
Disabling Vista-Style controls in Application

So I'm trying to recompile an application to add some minor features. All is well, except for one thing. The old version has all the windows-vista-style dialog buttons. The corners are rounded, the radio buttons look different, etc. Example How do I turn those things on? I want it to look/feel like the original. EDIT: If anyo...

Wpf + Winforms WebBrowser security in Vista

I have a simple WPF app that browses to a web cam. Same issue for winforms app. This works great on XP but fails on Vista ? Looks like IE is doing some sand boxing on vista. With vista the request to install the activeX happens every time but not on XP. Any one know why or how to make it work ? Here is the WPF code. <Window x:Class="W...

How do I make Vista's Narrator read my Swing components back to me?

I'm trying to implement a very, very simple accessibility test for Swing so I can get a handle on how big a piece of work it will be to provide accessibility support for our already established Swing application. I have the most simple Swing program, and I'm using Narrator in Windows Vista to attempt to screen-read its GUI. public clas...

Problem "F5" Debugging ASP.NET Web Application Project with VS2008 on Vista

Greetings! I'm working with a .NET3.5 Web Application project in Visual Studio 2008 on Vista Ultimate. I'd rather use IIS7 than Cassini as my local test web server. I have the website setup in II7 and every thing is served with no problems. However, I'd like to use the VS debugger hooked up to F5 instead of manually attaching to the ...

Problem using "MS MPEG-2 Video Decoder" in DirectShow on Windows Vista

I'm trying to render MPEG-2 video files on Windows Vista "Ultimate" using DirectShow. (note: MS included their own DirectShow filter for decoding MPEG-2 in the "Utimate" version of Vista) I'm manually building the following DirectShow filtergraph: [file src] --> [MS MPEG-2 Demux] --> [MS MPEG-2 Video decoder] --> [custom video renderer]...

Winforms WebBrowser fails on vista.

I have a simple winforms app just one window with one WebBrowser control inside. On vista this fails to show the date but works OK XP ? The website runs activeX to show the date. namespace WindowsFormsBrowserTest { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); ...

MySQL + Windows VISTA / 7 = Crashes with Eclipse RCP + Datanucleus app.

Hi there. I'm having a big problem with MySQL + Datanucleus + Windows Vista / 7. THE Problem is so SEVERE, the MySql Server Shuts Down! PROBLEM OCCURS: with DN 1.0.0.m3 + MySQL 5.1.x (LOCAL) + Vista. when performing deletePersistent of an object that has a LIST in the structure (a deletePersistentAll of the LIST is issued BEFORE del...

Visual styles on WTL CreateSimpleToolbar()

I have created WTL 8.1 project with the wizard. Visual styles are applied to menu and about dialog, but toolbar looks ugly. How can I make the toolbar look native in Vista/7? ...

Vista 64-bits development tools

Well, okay. There's Visual Studio 2008 and Embarcadero Delphi/Studio that are both able to create 64-bits .NET applications for Vista. And of course a lot of 32-bits applications will run on 64-bits Vista. If not, it's always possible to install VMWare to create a virtual 32-bits Windows XP system to run 32-bits applications. So, plenty ...

Available techniques for having multiple clipboards in Vista

When programming, I need a way to have more than one clipboard (Vista). I think two of them would do the trick. For example Ctrl-C copies to clipboard #1 while Control-Shift-C would copy to clipboard #2. Curious to know what software you use or maybe other methods altogether. ...

How do I make TProgressBar stop lagging?

I've got an app that runs a long set of operations, and I'm trying to use a TProgressBar to keep track of what's going on. I set a number of steps, and call .StepIt to increment the progress bar. Problem is, it doesn't keep up very well. Instead of jumping directly to the correct position, it seems to like to slide gradually up to it....

Eclipse 3.3 default editor under Vista

I switched some months ago from Eclipse 3.0 under Win2000 to Eclipse 3.3.2 under Vista. With my old platform, when I opened a file from eclipse navigator, for which no particular editor was configured, the file was defaultly opened with LPAD editor. Now with my new platform, in the same situation, Eclipse delegates the choice to Vista, ...

"The RPC server is unavailable"

Hi, this is driving me crazy. I have 2 testing machine, one XP, and one Vista. I am running the same commands on both. These commands include creating a logman counter ( like a perfmon with command prompt), starting these counters, then stopping them, and then deleting them. The problem is this: On XP they work perfectly, I am getting ...

TortoiseSVN Keeps Crashing Explorer on Windows Vista

Has anyone else experienced this? I have uninstalled and reinstalled TortoiseSVN as well as followed a suggestion I found online about turning off the icon overlays but Explorer on Windows Vista will still crash when I perform certain operations like pulling up the context menu (i.e. Right Click), hitting the delete key, hitting Ctrl+C ...

Domain compatibility: where should shared data be written?

Hi all, We've written an application that works fairly well in XP, but is having serious migration issues to Vista and Windows 7, probably due to where user data is being written. The use case is this: Individual users need to log in to the machine and use it to acquire data. Supervisor users need to be able to look over the shoulder ...

running application from visual studio in vista in port 80 gives error

I am running an web application with Visual studio 2008 with administrator mode in Vista. It runs fine when the port is set to other than 80. But it gives an error like WebDev.Webserver.exe has stopped working. I have turned of IIS default website so no other application should be using 80 port. What can be the reason and how to find ou...

WebProxy and Authentication on Vista

I am talking to a webservice via a webrequest, I am behind a proxy that requires authentication. What I would like to do is piggyback off the IE / Control Panel settings but I am having some difficulty... if I do this, all is fine... WebProxy proxy = new WebProxy(@"http://my.secret.address:8080"); proxy.Credentials = CredentialCa...

How do I create a file in VC++ 6.0 when UAC is on?

How do I create a file in C++ when UAC is on, but with out running as administrator? I'm trying to create a text file in the following path: "C:\Programdata\Desktop" in VC++ 6.0 when Vista's UAC is on. However, Createfile(...) failed with 'permission denied'. When I run the sample application with "run as administrator" it works. But m...

Are the features in IIS 7 on Vista Business the same as on Windows 2008 server?

We're migrating development to Vista 64 bit mainly so we can leverage >4GB memory on the dev PCs. IIS 7 looks pretty different to the flavour we've come to know and love on Windows XP Pro so we're looking at buying some reference materials. Would buying a book on IIS 7 targetted primarily to Windows 2008 be also applicable to the versio...

Image list loading fails on Delphi 6 and Vista service pack 2

Delphi 6 on Vista service pack 2 seems that can't load imagelist from dfm and save back again in the IDE. The project with the dfm corrupted can't be rebuilt. the error when I run the project is: EReadError Error reading imagelist1.Bitmap: Failed to read ImageList data from stream any suggestion? thanks in advance ...