
Bootstrapper (setup.exe) says ".NET 3.5 not found" but launching .msi directly installs application without problem

Our installer generates a bootstrapper (setup.exe) and a MSI file - a pretty common scenario. One of the production machines reports a strange problem during install: If the user launches the bootstrapper (setup.exe), it reports that .NET 3.5 is not installed. This happens with account under administator group. No matter if they launc...

Incompatibility between x86 and x64 in Installation solution

Hello, I have installation solution that have installer project (not web installer but simple installer) that installs NT services, web service and web sites with help of additional two projects of dlls with my own code that performs my installation step. In user actions of installer project I call installer function of one of those pr...

Link error when using stlport in visual studio 2008and visibroker

Hello all Im using stlport 5.21 and link it with visibriker client libs When I compile it with stlport im getting this error: in this method : __cdecl CORBA::ORB_init 1>Client.cpp 1>Linking... 1>Client.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) class stlp_std::basic_ostream > & __cdecl operator<<(class ...

ImageButton OnClick Event not firing

Hi All, I am really confused about this one. I have some code that runs fine on my development server but I am now trying to get the site working on the sales guys new laptop. None of the image buttons on the website seem to be working for him (they just redirect me back to the websites homepage) whereas they used to on his previous mac...

Help with ActiveX Install? Merge Modules - Windows Vista and Windows 7

I'm building an ActiveX control installer in VS2008 which uses both the CRT and MFC merge modules to install. When my control tries to register on Windows 7 it fails. Dependency Walker says I'm missing the mfc90u.dll, msvcr90.dll and msvcp90.dll dependencies when trying to register my control and the install fails. Are the merge modules...

Possible Data Execution Prevention (DEP) problem in Windows 7

I have a serious problem with my .Net program. It calls a native dll, and then crashes instantly because it can't find a native method. This is behaviour we have seen before, whereby the C# compiler, in its infinite wisdom, sets the flag that the program is DEP compatible, even if it calls a native dll which patently is not. We have the...

Localizing Task Links for a Control Panel Item on Windows Vista

I'm having a problem localizing the Task Links for a Control Panel applet on Windows Vista ( This is the part of my XML file where I define the task: <sh:task id="{3DC35DFB-B037-4148-B351-7959EE034D92}"> <sh:name>@MyApplet.cpl,-101</sh:name> <sh:keywor...

What parts of .NET require administrative priviliges to be executed?

Which parts of the framework require a user to be more than a Standard User? The reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to compile a list of possible issues with our existing applications when migrating to Windows 7. Now, I can think of a few things myself: Writing to Eventlog Writing to Registry Keys outside of Current_User scope Ge...

Shopping list for developing Windows app on Mac

Folks, I need to maintain a C#/.Net desktop application. So, I need to set myself up with Windows(7?) and Visual Studio. My current development machine is a Macbook Pro and I would like to continue using it. Overall, I am considering the following recipe: Install VMWare Fusion or Parallels or VirtualBox for running the Windows OS Buy ...

GetVersionEx Not Working on Windows 7?!

On my Windows 7 system, the GetVersionEx Windows API function returns "6.0", indicating Windows Vista, when it should return "6.1". If it matters, I used the following Delphi code: function winver: string; var ver: TOSVersionInfo; begin ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(ver); if GetVersionEx(ver) then with ver do result...

Resizing window causes black strips

I have a form, which sets these styles in constructor: this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); And I draw some rectangles in Paint event. There are no controls on the...

Get list of windows in taskbar on Windows 7?

Hi, how can I get a list of windows shown on the taskbar on Windows 7? I have tried EnumWindows, but I'm getting way more windows than those shown on the taskbar (800 vs 15). ...

can't write to physical drive in win 7??

I wrote a disk utility that allowed you to erase whole physical drives. it uses the windows file api, calling : destFile = CreateFile("\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1", GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,createflags, NULL); and then just calling WriteFile, and making sure you write in multiples of s...

Write-access for c# app in its own exe dir in Windows 7

I know that user accounts in Windows 7 are limited by default, so a program cannot just write anywhere on the system (as it was possible in Win XP). But I thought that it would be possible that e.g. a c# app is allowed to write inside it's own exe-directory or it's subfolders at least (not everything is 'user settings' or should be writ...

WSSQL query for multiple computers at once

I can run normal searches just fine. Windows 7 won't let me add a network share to my local index, but I can query the remote index just fine. The problem is that I can't find a way to query two indexes at once. I was hoping that something like this would work: SELECT System.ItemName FROM compA.SystemIndex, compB.SystemIndex WHERE ...

Trying to INstall PHP on windows 7 ultimate with IIS6

I am trying to install php on my windows 7 machine. I have installed IIS 6.x and I have also installed php. I used this tutorial The only thing I didnt understand is this part: 4) Install IIS7, making sure you install the ISAPI Extension compon...

How to set java_home on Windows 7?

I went to the Environment Variables in 'System' in the control panel and made 2 new variables. one for user variables and one for system variables, both named JAVA_HOME and both pointing to C:\Sun\SDK\jdk\bin but for some reason, I still get the below error when running a java command... BUILD FAILED C:\Users\Derek\Desktop\eclip...

Show a taskbar item with a NativeWindow

My application is intended to work almost entirely through a Windows 7 taskbar item with the use of thumbnails and jump lists. I know I can easily create a Form and simply hide it, but this seems like overkill. Plus, I'd like to toy around with NativeWindow as much as possible, because I've never used it before. Essentially, I have a cl...

JNLP desktop shortcut creation with Windows 7 : "cannot create shortcut"

Hi, we have an Java application deployed with Java Web Start (JNLP) that does a desktop shortcut. One client has issue with Windows 7 : in the end of startup/installation there is a message "cannot create shortcut". With our own Windows 7 machine we don't have problems and unfortunately we don't have much details yet. But if somebody...

Unable to modify git bash Windows shortcut

Under Windows 7 I'd like to change the settings for the Git Bash Here shell extension command window, e.g. width, height and font. But when I do this, I get an error "Unable to modify the shortcut". I can modify the shortcut for Git Bash in the Start menu by using "Run as administrator..." This works, but only for Bash windows opened fr...