
SHAddToRecentDocs without a file?

I was toying with an IRC client, integrating it with the windows 7 app bar. To get a "Frequent" or "Recent" items list one has to call SHAddToRecentDocs API. I want to add recent IRC channels visited to the Windows 7 Jumplist for the IRC application. Now, my problem is, IRC channels don't exist in the file system. And SHAddToRecentDocs ...

Windows Services in Win7?

I am trying to make a service that spawns a desktop application, and then watches to make sure it restarts again if it is closed. . I would like it to basically spawn the process and then forget about it, allowing to act like a normal interactive application. (Apparently this is much easier to do in XP and before, but I need this for XP...

Windows 7 Jump List Displays No Icons

The application I'm working on has a set of file types associated with it. Everyone is familiar with Windows 7's new Jump List and its features. If I open a file (double clicking on it or from within my application), my list of 'Recent Documents' in the jump list is populated correctly, but the default 'no icon' is displayed instead of t...

Is there any explorer.exe problem in windows 7 ?

s += "<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><a href=\"javascript:window.print()\">PRINT</a></p>"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"CheckForm.html", s); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = "explorer.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "CheckForm.html"; System.Diagnostics.Process.St...

SendInput scan code on Windows 7 x64

I am working with a WPF application sending keys to a game. I opened spy++ to observer s as a key press on the keyboard. I then press my button on the application and I noticed a different scan code in spy++ messages. Could this be somthing to do with Windows 7 64bit? Partial listing: var down = new INPUT(); down.Type = (UInt32)InputTyp...

How to install system_timer gem on Windows 7

I got problem "Processing environment.rb: Pre Initialisation Phase (using rails 2.3.5)" "Processing environment.rb: Main Initialisation Phase" C:/Ruby/bin/rake: No such file or directory - svnversion [memcache-client] Could not load SystemTimer gem, falling back to Ruby's slower/unsafe timeout library: no such file to load -- system_tim...

C# WMI Eventwatcher code stopped working on Windows 7 with security exception

This is code that worked fine on Windows XP for years. User is not local administrator. WqlEventQuery query = new WqlEventQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ProcessStopTrace"); ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions(); co.EnablePrivileges = true; ManagementEventWatcher watcher = new ManagementEventWatcher(new ManagementScope(@"root\cimv2"...

MFC CComboBox OnKillFocus/ShowDropDown after SetCurSel on Windows 7

As you may know a CComboBox (DropDownList style) only selects properly by typing if you don't let it autosort it's content. Here an example of what i mean: You type A and then B. If it is not on autosort it will first select the next entry beginning with A and then the next entry beginning with B. If it is sorted it will select the next...

Android development on windows 7

Has anyone tried to develop an android app on windows 7? It says that it isn't a supported OS, but sometimes that doesn't stop people from trying to develop on it anyways. ...

-How to disable horizontal scrolling within virtualbox on Ubuntu guest, Windows 7 host?

This post is a duplicate from, but since I had no answers, I started to doubt it was a user question and maybe more of a programming question (because of the configuration files), so here it is: I am using Windows 7 as Host, Ubuntu Karmic as guest OS with guest tools installed and I get an annoying glitch when switching fr...

Creating compound applications in Windows 7

I need to port a suite of Windows applications (running under XP with little security turned on) to Windows 7 with various levels of security, depending on how our clients may configure it. Each functional area is a seperate executable or DLL that is downloaded and registered by a central 'compound' application. This means that the diffe...

"Requested registry access is not allowed." on Windows 7 / Vista

I'm attempting to write a key to Registry. It works on Windows XP, but fails on Windows 7 / Vista. The code below throws a Security Exception with description "Requested registry access is not allowed." RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\App_Name\\" + subKey, true); I realise that this has to do wi...

how do i reach apache on a vitualbox machine

I am trying to run a virtual LAMP machine on my windows 7 for dev purposes. But i cant figure out how to reach the apache from the host windows 7 system. I did an ifconfig and tried the ipaddress, but to no avail. ...

Programmatically change the icon of the executable

I am developing an application called WeatherBar. Its main functionality is based on its interaction with the Windows 7 taskbar — it changes the icon depending on the weather conditions in a specific location. The icons I am using in the application are all stored in a compiled native resource file (.res) — I am using it instead of the ...

Unable to get multiple connection to MySql on Windows 7

I have installed MySql on windows 7 ... issue is i'm unable to get multiple connection to MySql . If I connect to MySql through command line and at the same time open an other MySql command line client it goes into wait state, as soon as I disconnect the first one later one gets connected. Because of above issues I'm unable to run tomc...

IP Address Lookup in (XP vs Windows 7)

Currently I use the following code to retrieve the IP address of the local workstation... strIPAddress = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(strComputerName).AddressList(0).ToString() This is fine for the Windows XP workstations. However, in Vista and Windows 7, this returns the IPv6 address which is not used at all. Is there a method of sett...

Need to setup Subversion in my local box

Hi, I am using Windows7 and I do lot of Java coding in Eclipse. But I dont have a version control system. I have heard of Subversion being a very popular VCS, so I would like to set it in my local box. Can you please give me some pointers on where to start/look at? I would like to checkin/checkout files using Eclipse. Please guide me....

How test a Delphi app with Application Verifier 4.0?

I download the Application Verifier 4.0 to test my App for check if could have problems on Vista/7. I run from Delphi 2010 debugger, and stop in CPU view. Obviously, I don't understand anything about assembler!. So, I try running directly from the windows explorer, and the App die. (In fact, I don't understand well what exactly will d...

grails clean having issues

Im running grails 1.2 on win7. when i try to do grails clean it fails to remove some jars in my acegi plugin. after that failure, it complains about not finding the plugin descriptor. I am forced to remove all plugins from the disk manually and then run the app again to download them again. the particular jar in acegi is ant-contrib-...

ffdshow codec can not work with media play 12 in windows 7 ?

The reason of this issue is caused by media player 12 (in windows 7 professional) using mircsoft default codec which don't support mp4 decode. The ffdshow codec can not replace microsoft default codec in windows 7 (windows7 does not allow that in default). I find some third party tools can switch media player default codec to ffdshow b...