
How to test for Windows 7 platform?

I have a Java app which needs to run differently when on Windows 7. How would you check which Windows version is present? Is it enough to check for OS version 6.1? ...

Problem with GetLastError API on windows 7

Hi, I have one application that interacts with the server. If the server is down then then I will get ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CONNECT I am using getLastError() API to get this error code, I am handling this error code to display proper error messages to the users. This program works fine in Windows 2003. When i tried with Windows7 i am not...

Finding USB serial ports from a .NET application under Windows 7

I have an application that looks for a specific FTDI serial port with customised USB descriptors. My current code uses the example from Code Project, which searches the MSSerial_PortName WMI table under root\WMI, and pulls out extra USB information from root\CIMV2\WIN32_PnPEntity. This worked well under XP, but the application must also...

mysql php connection problem in windows 7

i install windows7 ultimate and php 5.3.1 and mysql server 5.1 mysql server work fine from mysql> and if see phpinfo(); i get the following table mysql MySQL Support enabled Active Persistent Links 0 Active Links 0 Client API version mysqlnd 5.0.5-dev - 0811...

JFileChooser with Windows7 look and feel missing buttons

I succeeded in creating a JFileChooser in the windows look and feel with the following code try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { } But when the JFileChooser comes up, it is missing buttons to the right of the drop-down menu of file names. The buttons that ar...

Can I change Windows 7 execute rights programmatically?

I'd like to change the execute rights for applications in Windows 7 from a .Net windows service. Is this possible? I can't seem to find any information on it. I'm open to other platforms, besides .Net, if need be. ...

MySQL working with but not working with localhost?

I have a strange problem in php MySQL: php connects with but not with localhost. How to solve this issue? ...

How do I read the registry in 32-bit c# app such that registry redirection works on 64-bit Windows 7

My boss just got Windows 7 and he tried running one of our installers which runs perfectly fine under XP. On Windows 7, the installer runs without giving any errors. However, it does not create registry keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE{Company}{product}. These keys get created correctly under XP. Has anyone encountered this iss...

DAO large query lockup on Win7 multicore

I have a C++ app that uses a Jet database through DAO. Large queries work well up through Vista but lockup under Win7 on a multicore machine. I have tried both jet 3.5 and 4.0. Both fail. I have tried disabling threads in calling prog (my app) - still fails. ...

How to resolve Windows 7 Java Runtime path issue?

I have an out-of-of-the-box software tool that I developed in Java. This software requires a fair amount of memory so it must be ran with the -Xmx1024M Java option otherwise it will crash. The customer will run a program named start.jar whose only command is to run the system command "java -Xmx1024M -jar myProgram.jar" This has worked...

Resolving of shell links in c# under Windows 7 fails

Hello, I try to resolve the paths of shell links, which are contained in the "Recent Documents" folder in Windows 7. I used the code posted here (Answer No 3) How to resolve a .lnk in c#. But the method ResolveShortcut is not able to determine the path of some files (e.g. many .txt-files). The same code works perfectly under Windows XP....

Which GUI for windows is state-of-the-art?

Microsoft pushes new GUI development frameworks every few years (Win32, MFC, Windows Forms, WPF, Silverlight, ...?). Now I'd like to develop a fancy windows app for windows 7 and use the most spiffy GUI I can lay my hands on. My problem is: which one should be used for windows client apps? Has Silverlight overtaken WPF for client deve...

Delphi Application.HintColor

In Delphi 2010 (don't know about other versions) Application.HintColor seems to have no effect when running on Windows 7. On XP it gives the desired color. Any workarounds for this? ...

Clean Windows UAC Registration of App

I created an application that had a signed assembly manifest to run as administrator, but I need the application to be moved back down to a user application. However, even after removing the assembly manifest Windows 7 still sees the app as an elevated app. It appears to be tied to the name, because if I change the name the app then no...

How to add dynamic text as Taskbar Icon overlay?

I'm trying add Taskbar Icon overlay with text to windows7 application icon, I did manage to add small overlay but unable to add the text. Does any one know how to add dynamic text as Taskbar Icon overlay? Using: WPF and C# ...

SQL Server Bulk Insert Issue on Windows7

Hi, I’ve got an application that uses SQL Server Express 2005 SP3. This application is distributed to several hundred users, each of whom is running XP. However, our company will be moving to Windows7 soon. My application uses the bulk insert operation in SQL Server, and it runs fine in XP. However, in Windows7 I need to open SQL Ser...

Program needing elevation in Startup registry key (windows 7)

Hi all, I have a program that I'd to run when the computer starts. I've put its path inside "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run". This is in Windows 7. When the computer starts nothing happens. I'm thinking this is because the program needs elevation when I run it. But Windows does not ask for permission to elevate and gives ...

Windows 7 Desktop Manager

when we drag a window to the side of the screen we get like a ripple effect, can we change that programaticaly? ...

WCF Threading current owner

I hosting a WCF service on Windows 7 IIS. When the service is trying to write to a config file and getting the error: "Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MIMS\Master\ahug_uqt.tmp' is denied." This is not the name of the config file although I assume ConfigurationManager is creating a temp file then updating this to the real co...

Windows 7 Animation mouse drag event

Is there a way to have custom animation replace the defauly windows animation when you drag a window to the edge of the screen? ...