
Gecko XPCOM usage vs WebKit

I need to embed a web browser in C++ application. As well, I need to reach its javascript methods from Delphi components. I know that for FF there is Gecko with XPCOM. Is there something like this for WebKit? ...

WebView Memory Management

An application that I am developing retains several WebViews that are used to allow an embedded web browsing experience for some activities centralized around the application. The problem that I am having is that after several hours open and after a lot of use the views begin to build up memory. My understanding of the memory management ...

Is there a way to get a bounding box after a webkit CSS 3d transform?

Hello. I'm using Safari 3d transforms to do some effects. I'd like to lay down some images using the classic Coverflow effect. The problem is that I'd like to know the exact width of each image after it has been rotated with -webkit-transform : rotateY( angle deg); Notice I even apply perspective. Of course the DOM gives the width o...

How to build _just_ libwebcore.so instead of the whole froyo source

Having checked out the froyo code I can successfully build froyo, but what I really want is only building libwebcore.so, is there a special target for this? Just make -f Android.mk in external/webkit isn't working for the obvious reasons. ...

What versions of mobile WebKit support JavaScript Workers?

My Google-fu is failing me. I'm trying to determine what version(s) of mobile WebKit (iOS, Android, Blackberry Torch, etc.) support the HTML5 feature JavaScript Workers. Anyone know for sure? EDIT I've created a page that logs whether your browser supports the Worker API. Please hit it if you have a mobile WebKit device and I'll post a ...

Cocoa WebView scrollbars won't disappear

I load the webview and set allowsScrolling to NO, but webview still shows scroll bars... Banging your head on your computer hurts a lot more now that MacBooks have sharp metal edges. My code: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification { // Insert code here to initialize your application NSString *webF...

One finger momentum scrolling in iOS in overflowing div

I have a webpage with two side by side overflowing divs that split the screen, similar to gmail the iPad. This works fine on desktop versions of WebKit, but is basically broken on iPhone / iPad because scrolling requires two fingers and lacks any momentum. What is the best way to implement two scrolling areas for the iPad, similar to g...

Webkit Memory Swapping in Objective-C

I have an instant messaging (gtalk, aim, etc.) client that uses webkit to render the view of messages similar to Adium. Several users who appear to be very active IM users say that the app starts using 200+ MB of ram after several hours of use. Is there anyway to swap the memory to disk for windows that are not active as to save the over...

How do I detect when a safari webplugin loses focus?

I need to be able to detect the browser loses focus in a webkit plugin I wrote. I thought I could implement the webViewUnfocus method from the WebUIDelegate protocol but that's not firing. Does anyone have a pointer to a code snippet for what should be a relatively simple problem? ...

.NET - Detecting mouse movement through stubborn control

I am writing a C# Project that is relatively simple. Think "Public Web Terminal". Essentially there is a maximized form with a fill-docked web browser on it. The web browser control I am using is the WebKit Control found here: WebKit Download Page I am trying to detect system idle time by keeping a DateTime which represents the last ti...

jQuery MultiFile doesn't work in webkit based browsers

I'm using the jquery MultiFile plugin to upload files. In Firefox this is working fine but once I test in a webkit based browser this fails. Has anyone got experience with this? I've googled around and the only usable information I found was a fix that didn't work for me. http://code.google.com/p/jquery-multifile-plugin/issues/detail?id...

NSURLErrorDomain -999 breaks Flash

I have a WebView which works great except in one instance. When it loads a page with a SWF that loads another SWF, the load delegate gets "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -999.)" From what I gather, this error happens when a second request is made before the first has completed (1, 2, 3, 4). I am not express...

Lightbox close button behind Video on iPad (Safari and WebView)

Does anybody know why the close button of the Lightbox is behind the Video and not on foreground on the iPad (Safari browser and WebView in App)? Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/SYI9w.png With other Elements (Image gallery, Text / HTML) the close button is rendered correctly. On Safari with Mac OS X (not iOS) the close button works co...

Multiple columns, column-span workaround

hey there... i'm working with safari and i need to have a multiple columns text (in a single <p> through webkit-column-count), but also i need to make an image span upon two or more columns (i know it's not supported yet, but i'm asking for some workaround if possible) meaning: i want this layout --------------------------- image ---...

Webkit, IE deselecting text

I'm working on making a contentEditable jQuery plugin. I've created a 'tools' bar to perform actions to the text such as making it bold, italics etc using execCommand. The problem is that when you select text and click one of the buttons (divs with onclick events) it deselects the text you had selected (all browsers). To fix this I ha...

Android WebView completely disrespecting UI layout.

Hello, this is driving me nuts and causing me to pull so much hair, I actually ran out of hair and started hurting random people. I have a UI design in which the WebView is supposed to be to the north, vertically of course, and a bar or line of buttons at the south. So the majority of the design is the WebView, and at the bottom some of...

WebView not showing in NSWindow

I am developing a C++ app and I need to display a NSWindow with a WebKit WebView inside it. I've coded up the Objective-C class which will manage creating and displaying the window but the WebView contained inside it does not display. Here is my code. Any idea on what is wrong and how I can fix it? I'm compiling the below code with $g++...

cnnmobile.com viewport width 320px, even though there is no meta viewport tag

iPhone seems to render cnnmobile.com with a viewport width of 320px, even though the site doesn't have a meta viewport tag. I would expect it to be rendered using the default width of 980px. How come? ...

Javascript Base64 encoding UTF8 string fails in webkit/safari

I'm trying to base64 encode a utf8 string containing Thai characters. I'm using the browser's built in btoa function. It works for ascii text, however Thai is causing it to throw a INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: DOM Exception 5 exception. Here's a sample that fails (the character that looks like an "n" is Thai) btoa('aก') What do I need to...

How do I scroll a WebView of an HTML string to a specific anchor?

Hello fellows, I'm wondering how to scroll programmatically to a given anchor in a WebView. The content I am showing is rendered by [[webView mainFrame] loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:someURL]; and thus I cannot simply navigate to #anchors by pointing them out in the URLs. I'm looking for a method along the lines of [[webView ...