
running an android app on the device instead of on the emulator.

hi, I've installed the usb driver, i'm running win7. I can see that the driver is installed in the window->android SDK and AVD manager->installed packages but when i'm writing "adb devices" in the cmd it doesnt show like the phone is connected (it is - it has the orange led on..) I'm using the HTC G1. I also did the "Turn on "USB Debuggi...

Windows 7 interfering with smart cards

I have an application that uses the PC/SC API to communicate with smart cards. On Windows 7, I get strange results: the data returned from the cards is inconsistent and invalid with certain commands. If I disable the Smart Card Plug and Play service in group policy then everything works fine. Has anyone experienced anything similar? ...

Windows 7 Missing Shortnames

I noticed that if you get a Scripting.File object from certain windows files (Example: any wav in C:\Windows\Media) the Scripting.File.ShortPath property shows the long path. Curious I dropped to the command prompt and tried Dir /A /X and sure enough the short paths were missing from all the files in that directory. Anyone know: A.) Wh...

How to resolve CVS error: cannot rename file CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup to CVS/Entries.Extra: Bad address

I've checked out a module from CVS onto a newly installed Windows 7 machine. The virus scanner has not yet been installed. Later, when I try to do an update, I get the following error message: cannot rename file CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup to CVS/Entries.Extra: Bad address Has anyone seen and resolved this issue before? ...

How to add the UAC shield icon to program that still must target XP?

I have a program that still must target Windows XP (_WIN32_WINNT 0x501), as most of our customers still use XP. However, we have been shipping Vista for a while, and are now pushing Windows 7 upgrades. For the software to work correctly on the newer OSs, there are a couple operations that require UAC elevation. I have the elevation cod...

How to list all symbolic links on an NTFS filesystem

Hi, since Windows Vista there is an new Win32-API call CreateSymbolicLink to create a symbolic link on the NTFS filesystem. Does anyone know if there is an way to list all existing symbolic links on the filesystem? ...

Selenium RC slower on Windows 7 than on XP?

I've got two systems, one with Windows XP and another with 7, both running Firefox 3.6, the same version of Selenium RC and the newest nunit. When I run tests on 7, it is executed extremely slowly (I mean walking by textbox and setting its values), but when I execute this script on Windows XP it is extremely fast. Do you have the same ...

Strange threads in application in Win7 WOW64

We are observing 4-6 threads on Windows 7 x64 in the application which have 3 threads and behaves normally on any Windows (either 32 or 64 bit) prior Windows 7. Process Explorer shows the following "unknown" thread: ntdll.dll!EtwDeliverDataBlock+offset after random interval the following threads appear: ntdll.dll!TpCallbackIndepende...

WAMP Apache 403 Forbidden error

I have recently changed from Windows XP to Windows 7 and have reinstalled WAMP server on my localhost testing pc. I have copied over my backup site too and this is working correctly. I have installed tinyMCE javascript editor as well as ajaxfilemanager. Everything works except when accessing a file i get the following error: Forbidd...

Using Visual Studio 2005 (32bit) on a Windows 7 64bit machine.

I need to use Visual Studio 2005 (C++) on my new laptop - a Sony Vaio with Windows 7 64bit.. I don't need to develop for a 64bit environment, my work is all 32bit, so how can I be sure that I can still develop/debug/test for a 32bit target environment using VS2005 on a 64bit machine....? What's the best option: 1) Just install VS2005 ...

devIL causes program to be unable to start correctly

I just tried to use devIL and ULIT to help me with opengl texture loading. However, whenever the program starts, I get the error: "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application." What happened? I'm using the Visual C++ 2010 RC, windows 7 64-bit. ...

Refresh Windows Explorer in Win7

My program sets "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" value "Hidden". Hovewer I'm not able to refresh the explorer to take into account this change. I've tried: 1) SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);` 2) SHELLSTATE state = new SHELLSTATE(); state.fSh...

mysql_connect "bool $new_link = true" is very slow

Hi, I'm using latest version of Xampp on 64bit Win7. The problem is that, when I use mysql_connect with "bool $new_link" set to true like so: mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'my_password', TRUE); script execution time increases dramatically (about 0,5 seconds per connection, and when I have 4 diffirent objects using different conne...

Windows Media Center 6 Development on Vista

I have two development machines -- one is Windows 7, the other is Windows Vista. Depending on where I am in my house is which machine I use. I am writing a Windows Media Center 6 (which ships as part of Windows 7) application. I installed the WMC6 SDK on my Windows 7 machine with no issues. However, when I try and install it on my Vista...

Does the VB6 IDE run on Windows 7 64-bit?

We're approaching a point of replacing several of our developer PCs and would like to move up to 64-bit to maximize the hardware/life of the PCs but we also need to support several legacy VB6 applications. That said, Microsoft says it's not supported, but that doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't work. However, support's not important o...

Windows Vista, Default Programs API, file format associations, and (un)installers - explosive mix!

My application is a rather well behaved Windows citizen, so when I ported it to Windows Vista/7 I replaced my custom file format association code with support for the Default Programs API. However I ran into a problem when trying to make uninstaller for my application - there seems to be no way to remove file format associations via Defa...

RegisterTypeLibForUser call doesn't seem to work - any ideas ?

This is really a follow on question to a previous one, where I need to register applications, TLBs and OCXs per user, rather than into HKLM. I have written the following code - based on answers here and elsewhere, BUT the TLB is not registered - no error is thrown, just nothing happens (this code snippet comes from the Embarcadero websit...

Delphi VCL "TaskDialog" problem in Windows 7

I'm developing an windows app on Delphi 2007 and I'm using "Ttaskdialog" component in it. Using windows XP it runs normally, but in Windows 7 I'm getting the following message: TtaskDialog requires themes to be enabled Any clues how to fix it? ...

Connect to an elevated COM server from a non-elevated process

We have a program which launches a child process that hosts a local COM server, which for various reasons must be launched elevated. Everything works fine so long as both the parent and the child process are elevated. However, we also want to run when the parent process is non-elevated. Launching the child process results in a UAC dialo...

What is the recommended version of Java for Windows 7 ?

Can someone advice which is the recommended version of Java Runtime Environment for Windows 7, since older version may have some incompatibilities etc? Thanks in Advance ...