native Android application that uses android.webkit.WebView, how do I enable WebKitDeveloperExtras for it? I would like to be able to enable real script debugging via Web Inspector, not just dumping to a console. ...

iPhone webkit dialer not working

Hi, I've a simple dialer like this <a class="call" href="tel:18000000000">1 (800) 800-0000</a> It's not doing the call out. Do I need to set anything before that will work? Thanks, Tee ...

webkit-sharp for windows package

I wanted to try WebKit by following this tutorial, but gmcs compiler was't able to find "webkit-sharp-1.0" package. Where can i get it and how to install it? ...

step attribute not working with HTML5 <input type="range"> on Safari

Are there known issues with range inputs not working fully on Safari? I have the following input element: <input type=​"range" min=​"0" max=​"360" step=​"0.0001" value=​"0">​ On Chrome, the input goes according to the step variable. On Safari, it only goes by integer values. Even setting the step to 10 still makes it go by increments ...

How do I use CSS transformations to slide a div on screen?

Hi, My web page has two divs on it, A and B. Div A is visible, Div B is hidden. When the user clicks a link in div A, I want to "slide" div A off screen (leaving via the left edge), and slide div B on screen (entering via the right edge). I've found that jquery animations are very slow on the ipad, so I want to use the webkit CSS anim...

iPad/iPhone browser crashing when loading images in Javascript

I'm trying to build an image gallery in Safari that mimics the iPad photo app. It works perfectly, except that once I load more than 6MB or so worth of images either by adding them to the DOM or creating new Image objects, new images either stop loading or the browser crashes. This problem is widespread enough (with everyone else hitting...

HTML5 translate relative to page

How can you apply a translate to an element but make it move to a point on the page rather than relative to itself? For example, in the code below the "card" elements will move 50, 100 relative to their starting position. What I want instead is for it to move to the center of the page. <html> <head> <style> .face { -webkit-backfac...

HTML5 Search Input: No Background Image in Chrome?

I have been pulling my hair out trying to get Chrome to style my search input with a background image. Firefox has no problem, but I fear it's because it treats the input as a regular text input. Is this simply not possible? Try this as a demo: <input type="search" /> ​input[type="search"] { background: transparent url(http://go...

Weirdness using jquery's .html() function to set <a></a> with a special character &#10003; (checkmark)

Hey all, I'm trying to have the following tag toggle between a "-" and the checkmark character () <a id='p_4' class='fancy_button orange bls_button' href='#'>-</a> And here's the jquery code: if (button.text() == '-') { button.html('&#10003'); } This works in FF3.6 and IE8, but not in WebKit (Chrome or iPhone ...

Why is my CSS tool tip not functioning properly in Google Chrome, but fine in Firefox??

http://betawww.helpcurenow.org/media/press/ You'll see I have used spans within an anchor, with the span.hover-description set to display:none; by default, and on a:hover that span is set to display block and absolutely positioned to create a tool-tip effect when hovering over the name and email of the "For Immediate Release" contact na...

How do I do a webkit transformation "onload" instead of pre-load?

I'd like to do a webkit transformation (rotate an image, specifically) after the page loads rather than getting it pre-rotated at load. I'm guessing I need to use some sort of "onload" event to apply it or something, but I'm not a javascript guy. ...

Loading package html + resources into webview

I would like to know how I can display a HTML page in webview with references to relative/local images. The goal is to have the html page and all linked images contained in the android application package itself. Where would I need to place the assets (assets directory?) and how do I reference these so they load into the webview? Than...

Using web view behind a proxy (cocoa)

Hi, I'm creating a web-browser type app (using a web view object) that needs to be able to connect to the internet via a proxy. Server, port, username and password can all be hardcoded into the app but unfortunately I have no idea how to customise the proxy settings of a web view without changing the system wide proxy settings. If you k...

Access Full-Page zoom setting with javascript in Safari 5?

Is there a way to programmatically access a page's current zoom-level in javascript with Safari 5? I'd like to access it with a Safari extension, but I'm coming up empty in the documentation. I'd also be interested in any other creative ways to mimic full-page zoom (maybe with CSS?) that could be done with the new extension system in Saf...

activate a css webkit transition using javascript onclick

I have an img that I would like to be able to click on and have my .image_click:active { -webkit-transition-duration: 500ms; -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); } stay scaled! I realize that css alone can't do this, as I achieve the transition when I click, but lose it when I release the mouse button. Is Javascript the solution for thi...

make a button to change the parent's CSS classname attribute

so I have a javascript function that changes the class name of a div function flip (event) { var element = event.currentTarget; element.className = (element.className == 'card') ? 'card flipped' : 'card'; } How can I make it so my onclick="flip(event)" can be attached to a button (or preferably an image) and the button will then f...

"Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL..." error being continuously generated in Chrome webkit inspector

Chrome (or any other webkit browser) throws a ton of these "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL..." when working with the Facebook API for example. It doesn't interfere with actual operation, but it does make the javascript console basically unusable. I'd like to know if there is a way to suppress these errors specifical...

jCarousel jQuery plugin - how to stop items being selected on double click

I'm trying to stop items being selected when the next button is clicked in the jCarousel plugin. To see what I mean, have a look at this demo and double click the next arrow... jCarousel demo I tried this code and it seems to work for IE and Mozilla but it doesn't work for Safari or Chrome... /** * Fix carousel selection * http://...

How to access core data objects from Javascript?

How can I gain access to Core Data objects from Javascript/WebKit on Mac OS X? I've made custom subclasses of NSManagedObject for each of my tables, with accessors defined using @property/@dynamic for each attribute, but neither isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript: or isKeyExcludedFromWebScript: is called for any of them, so Javascript just...

Android: Enable selection in webkit

Hello, I'am looking for a way to have a webview content selectable in the very same way as the stock browser does. user long presses the text the whole word is selected two pins appear at the word's boundary allowing the user to stretch/shrink the selection. I should note that Dolphin HD shows exactly the same text select functionali...