
(Save Dialog) How to change file extension automatically on file filter change in Vista/Win7 ?

Hi, While showing a save dialog, I want to hook user's filter type change and change file extension automatically. (e.g. like MSPaint's "Save As" operation.) With TSaveDialog and setting UseLatestCommonDialogs := False, I can handle this by the following code. (without latest common dialog support, of cource.) procedure TForm1.SaveD...

Problems with maven installation

Hi I'm trying to install MAVEN, to my computer using this tutorial, I've set my enviroment variable MAVEN_HOME to point to my maven directory, and I put value of path_to_maven/bin inside another enviroment variable named Path and I get this error message: C:\>mvn -version 'mvn' is not recognized as an in operable program or batch file. ...

Local Network - Windows 7 and Vista can't see each other

I've got a strange issue at home that has been bugging me for weeks, but I really need to get it sorted now so I'll detail as much as I can and hopefully someone can spot what might might be wrong. I have a wireless router connected to the internet and 3 devices connected to it. They are: Name OS Network IPv4 PC1 Wi...

Where would I find information on progammatically modifying the Windows 7 start menu?

Where would I find information on progammatically modifying the Windows 7 start menu? We have a large number of network programs that are made difficult to access using the new Windows 7 menu, ideally we want an expanding menu. Any suggestions welcome. ...

Where to store Delphi code in windows 7?

I just noticed that some of my new Delphi controls get installed in the Public Documents folder in windows 7 (TMS Smooth controls and Virtual Treeview). Is there a reason for this, is this a convention or a few way of doing things or something that the operating system does. Is there a place where I can set the root of my Source con...

Cannot copy file, even though FileIOPermission is granted in C#

I was trying out the FileIOPermission in Windows 7 in .NET 3.5. I have been a Windows XP user and was granted this permission as I was an administrator I wrote the following code, testing to see if I could write to C:\Program Files\Outlook...... static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Am I an administrator? " + new Win...

Debugging in SSMS exits without stepping in to code

Hello, I've recently put Windows 7 on my development PC, and I have Visual Studio 2008 Team System Development Edition, and SQL Server Management Studio 2008, and for some reason I can't seem to step in to any SQL code for debugging in SSMS. Before I formatted in favour of Windows 7, I was able to debug on the same two SQL servers I'm ...

After installing IIS7.5 on windows 7, all static content files get redirected

Hi, I just installed IIS7.5 on my brand new windows 7 box. I created a new site using .NEt 2.0 DefaultAppPool, and set up permissions on the database and on the disk for that DefaultAppPool user. All seemed good, until I deployed and visited my site http://localhost:9000 The page itself worked and returned html, but all static conten...

How to get OS language using C++ API?

I am in the process of developing a application which displays the dialogues depending on the OS Language(Windows 2008/Vista/Windows7). How I can get the OS language using C++ or Windows APIs. Thanks in advance Santhosh ...

Is the GUID generated during installation common for XP and Windows 7 ?

This question is about an installation/uninstallation framework i am writing. For uninstallation i use the following mechanism: msiexec /X {GUID} where GUID is the registrykey that is generated in the uninstall location of the registry hive : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. For one of the software...

can we use windows 7 home edition to develop applications

Hi, I am planning to buy a new laptop to learn web applications and also windows applications. Do we get IIS7 installed when we buy the home edition of windows 7 or should we buy windows 7 professional version? ...

What is a robust method for capturing screen of child window in Windows 7?

Pardon my frustration. I've asked about this in many places and I seriously don't think that there wouldn't be a way in Windows 7 SDK to accomplish this. All I want, is to capture part of a 'child window' ( setParent() ) created by a parent. I used to do this with bitblt() but the catch is that the child window can be any type of applic...

Cygwin in Windows 7

Hi, I am a fan of linux but due to worst intel wireless drivers in linux, I had to switch to windows 7. I have installed cygwin in windows and want to configure ssh, to remotely connect to my laptop. I googled and found this webpage, I am getting the following error whe...

SendInput after EnableWindow in Windows 7

I have a child window that is maximized within a parent. It needs to be disabled so that it doesn't receive inputs until I press a key. When I press key 'A' for instance, I want the child window to be enabled, receive inputs sent with SendInput() and disable again. So I do this: EnableWindow( hwnd, TRUE ); SetForegroundWindow( hwnd); ...

Windows7 taskbar thumbnail without showing a window

Hi, Is it possible to "mark" my program as active in the windows7 taskbar without actually showing a window and even provide a thumbnail picture? I worte a small program which displays the system battery as a deskband. Now in windows7 I'd like to display the battery in the thumbnail picture, and make the deskband optional. ...

Problem with debugging ASP.Net application on IIS 7 on Windows 7

Few weeks ago I started using VS 2008 (Professional) with Windows 7 (Enterprise). When working with ASP.Net web applications I repeatedly stumble over the following error: After opening a solution with a web project the first compilation and debug go perfectly fine. The second time I try to debug the solution I get the "Unable to start...

Windows Explorer: How to create additional button?

Hello Explorer of Windows 7 uses a new light-blue bar with buttons like "Organize", "Share", "New Folder" etc. How can I create a new button ? Do I need to create a plugin for explorer.exe, and if, how do I do it (using Visual Studio .NET) ? Or is it a simple registry key I have to set which points to an exe or bat? Thanks in advance...

Deploy .asmx (not WCF) web service on windows 7

I need to deploy an old style .asmx web service (not WCF) on a windows 7 machine for test reasons. However it seems that just deploying it on a virtual directory or new web site on IIS won't cut like it used to back in xp. What should I do? I need to test the service locally prior to deploying it, and so far it's giving me a har...

GPLv2 or GPLv2 compatible Windows 7 TaskBar library?

I wish to integrate the new Windows 7 Taskbar Features into a GPLv2 licensed open source project (EVEMon). Microsoft's excellent Windows API Code Pack would work well however it is licensed under MS-pl which is incompatible with the GPLv2. I have found a Windows 7 Taskbar project on CodePlex, licensed under the MIT Licence which is GPLv...

Windows 7 Taskbar Progress Bar in Java

Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible to make a progress bar displayed on the taskbar like Windows Explorer does when there's a file operation going on? I saw many examples, but they all involved C#. SWT won't cut it. ...