
How to set Wordpad's default plain-text font ?

I much prefer Wordpad to Notepad in Windows 7 for quickly checking out source files, namely because Notepad doesn't display most correctly if the file was written in Unix. However it saddens me that I can't chose the plain-text mode's default font. Is there a way to change it? I'm guessing registry here, if at all. ...

Show/hide hidden files via a script/menu command?

I hide files so as to maintain a clean interface when browsing for the most useful items on my hard drive, safe in the knowledge that I can simply place the hidden file's name in the location bar at the top and open it that way. However, Windows 7 makes it a pain to toggle viewing hidden files or not. Is there a way to show/hide hidden ...

Windows 7 folder sharing API

I wonder if it's possible to programmaticaly share folders in Windows 7 while running in restricted logon session: 1) NetShareAdd returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. 2) Command line net share says the same. 3) But explorer has no problems creating new shares without invoking UAC. How does it do that? Any help will be greatly appreciated. ...

Cannot start a Windows service not located in the 'Program Files' folder on Windows 7

I have recently switched to Windows 7 as my development machine. One of the components of the software that I work on is a Windows service. One of the tricks I use to debug the service is to make the service registry values point to my debug build of the service. I then start the service and attach to the process using VS.NET. However, ...

ISAPI Settings not visible in IIS7

Hi, I wish to do some settings in IIS7 which could run 1.1 websites.For that some settings in ISAPI and CGI Extensions are required. But when Opened IIS 7 i couldn't locate any of those. I have enable all IIS features from Programs and Features in Control Panel I am using W7 32bit Enterprise Edition Thanks ...

Why is my Debug.Write broken?

Can somebody explain why my Debug.Write stops working for no apparent reason - no output is visible? This has happened to me many times in Visual Studio 2008 (never on 2005), on both Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server and Windows 7. It is per project and at the same time (on Windows 2003 server), I have projects where Debug.Write works an...

Slow XML-RPC in Windows 7 with XML-RPC.NET

I'm considering to use XML-RPC.NET to communicate with a Linux XML-RPC server written in Python. I have tried a sample application (MathApp) from Cook Computing's XML-RPC.NET but it took 30 seconds for the app to add two numbers within the same LAN with server. I have also tried to run a simple client written in Python on Windows 7 to ...

ADB rejected shell command (ls -l /data)

I keep getting ADB rejected shell command (ls -l /data): and the command prompt when running adb shell tells me error: device not found although the emulator is open. What I am doing wrong? ...

Why does FileCopy fail at random on Windows 7?

I have a VB6 program running on Windows 7. It is copying a large number of files and sometimes FileCopy fails with an access violation (between every 60 and 500 files). I cannot reproduce it using a single file, only during such mass-copying operations this problem happens. It makes no difference, if source/target are on hard disks, n...

In Windows 7, "Run as Administrator" does not run as Administrator when UAC is turned off

When I run my c# Windows Forms Application on Windows 7 with: A user in the "Users" group that is not in the Administrators group On a machine where User Account Control is turned off By right-clicking the EXE and selecting "Run as Administrator" This code: WindowsPrincipal pricipal = new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetC...

NTSVC.OCX issues on Windows 7

I have a VB6 Service that uses the standard NTSVC.ocx file to help manage all the NT service functions. The application has been running on Windows 2003 Server RC1 with no troubles. Our sales team asked if we could put this same application on a notebook that could be used as a live site demo. The only issue I am having is that the noteb...

Problem creating simple "windows script components" on Windows 7.

Hi folks, I'm trying to get a Windows Script Component working on and x64 development machine. Works fine on x32 bit. But can't seem to get it running, I have the same problem with both JScript and VBScript. Here's the most simple wsc component possible. All that it does it pop up "Hello" in a message box. If you save the snippit below ...

Error creating an OpenGL control in a wpf window on windows 7

I have created an OpenGL control in C++ and wish to use this in a WPF application. I have successfully accomplished this and it works fine on Vista and XP machines but when I open my project on a windows 7 machine the WPF design window will not display. When I try to run the program I get the exception: "Cannot create instance of 'Win...

Which edition of Windows 7 is most suitable for software developers?

Possible Duplicate: Which version of Windows 7 should I install on my development PC? Just wanted get some opinions on which edition is best for developers. I'll be using Visual Studio 2010, IIS and various non-Microsoft development tools. ...

Failed to parse the output of 'adb version'?

I am running Windos 7 and Eclipse 3.5 and I don't know why I keep getting this error. When I try run the program it gives me: [2010-02-13 23:09:41 - HelloAndroid]The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. [2010-02-13 23:09:41 - HelloAndroid]You must restart adb and Eclipse. [2010-02-13 23:09:41 - HelloAndroid]Please ...

Visual Studio Unit Tests : dll is not trusted

I'm struggling getting some unit tests running and wondering if anyone might have anything insightful. The setup is that we've got a bunch of referenced DLL's on a server and when I try and execute I get the old Test Run deployment issue: The location of the file or directory 'c:\source\ProjectName\bin\debug\3rdPartyLibrary.dl...

.NET Graphics on Windows 7: White corners around images?

I've been working on some custom graphics controls, and I found this weird problem with windows 7 rendering my button controls. I've used Photoshop to delete the pixels in the background all around the button image I'm using, then saved it as a GIF, and imported it into VS to use as the background image of my button. When windows XP re...

Delphi, installers and Windows 7

As part of a general move to Windows 7 - where all applications should have an "installer experience", I need to create installers for all of our application suite. I have looked at InstallShield, but this seems extremely expensive for what it does. What install products could I look at? The installers will need to be built unattended ...

C++ - What libraries or command line programs will I need to create a program that takes an AVI file and burns it to a DVD?

My goal is to create a program that will take an AVI file as input and then do whatever is necessary to burn it to a DVD. Currently, I use three separate programs to accomplish this. The first tool requires me to convert it from an AVI file to an MPEG. The second tool takes that MPEG and creates DVD files (a VIDEO_TS folder, with a few ...

Drawing video with text on top

I am working on an application and I have a problem I just cant seem to find a solution for. The application is written in vc++. What I need to do is display a YUV video feed with text on top of it. Right now it works correctly by drawing the text in the OnPaint method using GDI and the video on a DirectDraw overlay. I need to get rid ...