
Which version of Windows 7 should I install on my development PC?

I am a .net and java deloper. I have an MSDN subscription with access to all editions of the Windows 7 operating system. I am going with a 64 bit installation. Which edition of Windows 7 should I install on my development PC: Professional, Ultimate, Enterprise, Enterprise N, etc.? Thanks in advance. ...

Cannot install into c:\Program files on Windows 7

I have an installer written in Java using Izpack. It works OK on Windows XP, however on Windows 7 it cannot write to c:\Program Files. Strangely enough, as a user running this installer I can create folders under c:\program files, but not from the installer itself. What am I missing ? ...

Will a C program for Windows 98 run in Windows 7?

I am performing this project but there is problem of program . we chose a program based on the 'C' language that runs on window 98. But we need to run this program in window 7. So same program will run or not? if not then what to do. ...

Trouble using command-line when installing SQL Server on Windows 7

I'm having trouble using this command when installing SQL Server 2005 Express with Advanced Services on Windows 7 (French settings): "\\server01\installer\DVD\Component\SQLEXPRESS_ADV\Français\Win7\SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE" -q /norebootchk reboot=ReallySuppress ADDLOCAL=ALL ADDUSERASADMIN=1 SECURITYMODE=SQL DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0 SQLAUTOSTART...

ASP.NET development in Win 7

I just got a Win 7 machine at work, and am wondering if there is anyway I can use multiple website feature (IIS 6) while programming instead of using the default website all the time ? Basically I want to treat my Win 7 box as a server box but I should have the flexibility to create websites and develop against them. Like I could be wor...

Access remote computer to launch Python script without disturbing user

First, I'll admit this is cross-posted at SuperUser but I decided to also post here as my objective is programming related and this community might have better solution scenarios than just the one I'm thinking of. I have a Windows 7 computer that is acting as a Media Center so it is always on but not always in use. I would like to be ab...

Is UAC on Win7 different than Vista?

[EDITED to avoid duplications] I posted this question and in trying to diagnose what is going on have become curious about the magic UAC that happens in the OS. (especially since it seems different on the two platforms. Can anyone confirm or refute this? Our unmanaged c++ program causes the "Do you want to allow the following program...

dark VS2008, Windows 7 theme, configuration

So there's plenty of vs.settings files for nice dark syntax highlighting in VS2008, but I find them basically unusable since they're surrounded by an otherwise white visual studio application and general windows environment. I'd like an adequate dark windows 7 theme I can use while coding in VS. All of the 3rd party Win7 themes (that ut...

Problem with porting VBScript from WinXP to Win7

Hi. The attached VBScript displays all available WiFi networks. It works fine on WinXP, but doesn't work on Win7. On WinXP it shows a list of all available WiFi networks, however on WIn7 it shows an empty list. What is the problem? on error resume next set objSWbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\wmi") set colInstances = objSw...

Windows 7 Aero Theme Progress Bar Bug?

I have ran into what I consider to be a progress bar bug on Windows 7. To demonstrate the bug I created a WinForm application with a button and a progress bar. In the button's 'on-click' handle I have the following code. private void buttonGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.progressBar.Minimum = 0; this.progressBar.Maximum ...

Creating registry keys in Windows 7

In attempting to upgrade some C++ software to run in Windows 7 I have experienced some problems in being able to create registry keys from scratch. This is my code: // // Create a brand new registry key // LONG Registry::CreateRegister( std::string path ) { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDisposition; LONG openRes = RegCreateKeyEx( H...

Exe name like update.exe blocked by UAC in scheduled task

Hi folks I have a problem with windows UAC, scheduled tasks and a executable named "dbupdate.exe". I have full power over source code, manifests and so on, but not over user systems (short: normal software engineer ;-). Language is Delphi, but shouldn't be important I think. I have a problem using an application in task scheduler in wi...

Formatting a hard disk in c++ on Windows 7

I am wondering how to format a hard disk in Windows 7 through c++? I currently have an application that is successful at this using a function in a dll. Unfortunately I don't have the code for the dll so there is no way for me to see what its doing. It doesn't actually format the drive itself but it launches the format utility built into...

How to adjust Windows "Visual Effects" option?

What is the system call to adjust the "Visual Effects" settings in Windows Vista or 7? Specifically, I want to adjust it from "Adjust for best appearance" to "Adjust for best performance". My first thought was to use SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETUIEFFECTS), but that appears to do nothing when called. This is the dialog Windows provide...

How can I learn a multitouch screen's communication protocol and write a C# application for it?

I have got a monitor with multitouch overlay on top of it. It works fine with Windows 7 but I want to write a multitouch application in C# for Windows XP which doesn't support touch feature out of the box. There is no documentation whatsoever and I emailed the manufacturer but never got a reply. However the device works with Google Ear...

Detecting wallpaper changes by the Windows 7 slideshow.

I have a Window that needs to be redrawn when the wallpaper changes. I can detect normal wallpaper changes by simply checking for WM_SETTINGCHANGE with wParam SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER. I'm not really happy with my current solution which simply uses a timer to check if the wallpaper has changed once a second. I've considered trying to parse ...

Cannot get a proper Vista / 7 theme for toolbar with wxWidgets

Hi, I cannot get a proper theme for toolbars in Vista / 7 with wxWidgets (c++). For some unknown reason, I get gray bar now (as you can see here). I want it to get this look instead. I've linked against comctl32.lib (=> 5.82) and UXTHEME is on. Here's the code: #include <wx/wx.h> class TestAppFrame: public wxFrame { public: ...

How to detect if a Microphone is present

I just had a very long tech support call because a customer didn't have a Mic on their laptop. (Stupid me: they said they'd used the mic earlier and I have never heard of a laptop not having a Mic). I'm wondering if there is a way to detect whether there is a Microphone (recording capability) on Windows XP, Vista, 7. (I've got error ha...

Getting volume change notifications on Vista/7 (C++)

I'm trying to get notifications whenever the master volume changes on Windows Vista/7. This is the code I'm using: #include <audiopolicy.h> #include <audioclient.h> #include <mmdeviceapi.h> #include <endpointvolume.h> #include <windows.h> #include <shlwapi.h> #include <iostream> #include <Tchar.h> static const GUID AudioSessionVolumeCt...

Associate Java class-files to run on double-click on Windows

If there's one thing that annoys me about Java it's that you can't double-click a class file so as to run. I assuming there's an entry in the registry that has to be edited to do this but I haven't a clue. So, as it says on the tin. Does anyone know how to associate Java class files to run on double-click on Windows (I aiming for Window...