
find the hwnd of a window which user selects, through c#

I've written a c# program which reproduces keyboard strokes programatically. My idea was to pass these keyboard strokes to another application which may have a textbox set in focus. So in my program i want the user to select the window to which i must redirect the keyboard strokes to. For that, I want to know a method where i can wait,... not working when attached on onload event in chrome and safari

I want to open a new window on onload if a particular condition is satisfied works fine in all others but window is not opening in Chrome and Safari would somebody please find a way to do this Duplicate: not working when attached on onload event in chrome and safari ...

How can I make the compilation log create a new window in emacs?

If I only have one window showing in emacs and use M-x compile, the window splits in two and I can watch the compile buffer easily. However, if I have more windows showing, the compilation log takes over one of the others, which I find irritating. How can I make emacs always split a new window to show the compilation log? Edit: A bit ...

Win32 app suspends on minimize window animation.

Hello, first time poster here. I'm writing a multi-threaded streaming audio application in C++ (MSVC) on Windows XP SP2. The problem I've encountered is that, upon minimizing / restoring any application on the task bar, all threads in my application are suspended while the window animation is active. This affects me because it causes t...

WPF Window MinWidth depending on size of toolbar

Hello, Before asking this question I have looked at all related questions, but have not found anything relevant. In my application I have toolbox style bar, which is basically stack panel with bunch of buttons. User may change which buttons are shown in toolbar. Window width may be changed, but it can not be smaller then width of tool...

window.onload delay

i am trying to appendChild() on an existing form, and its not working. i wonder if i need to delay the page, at least i thought i read that somewhere. what i am thinking is dynamically altering window onload to be a delay. do i grab the body tag like any other DOM element? ...

Find the name of the X window manager

How do I find the name of the running X window window manager from a program? If I start another window manager when one is already running, then an error occurs, so there must be a way for the other window manager to detect the first one. How does it work? ...

Minimizing all open windows in C#

I saw this C++ code on a forum which minimizes all open windows #define MIN_ALL 419 #define MIN_ALL_UNDO 416 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { HWND lHwnd = FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd",NULL); SendMessage(lHwnd,WM_COMMAND,MIN_ALL,0); Sleep(2000); SendMessage(lHwnd,WM_COMMAND,MIN_ALL_UNDO,0); return 0; } How...

How to create a transparent window with non-transparent child controls (or child windows)?

Hi All, First, I'm working on Win32 with C++. I have been trying to implement a transparent window with a child window which should remain 100% opaque. It seems that child controls cannot have opacity better (ah.. lower) than the parent and if I make my parent 100% transparent then my child control also inherits the transparency. C...

PyQt - make window top level

Hello, i need to make my window top level when i need. Code of creating window: class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, None, Qt.Tool | Qt.FramelessWindowHint) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_QuitOnClose, True) And w...

Delphi: Detect start and end of window move

I'm using the OnIdle-event for some simple animations, and it works all right. The trouble, though, is when the user starts to move or resize the window, the OnIdle-event stops firing until the move/resize-operation is completed. I need to detect when this happens, so that I can pause all animations. But how do I detect movement of the...

Take input text, print to page and open new window onclick

What I need help with: My page shall take user input text, then show what was entered on the page (no alert) and open a new window on click if a match is found that would be stored in an array or var. Here is the line I am having trouble with below: onclick="insert(,show();"/> Here is the code thus far: ...

javascript to get paragraph of selected text in web page

Hi, After highlighting text, I would like to obtain the paragraph in which the selected text resides. var select = window._content.document.getSelection(); Any pointers please? ...

How to detect which window is the foreground window ?

Hello, friends, I need to write an assembly ( 2.0 class library) to monitor all applications currently running in a PC. Especially, I need to know which window is the top one, i.e., catch the event when a window becomes foreground window. Should I use WndProc() to catch related window messages? (I don't want to use timer). Any r...

Calling opens a window, but then it suddently gets minimized

Hi, I make a call to which opens up the desired URL, but then the window suddenly gets minimized w/o my interaction. Why is this? Update The window was being opened on a onclick event ( and I then injected the HTML. A linkbutton control was used, now when I converted it to a asp:button it is not minimizing. wierd...

What is the best way to create a smooth notification window in Java?

...similar to those produced by email clients like thunderbird or outlook, sliding up or fading in from the tray. ...

Registering Windows Classes Win32

Hi, what's the best practise for registering window classes for a win32 program? Do you register every class in the WinMain function or as they're required? ...

wpf navigate form to form?

In the entry form of my wpf application, I have a list of buttons where the user can select where he wants to do, eg. enter new customer, run report... What is the best way to show the form (e.g enter new customer) after the user selection? I don't want the form to be a pop up. Also hiding the current work and show the next form will ...

Drag a WPF Form around the desktop

Hi, i am trying to make a c# WPF form where i can drag it around the screen by clicking on it and moving with the mouse. the forms characteristics include being completely transparent and containing only one image. This being said the window style is none and it is not displayed in the taskbar. So essentially all you can see when the app...

Setting minimum height and width for a chrome window in firefox

I'm trying to limit the minimum height and width of a chrome (xul) window. The window itself is opened using the window.openDialog method. I tried using the minwidth and minheight window propertiet, but that does not seem to have any effect on the window. I also tries to limit the size by handling the onresize event as follows: onresize...