
GWT DnD: Is it possible to drag disabled widgets?

I have a composite widget that contains a disabled TextArea on an AbsotutePanel. Now I want to be able to drag the composite widget, starting from anywhere on it, including the disabled text area. Is that possible? ...

Dashboard Widget in the AJAX format

We are looking for a rich dashboard component. Ideally, we do not want to use Flash technology but instead something implemented with pure AJAX. While YUI offers an excellent AJAX library and it offers a lot of rich UI components it does lack, to my knowledge, sophisticated widgets like dashboards. For sure, such components can be foun...

Adding a 2nd Sidebar in a specific Wordpress theme

I learned how to add additional sidebars now I need to figure out how to add an extra sidebar besides the one already displayed in the theme Librio ( wordpress.org/extend/themes/librio ). I absolutely have no idea where to look. The code is pure chaos and not self explanatory. My sidebar.php contains the following code: <div id="idont...

RoutedEventArgs vs EventArgs

Hello: I am learning WPF / Silverlight and saw in an MS vidcast that it is now recommended to use RoutedEventArgs over EventArgs; although it didn't say exactly why. I have a win forms app that uses interfaces for "widgets" in an attempt to not be tied to a specific display technology (in Presenters / ViewModels), so if my IButton Clic...

First widget works in Dashcode but not when deployed

Hi all, My widget does not work once deployed even though it shows no errors in Dashcode. Apologies in advance for my inarticulartness with the terminology. I am a newbie. To create the widget, I deleted the default .js file and pasted the JavaScript plus XHTML into the HTML page and created the accompanying CSS file. The only code ...

Opinions about list item and its class design

I'm currently designing a list widget to add to my widget engine. Since every elements visual aspects are defined outside the code I can reuse most of the code base. For instance tab buttons are actually checkboxes. New templates take time to implement since they should have at least a viewer in design application. I already have an imp...

Lightbox for embeddable JavaScript widget? Like Feedback tabs for UserVoice/GetSatisfaction

There are so many lightboxes to choose from, I'm looking for a very lightweight one to use in an embedded javascript widget that would be used on a number of different web sites. This would work in a similar way to the GetSatisfaction/UserVoice feedback tab. Here are the requirements for the lightbox: Very small javascript download (...

Android custom widget styles: how to put them into a namespace?

In the ApiDemos, there is a view example called Gallery1 which declares a custom style in attrs.xml, as such: <declare-styleable name="Gallery1"> <attr name="android:galleryItemBackground" /> </declare-styleable> now, I want to do the same thing for my widgets, but using a different namespace. However, as soon as I replace the and...

Licensing: Embeddable widgets and noncommercial vs commercial use

A theoretical question regarding licensing and embeddable apps aka widgets/gadgets many sites offer nowadays. I'm using Creative Commons licensing in my example as that would be the case if this hypothetical situation would be turned into a real one by me :) Let's say we have a noncommercial site, www.noncommercialsite.org, that contain...

MVC Widget within a form

I'm using ASP.NET MVC, and I have a widget within my form collection on my HTML page, and when I click on the save button for the main form I would like not only to save the data on the main form but also the content on the widget, how can I do this? ...

Widgets inside Zend Framework - Where should they go?

I've been working with Zend Framework (using Doctrine as the ORM) for quite a while now, and done a few projects with it. In a few upcoming projects I am requiring the need for widgets similar to how Wordpress does them. You have a post/page, which could look like: Subscribe to my newsletter: [subscribe/] View my events [events limit=...

Amazon Wish List Widget for arbitary names and email addresses

There is a Amazon Wish List Widget available here: https://widgets.amazon.com/Amazon-Wishlist-Widget/ The problem is that I have to specify the email address or user name in advance before grabbing the widget code. I am building a CRM application wherein I store the names and email addresses of contacts. I want to show the wish list wi...

What are the best tools to develop mobile web applications in different mobile Operating Systems.??

Hi., As We are planning to develop mobile web application(aka, widget) for our e-commerce store. These applications should be downloaded and do start shopping "on-demand". As there are different mobile Operating Systems. As I am seeing there are 5 major OS to develop my storefront mobile version. 1) Symbian S60 2) Iphone 3) Windows CE...

Searching for the Ultimate Resizing Textarea

I'm wanting to provide a resizing textarea control for users. I've given this a go and looked at a number of other implementations, but I can't seem to find one that meets all my requirements. Specifically I want a control that: Works in IE6, IE7, IE8 on Windows and Firefox 3 and 3.5 on Windows and OS X when the page is rendered in sta...

Help to edit the Recent Posts Wordpress widget to diplay in all 3 languages at once

Site link: http://nuestrafrontera.org/wordpress/ I want the feed of recent post titles to show in the sidebar for all 3 languages, separated by language. So, for example, under Recent Posts the sidebar would have "English" and then the latest 3 posts in English, then "Español" and the latest 3 in Spanish and then French. All in a list i...

Textarea that can do syntax highlighting on the fly?

I am storing a number of HTML blocks inside a CMS for reasons of easier maintenance. They are represented by TEXTAREAs. Does anybody know a JavaScript Widget of some sort that can do syntax highlighting for HTML within a Textarea or similar, while still staying a plain text editor (no WYSIWYG or advanced functions)? ...

Monitoring enterprise systems using widgets

We want to develop a new monitoring system to bring visibility to the status of our enterprise systems. Instead of using Microsoft SCOM or similar tools we thought of having a more technologically advanced approach. We thought of using a similar concept like igoogle / LIVE gadgets and to display them in a gadget container. The type of g...

Widget Lifecycle?

Alot of phone OSes are starting to support W3C widgets, or something very similar. I am still a little confused about what exactly widgets can do? All the example widgets I have seen have just a 'index.html' page. Are widgets allowed to have multiple pages they can navigate between? Also do widgets have any mechanism to run in the ba...

How to customize build-in widgets in Android (menu, notification, spinners etc.)?

Hi I want to customize colour palette in Android widgets. Orange colour is good but it can be done better. Things which I want to do: - override colours in menu after press and focus - override colours in ongoing notification bar - override colour in EditText frame and finally - override spinner focus and press colour I want to use ...

Hiding a QWidget on a QToolbar?

Hi, I have directly added some QWidgets to a QToolbar but simply going widget->setVisible(false) did not work. Can someone please give me an example of how to show and hide a widget that is on a QToolbar? Thanks! ...