
File.WriteAllText Weirdness In Windows 7?

This one had me going crazy for awhile. I have an app that was behaving strangely and claiming files had been written when they clearly had not. It was especially confusing because when I ran this app in debug mode or the bin directory of my project it seemed to work fine. As soon as I moved it to a folder within the Program Files fold...

Using DrawThemeTextEx in C#?

I am creating a label control which can be used on Aero Glass and I want the text to glow "the Vista way". There is a WinAPI function called 'DrawThemeTextEx' but I don't know how to use it and searching didn't give many results. I found this message but it doesn't tell you much :

Windows 7: How can I get a list of all Windows user names in .Net?

Is there a simple way to get the names of all the user names of a local Windows 7 machine using .Net? So if I had a machine named MyPC, and it had 3 users MyPC\Mike, MyPC\Bob, and MyPC\Steve, I'd just want to be able to query to get Mike, Bob, and Steve. Of course, I don't care if they have the computer name attached, or not, as well. ...

How can I make another application's window transparent?

I know how to make my own application transparent using Layered Windows but I want to make a different application transparent (for example notepad). I wrote code like this but it doesn't work with other windows except my app main window: SetWindowLongPtr(WindowFromPoint(p), GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWL_EXST...

Windows 7, SVN client authentication

Recently I installed new windows 7 in my system and then SVN client. Now when I gave my repository path and checked out the code then it directly checked out the code, without asking the password. I am sure I have configured my repository to ask for the password since I other users of that repository still requires to give their password...

UseLatestCommonDialogs in Delphi 2010 leaks resources?

I have an application in where I let the user select a file from a TOpenDialog. When I have UseLatestCommonDialogs set to true (default), my application will crash after the user has click the button 10-15 times. The problem is isolated to this unique function, it the user avoids this step the application will not crash. When it crashe...

Does Windows 7 still assign Event Log permissions via the Registry?

Hey guys, Very simple question that I've been having trouble answering. In Windows XP and Server 2003, I have occasionally come across a problem when trying to write to the event log. "The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security." The solution to this that has worked in th...

Open default browser as standard user (C++)

I'm currently using ShellExecute "open" to open a URL in the user's browser, but running into a bit of trouble in Win7 and Vista because the program runs elevated as a service. When ShellExecute opens the browser, it seems to read the "Local Admin" profile instead of the user's. So for example, if the user at the keyboard has Firefox a...

Is There any handy way to get windows XP, windows 7 current login User Name in VC? Many Thanks!

I want to get current login user name in windows xp, windows 7, in c++. How can I do this? Is there any handy API without authority problem? Many thanks! ...

Windows7 Installer takes priority how to move it back during installation using C#?

I've a custom Action on Deployment project of .NET Applicaiton, which contains custom dialogbox to enter certain parameters, on invalid parameters I've shown MessageBox.Show - but its being hide by installer window, I tried windows forms too with Activate, TopMost, Focus,bring2front, etc serveral options but it comes by default behind th...

Which web server I need to install and how?

I would like to install a web server on my Window 7. I found instructions for installation of Apache on Windows 7. But as far as I understood I need to have the administrator permission to do so. Am I right? I also though that it is probably a good idea to install another web server (like a native one) on my Windows 7. I thought it shou...

How to turn off McAfee Programatically

I am running McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i on my Windows 7 machine. I am writing this utility to configure McAfee. Now how do i turn off McAfee programatically (using c++ or c#)? The only ways i can do it right now are : Manually opening the McAfee Virusshield icon from the system tray and then selecting Exit. Run a command prompt...

How to debug a WebControl at design-time on Windows 7

My environment is Windows 7 + Visual Studio 2008. I want to debug a custom WebControl at design-time. What I used to do in the old days of VS.NET 2003 was to add a statement "System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break()" to the constructor, then I'd be prompted to attach a second instance of Visual Studio for debugging. In my current environme...

Problem using easy_install on Windows 7, 64 bit. (cannot find python.exe)

Hi, I have just now installed Python 2.6 on my Windows 7 (64 bit) Lenovo t61p laptop. I have downloaded Sphinx and nose and apparently installed them correctly using python install (at least no errors were reported during the installation). Now I am trying to install pymongo using easy_install but I am not having much su...

AutoProxy issue in Win 7 using NTLM authentication

We work in a network that uses a proxy server that accepts NTLM based and basic authentication. When I try to connect to an external IP from an app that I am creating, while running it on a Windows 7 machine, I get the following WinHttp error code 12152 (It sometimes happens from WinHttpRecieveResponse and sometimes from WinHttpSendRequ...

What happend to AssemblyDescription in Windows 7?

We were using the AssemblyDescription attribute to add notes to our assemblies (e.g. fix/branch info). The text was visible on XP in the file Properties/Comments. However in Windows 7 this field has been hidden. Is there a way to show this field in explorer or any other tool? Does MS explain anywhere why this field was removed and wha...

Hiding the system cursor in Windows SDK MagSample

Tried compiling and running this When the app runs two cursors are displayed on the screen, standard small Windows cursor and the magnified cursor as created by the parameter MS_SHOWMAGNIFIEDCURSOR in the CreateWindowEx call in the SetupMagnifier function. The question is, h...

Connecting git to github on windows 7 without bash

I'm setting up git on my new Windows 7 machine and I'm hitting a roadblock when it comes to getting github to acknowledge my ssh key. I am doing things a little different from the standard script in that I would rather not use cygwin and prefer to use my powershell prompt. The following is what I did: I installed msysgit (portable). I...

How to get SSID and RSSI for Win7 using C#

I am very new to Win7 and WMI. Please advice me where to see for active access point from WiFi and how to get ssid/rssi for each access point. I have use: ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("root\\WMI", "MSNdis_80211_ServiceSetIdentifier", null); ManagementObjectSearcher searcher1 = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"root\w...

How to get Tomcat Working on WIndows 7?

I have installed Apache Tomcat 5.X/6.X on my Winodws 7 PC. After the installaiton the service starts fine when I check the Start Tomcat box and click finish. However If I try to start the tomcat configuration tool or monitor tool from the start menu I can not start any of the Tomcat's services. I get an error in a message box stating "Ac...