
Low-Level C++ App Crashes on Windows Vista/7 Unless Run in XP Compatibility Mode

Hi, I have a low-level (like really low-level, it's basically all IOCTL calls and several calls to enumeration APIs) that crashes sporadically on Windows Vista/7 on clients' machines. Unfortunately, I have not been able to procure any crash dumps but one helpful user did mention that running the program in XP Compatibility Mode solved t...

ICustomDestinationList windows7 taskbar feature

hi I am looking for the windows7 ICustomDestinationList implementation using typelibrary. Can anyone please provide an idl defenition or tlb typelibrary ..? ...

How to develop a 3D application with multi touch support?

Is it possible to develop an 3D application in .Net (XNA or WPF) that would take advantage of Windows 7's multi touch support. Is it possible to do so ? Where is the best place to start ? ...

How to install NumPy on Windows 64?

NumPy installer can't find python path in the registry. Cannot install Python version 2.5 required, which was not found in the registry. OK I have to modify the registry? I already modified %PATH% to point to the Python25 installation directory. ...

sifr 3 not working in IE 8 64bit (windows 7)

hi all... love sifr - use it all the time... but i've noticed that it does not replace text in IE 8 64bit version... works fine in regular IE 8 on windows 7, but not the 64bit version... for a test, anyone viewing this on a 64bit windows machine please take a look at the demo itself in IE 64bit:

"The parameter is incorrect" when clicking pinned item on Windows 7 after updating the application

I have the following situation: Installed my application using ordinary .msi Run the application from the start menu Right click on the icon in the task bar and pin it. Now, I can use the pinned item/short cut to start my application but after I update my app using another .msi file, clicking on the pinned item shows this error: 'Pr...

adb error: unable to parse adb version

Is there anyone who has had any problems using WIN7 and Eclipse? Everytime Eclipse starts this error always comes up: UNABLE TO PARSE ADB VERSION If you try and run/debug the app from within WIN7, The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. [2010-01-29 19:00:17 - app name] You must restart adb and Eclipse. [2010-01-...

Problem with cross-windows compitability on C# with layout and language

Hi all, i am developing a C# Application with .Net Framework and Visual Studio 2005 on Windows 7. On Windows 7 it looks like I want it to, but when I startet the program on Windows XP, the layout is not the same than in Win7. Some buttons are on slighty different position and a Panel of a splitcontainer was much larger. I also tried to...

GetHostEntry.AddressList[0] returns ::1 on current Windows version even with IPv6 off. Can I change this?

I'm using a third party library suite that was stupidly hard-coded to call GetHostEntry.AddressList[0] for a local IP address. It is also not written to support IPv6. I disabled IPv6 on all my network interfaces, but AddressList[0] in my test program (and in the 3rd party libraries) still returns {::1} rather than my first IPv4 address. ...

Windows 7: Loop through Taskbar items

Hi, I'm trying to build a small utility for myself only to hide labels of running programs with windows visible in the taskbar where the label holds no information (for example "iTunes", "Microsoft SQL Server Mngmt Studio", "~cmd.exe") but keep windows like Windows Explorer and Visual Studio and MSN ungroupped, with labels (to know whi...

PEAR on Windows: How to change pear.ini location

I am trying to install a PEAR package into my recent XAMPP PHP installation (PHP 5.3.1) on Windows 7 64-bit. Installing new packages fails because PEAR tries to access c:\windows\pear.ini instead of the existing c:\path_to_xampp\php\pear.ini. This results (rightly) in a permission denied error. I am logged on as Administrator, but the W...

How to use Windows 7 API like Aero Glass, Jump List, etc.

How can I take advantage of the Windows 7 features like Aero Glass, Jump Lists, ect. And minor changes like the icon on the jump list, the color of the jump list. Any good articles? ...

MouseDown and then MouseUp doesn't work

I am trying to redirect mouse inputs on my Windows 7 application to some other window. If I do this when I get WM_LBUTTONUP, it works (where MouseDown and MouseUp are SendInput functions in Win api): SetForegroundWindow( other window ); SetCursorPos( somewhere on the window ); MouseDown(); MouseUp(); SetCursorPos( back ); SetForegroundW...

Is it possible to draw to a device context after DWM thumbnail is drawn?

I registered a thumbnail on a window of another window. (dwmRegisterThumbnail()) I want to draw on top of the thumbnail but I can't as drawing of thumbnail is handled by DWM. Is this possible? ...

Trouble with Multi-User Session test for Windows 7 Software Logo test compliance

I'm currently testing a .NET 2.0 client application for Windows 7 Software Logo compliance (the "compatible with Windows 7" thing) and getting a strange result that has me baffled. The Windows 7 Software Logo Toolkit test comes back with a warning that "application did not pass multiuser session compliance check" and then gives a whole ...

stdin/stdout communication between Java program and C program under 64 bit windows 7

I have a C program which gets spawned from a Java program. The C program is mine, while the Java program is third party. The Java program somehow sets things up so that it communicates with my program via stdin/stdout. The system has been working fine under 32-bit Windows XP for years. I have just purchased a new machine with 64-bit Win...

Permissions issue when publishing to WMI under network service account

I'm adding WMI publishing to a .net framework 3.5 based windows service that is running under the 'network service' account. According to a document I came across on MSDN, the 'network service' account should by default have WMI publishing permissions. ("By default, the following users and groups are allowed to publish data and events: ...

Help with understanding why UAC dialog pops up on Win7 for our application

We have a C++ unmanaged application that appears to cause a UAC prompt. It seems to happen on Win7 and NOT on Vista Unfortunately the UAC dlg is system modal so I can't attach a debugger to check in the code where it is, and running under msdev (we're using 2008) runs in elevated mode. We put a message box at the start of our progr...

Is it possible to capture a window with windows 7 DWM thumbnail in it?

I am starting to believe that you can do nothing with Windows API. I have two windows. One has a DWM thumbnail in it. What I want to do is, I want to be able to capture the screen of the window with the thumbnail into the other one. When I do this, using bitblt, everything is copied except the thumbnail. It just isn't there in the bitma...

Delphi 6 IDE and apps working on windows 7 64 bit?

I have a commercial app that is developed with Delphi 6. Ive been developing under windows xp 32 bit, but am about to get a new development machine with Windows 7 64 bit. Will Delphi 6 install and work in the new environment ? The developed app also uses the BDE, on vista I couldnt get it to work at all, which meant my customers had t...