
Visual Studio registry capture utility has stopped working, error compiling C# project in Windows7

Windows 7 Shows build error like below everytime I compile my project. ...

Has anyone had success with Visual Studio 6 on Windows 7?

VS6 popped off a series of errors before bombing out completely during install on Windows 7. I specifically need to get VB6 functioning on Windows 7. Anyone having any luck? ...

Registry Access in ASP.NET Application running on Windows 7

I've migrated an ASP.NET web application from Server 2003(x86) to a Windows 7(x64) machine. The web application cannot find registry values that were stored under: SOFTWARE\SomeApplicationName\SubLocation\SubLocation2 being accesed through the Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey api located in the Microsoft.Win32 namespace. My question...

IE8 won't submit form on ENTER in Windows 7 using https protocol, but will on Vista, XP, etc.

This is a weird one, and unfortunately I can't test it. At my company we are on Vista now and are not slated to get our Win 7 machines for another few weeks, but a client is complaining about it now. Basically, we have a form with username/password inputs and a submit button. Normal procedure is to enter your data and hit ENTER, bingo, ...

Vista/win7 application volume control interface

Which interface should I use to control the volume of my application on Vista or Windows 7? The programming language doesn't matter. ...

java for windows 7

when downloading java i get a message from windows installer saying system package could not be opened.. verify that package exists and access allowed ...

Windows 7 Security Policy: How Do I Allow My .NET App to Write to Drive "C:"?

Hi. My application is not supposed to perform any administrative tasks, so I want a normal User account to be able to run it. Only thing is, my application reads from and writes to a database file; if the user running Windows 7 (Or Vista) installs my app in drive C, the drive's default permission set configuration doesn't allow my app t...

How to assume/steal another process's windows as my own?

I'd like to show another app's windows under my app's taskbar button. It's a background app that reports another process's windows as my app's own. Is there any universal way to do this, e.g. each "new" window, alert glow, progressmeter, and other taskbar features, show under my own app's button? For example, Winfox runs under its own p...

Prevent Windows 7 Shutdown

I know that shutdown -a will abort a Windows shutdown, but I need to know if there is anything any where I can check for to see if a shutdown is in progress. Ideally, I'd like a small program like this: import os while True: shuttingDown = <shutdown variable to check> if shuttingDown: os.system("shutdown.exe -a") ...

pop3 mail downloading duplicate mails after clean reinstall; crashing after first few of thousands

I've just done a clean reinstall of Windows 7; I backed up my mail to a .pst file and have now imported that file to my Outlook 2007 software. As soon as I add the pop3 account and hit "send & receive", Outlook starts trying to download a copy of every mail in my inbox from the beginning of time. It crashes after the first few mails are...

Windows serial port timing?

I need to measure the time between character events on a serial port, preferably under Windows 7. I have read in various places, statements like "Windows will not provide greater resolution than 10ms", but I have not been able to find out what that really means. Is the problem that the OS will not deliver the events with greater accuracy...

Shell Extension: DragQueryFile returns at most 16 (in Windows 7)

I've writtten a shell extension (guided by The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Shell Extensions) which worked as it should until I upgraded to Windows 7(32bit). Now, the function DragQueryFile UINT uNumFiles = DragQueryFile(hDrop,0xFFFFFFFF,NULL,0); returns the right number of selected files until the number is above 16. Then alw...

How can I launch an application as Administrator after a WiX MSI has completed?

Hi there I want to launch an application with admin rights after I have completed an installation using a WiX based MSI. I can launch the application just fine, on XP but with Windows 7, it's an issue. The application has a manifest embedded in it that says it should run as administrator and I've changed the impersonate attribute in t...

Visual Studio slow in Virtualbox

Like really really slow. I've got a 64 bit, 8 cores, 12 gig ram windows 7 host. I gave 4 cores and 4 gigs of ram to a 64 bit windows 7 virtual machine within which I am trying to run visual studio 2010 (and sql server - but that's it). It worked for a few days but then the resource usage went off the charts - near 100% CPU at all time...

MSMQ on Win2008 R2 won’t receive messages from older clients

Hi all I'm battling a really weird problem here. I have a Windows 2008 R2 server with Message Queueing installed. On another machine, running Windows 2003 is a service that is set up to send messages to a public queue on the 2008 server. However, messages never show up on the server. I've written a small console app that just sends a "...

Can't write to application directory in Program Files

I need to write to some files in the application directory which is installed under Program Files. I know that with UAC enabled on Vista and Windows 7, users can't modify files in this directory. However, I'm aware of the UAC Virtualization that was added in Vista which basically redirects writes to the virtualstore directory . In Vis...

.NET 4 - Determine the number of touch points available in Win 7

Windows 7 reports the number of touch points available to the system under the computer properties - is there a way to get that info in .NET 4? ...

ASP.NET websites under IIS 7.5 (Windows 7) running extremely slow

I've just installed Windows 7 x64 Ultimate on my desktop PC. I installed IIS, Visual Studio 2008, registered ASP.NET, etc. I have this ASP.NET 3.5 website I'm working on running EXTREMELY slow on this new IIS. On STA and PROD servers (Windows 2003 Server) and on my old XP/IIS 5.1 everything runs smoothly. A page which usually takes 1-2...

Question: Using Windows 7, Unauthorized Access Exception when running my application

My application is raising an unauthorized access error. While running my application, I try to access a directory in the following location: Application.UserAppDataPath. The Problem: It says I do not have permission to access the Application.UserAppDataPath directory Is there a way to set permissions within my application source code? ...

Which version of Windows 7 for .NET Developers

Hi, I'm looking to upgrade my laptop from Windows Vista to Windows 7. As a .NET developer I'm not interested in developing Windows 7 components at this stage, but was curious which version would suffice to Install Visual Studio/SQL Server and do some web development testing against the local instance of IIS. I don't care too much about ...