
Removing Widget from Home Screen when Uninstalled

When my application is uninstalled, the widget stays on the HOME screen and gives an error message "problem loading widget". How do I remove the widget when my application is uninstalled? Is there an attribute in the manifest that I am missing? I have tried asking on the Google Android groups, but they take so long to approve and then...

Changing Widget Layout Programmatically

Let's say that I have two layouts for a widget: Layout1 and Layout2. The default for the widget is Layout1, but I allow the user to choose which layout they want the widget to be. So if the user changes to Layout2, how do I programmatically change the layout to Layout2? There isn't a setContentView method for widgets like there is for...

Hiding Qt widget and keeping widget space

In a simple form I made a few buttons and put a horizontal layout. When mouse leaves the area one of the buttons, the last one, should be hided. Using button->hide() it works, but all the buttons are rearranged by the layout manager. What I want is that all other buttons continue in their positions. I tried replacing the widget with a wi...

Wordpress - Allow Editors To Manage Theme Widgets

Hi Is it possible to grant Editors the ability to manage theme widgets? By default, only Administrators can do so. Thanks, Jon ...

Javascript Tablemodel Widget

I am looking for a JavaScript MVC table widget similar to Java Swing TableModel I would also like to have two models, one totally local and one remote (XMLHttpRequest) I would also like the view to accept text columns (and maybe HTML columns) and have these text columns HTML or CSS formated depending the cell contents (just like you wo...

Reflowing label widget for Swing

Is there a widget for Swing that behaves like a JLabel, that automatically reflows the text if its dimensions have changed? For example: Large horizontal space available: +--------------+ | Foo bar baz | +--------------+ Small horizontal space available: +---------+ | Foo bar | | baz | +---------+ I am currently using JEditorPa...

Android: Custom Clock widget Service work-around?

I was interested in developing a clock widget for the homescreen and upon reading Home Screen Widgets tutorial, I wondered if there is a pre-existing Service I could reference for updating the current time rather than re-inventing the wheel? I download the Retro Clock application on my android phone and noticed that when I click it, it ...

Symfony (1.2) multiple checkbox widget

I want understand what the widget can I use to generate such html: <input name="users[]" value="Robert" type="checkbox"> Robert <input name="users[]" value="Bob" type="checkbox"> Bob Or perhaps symfony doesn't have that widget and I have to write it myself? Thanks ...

When is the formfield() method called in Django?

This is a question on making custom fields in Django. I'm making a field called EditAreaField, which inherits from TextField. Here's what my code looks like: class EditAreaField(models.TextField): description = "A field for editing the HTML of a page" def formfield(self, **kwargs): defaults = {} defaults['widget'] = Ed...

Android - Calling Activity from widget

I currently have widget for my app Hire*A*Droid bundled with the main application. I would like to unbundle the widget and release it as a separate offering. However - the widget is relying on Activities from the main app so I need to navigate between these two mainly calling particular Activity of the main app from the widget. So the ba...

"AJAX" Calendar Widget that include Time Selection

Are there any existing AJAX/Javascript Date picker widgets/libraries that also allow you to select a time range? That is, after picking a date, an existing UI pops-up/becomes available to select a time range for the same. I'm looking for example of things like this. UI Libraries that offer some form of date picking, followed by a ste...

OS X Widget issue with Control Region and Flash

Hi there, I've created a widget with Flash (ya ya, I know not the smartest idea). My widget has a scroll bar that I need to assign a control region to. I've created a div, absolute positioned it and layered it overtop the Flash object by setting the z-index. I then specified the correct CSS for the region but nothing seems to happen. ...

how to style margins between items in a <dl> list ?

hey folks, So im integrating this Twitter widget into xhtml. ( http://help.twitter.com/forums/10711/entries/15354 ) The code is: <dl id="twitter_update_list"></dl> ...then a couple lines of javascript. My problem is that I can't figure out how to get any space between the list items. All i need are a couple br tags in between eac...

Embed a webclip

Hey- I am wondering if there's a way I can embed a webclip into a webpage, as in, I can have a portion of a webpage embedded as a widget into another page. I was thinking it might be possible someway though Mac OS X's Dashboard widgets, one can take a webclip and make a dashboard widget, as I hear that they are HTML based, and thus one c...

How to get a Wordpress widget to "remember" values.

Hello! I am in the process of making my first Wordpress widget, just one that loads in jQuery tweet. So my problem is that the widget editor in the admin screen won't "remember" my values, I'm sure it just has something to do with the variables just not passing onto the _control function. I am new with PHP so would anybody have any advic...

Qt - Dynamic list stuff

I'm fairly new to Qt4.5, and I'm unsure of the approach I should take to the following problem. I'm trying to create a QListWidget style widget, that can dynamically expand to an arbitrary length, probably no more than 300 elements. I tried to use the QListWidget, but I need to store three QStrings per line, and QListWidget is fairly l...

jquery init function

I got a simple UI widget and i'd like it to alert() the "hello world!!!" when initialised. $.widget("ui.myWidget", { _init: function() { //start alert('Hello World!!!'); } } could some one explain how this init or _init function works.? if i was to call the ui just like the dialog ui would $('#selector').dialog() in...

Editable content area for user with restricted access

Hi, I'm building a blog for a client and they need to be able to edit a paragraph of text in the sidebar. I currently have it setup as a 'Better Text' widget which I can quickly edit for them. I don't want to give them access to the widgets, etc but they want to be able to edit it themselves. Is there an easy way to add a custom write ...

GWT Clone a widget using DOM.clone

I wish to programatically clone a widget. I am able to clone the Element inside the Widget with Dom.clone but I don't seem to be able to create a Widget from this cloned element. Is this possible? //somewhere in onModuleLoad()... Button button = new Button("Original"); RootPanel.get().add(button); //........

Qt Fold/Unfold Widget?

It there a widget like this: It should be able to show/hide some contents under it. ...