
.NET Embedded Manifest Crashes XP

Hi, I am embedding a manifest in a .NET exe so that it can request elevated permissions in Vista and Windows 7. The manifest that I am using is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity version="" name="Elevatio...

How to utilize the Windows Vista/7 Dialogs?

I have noticed that the Windows Vista/7 dialogs look MUCH better than just a MessageBox. How can I use them with a P/Invoke? ...

C Language - \n - creating virus

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> union abc { int a; int x; float g; }; struct pqr { int a; int x; float g; } ; void main() { union abc b; struct pqr c; clrscr(); b.a=10; textbackground(2); textcolor(6); cprintf(" A = %d",b.a); printf("\nUnion = %d",sizeof(b)); printf("\nStructure = %d",sizeof(c)); get...

=rand(100,60) - MSOffice Problem

Oho ! Have you tried this one ?? Very simple office utility question. The question is something like this. Open Microsoft word ( 2003 or 2007 ) whatever you use. After opening the word. Let's have a new empty blank document. ( It's up to you to have it or not ) Press enter to go to a new line. now type "=rand(100,60)" in new line No...

Strange bug with PHP on Windows 7

This is the configuration: Windows 7 Home Premium, XAMPP 1.7.3 (Apache 2.2.14 , PHP 5.3.1), Firefox 3.6 This is the PHP-code in a file named 'test.php' in htdocs: <?php echo('04556-8978765'); ?> On http://localhost/test.php I would expect to see the string 04556-8978765 in the browser. This is not what happens, though. The string a...

How can I rename a VB6 executable?

I'm trying to automate a VB6 build where different apps are built from the same source by: Changing "Conditional Compilation Arguments". "Make Project" to a different executable name. I can do part of this on the command line: VB6.EXE /m Project.VBP /d BUILD_OTHER_APP=1 but the executable still has the name "Project.exe". If I rename...

What kind of window can be docked in Win7?

I have been developing a toy editor, and I want my editor to look like the VS2010 text editor which can be dragged out of the main window to become a independent window and the dragged-out window can be maximized when it's dragged to the top of the screen, and can be docked by being dragged to the left or right side of the screen(which i...

Preventing Windows from using Alt+Shift key combination to switch locale

Our program requires the user to hold the Alt+Shift keys together in order to carry out some operations. The problem is that Windows uses this combination to switch locale on some setups. Anyone got any ideas as to how we can "override" this behaviour of Windows whilst our program is running? Can we do some sort of message intervention? ...

Error while installing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 on Windows 7 machine

I've installed Microsoft SharePoint 2010 on my Windows 7 64bits machine. I've modified the config.xml file to accomplish this. Once it's installed I run the Configuration Wizard to create a new site and it throws me the following exception: An exception of type System.IO.FileNotFoundException was thrown. Additional exception ...

OpenGL: rubber bands in Windows Vista/7

Hi there. I've been looking for any solution to draw rubber bands and cursors via OpenGL without redrawing whole window in Windows Vista/7, but can't find anything suitable. Overlay plane approach doesn't seem to be supported widely on all videocards, especially when it comes to dual screen rendering. I found a solution that suggests ma...

What are these orphan IE windows that appear sometimes when debugging in Visual Studio?

I use Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7. Occasionally (more than once a day), when I launch the debugger via F5 to debug an ASP.NET website a blank Internet Explorer window opens and it hangs. I can stop the debugger, but the IE window doesn't go away. When I try to debug again, a new IE window opens and I can debug in that window just fi...

Sharing login credentials on localhost with 2 web applications on IIS7, possible?

I have 2 web applications running in IIS7: http://app1.local/ and http://app2.local/ My host.ini file just maps the above urls to localhost: ::1 app1.local ::1 app2.local I added the same machine key to both their web.config's. When I sign into app2, and then go to app1, the call to Request.IsAuthenticated is false? Sh...

Database copy between servers - user logins corrupted

When I copy a database from one server to another via backup and restore, I find I have to recreate the users in the database. I can't login as them right after the copy - I get cannot open default database, when the database that was just copied is the default database. Why is this? The logins exist on the target copy server. ...

Problems with clear case plugin eclipse

I have a following problems with eclipse, when I installed ClearCase plugin from this url : Has anyone experienced the similar problem? I'm using Windows 7 and eclipse galileo. I've installed the plugin from this URL, what can I do to work this p...

DLL search on windows

On linux, we have LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables in order for programs to search for libraries. Do we have similar thing on windows? Particularly Windows 7? Also, I would like to know best practices for DLL use (where to put them, use envs or not, etc.), since I want to work on windows like everyone does, and no...

How to prevent Windows from caching Com Class info?

Windows 7 is caching some of the COM class information. Older OSs didn't do this. After the OS looks up the HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID{GUID}\LocalServer32 value, it caches the value, and doesn't look it up again. When we update our software, we place the new updates in a different directory, and then update the HKCU\Software\Classes\CL...

Will pywin32 extensions work on Windows 7?

Possibly a horribly stupid question: will the pywin32 extensions work on Windows 7? If not, does anyone know of plans for windows 7 extensions for python? ...

Which verision of Microsoft .Net should i use for windows 7

I am new to .Net framework. I want to develop a PC application, probably in .net framework 2.0. I will create an installer and want to run it in another machine which has windows 7 OS. Which is the .net version i need to install on windows 7, so that I can run my application. ...

Restart a windows 7 machine programmatically.

I have a requirement to trigger a reboot on a windows7 machine programmatically. This is to support a scenario for customers where when they log out of an intenet kiosk machine the machine reboots. On XP this was achieved using WTSSystemShutdown but Im wondering if theres another way. Any pointers greatly appreciated. ...

why is win7/ie8 favorites the start menu?

does anyone know why Win7 Pro IE8 favorites are really the programs in the start menu? I don't see the point, there are usually tons of folders here so it is hard to find internet shortcuts, and why would I want to open a program from IE? I don't like to IE but Firefox usually freezes up on Win7 after 15 I am using IE8 mo...