
Publish option disabled in win Vista after converting a website to web application

I have converted a web site to a webapplication. In windows Vista, the option of publish is no more available. Any idea how to solve this problem. ...

Programmatically execute app in Vista...

Hello, I have an application that executes an upgrader application automatically whien it starts. However, when the first app laucnches and sees that an upgrade is needed it launches the upgrader and fails becuase of security in Vista. If i launch the upgrader manually as an Administrator then it functions correctly. 1) How can i do...

Xcode can't build on windows share after changing mac?

After moving to a other mac (fresh installed OSX 10.5.7 with iphone sdk 2.2.1) i now have several problems. Often copying files to my mac from the windows vista64 share failes with error -41. When building an .xproject directly on the windows share it fails with hundreds of errors like the following: "error : Cannot allocate memory" I...

Windows Vista: Is there a way to have the Alt+Tab overlay display on all monitors?

In Windows Vista, when I press Alt+Tab, the application switcher overlay only shows on the primary monitor (the one with the task bar on it). Is there a way (via control panel, registry setting, third party tool, whatever) to have the overlay display on all monitors instead? ...

compling assemblies on a 64bit plaform for a 32bit

What option should I select for compliing assemblies on a 64bit plaform for a 32bit platform server. As currently I am trying to publish to a 32bit server. I am using VS2005 on a windows Vista machine to build my project and then publish on server but I am getting errors. Any idea how can I solve this problem. Should I use AnyCPU option...

ATL Server Web Service on Windows Vista and VS2005

Hi There !!! Let's find someone who could help me on this problem. I have created on VS2005 under Windows Vista a new Visual C++ ATL Server Web Service Project with: Blob Cache Session Services (Memory-backed session-state service) I compiled the project sucessfully. Then, i opened IExplorer and access de URL to generate the WSDL. The W...

Translating Vista WinAPI C++ header for Delphi - any suggestions?

Hi, I'm needing to call a Windows API function introduced in Vista from my Delphi app, but I don't have any Delphi headers which describe the function. Related functions are already documented in the JEDI Windows API library, but not this function. My C++ is almost non-existent, and I'm struggling to work out the Delphi definitions th...

Compiling with Delphi 2009 from a command line under Windows Vista 64-bit

Has anyone succeeded to compile a Win32 GUI app with the command line dcc32.exe compiler, under 64-bit Windows Vista, without installing Delphi 2009? On our system it fails, with a message that the DFM files contain unknown 16-bit resources. This is usually an indication that the DFM files cannot be read. It works perfectly on all 32-bit...

Delphi & Vista Dragging Forms Glitch

I wondered if you have a work around for the problems with docking forms in Vista, such as the close button being partially obscured, and the gray border when being dragged rendering extremely slow, making a appearing / disappearing appearance? Delphi 2007 & Vista (64 bit) ...

Unable to contact IP driver, error code 5 ... vista

When I try to do on my Vista Laptop with wireless network adapter the C:\Users\Guest>ping I get: Unable to contact IP driver, error code 5, any ideas ? ...

Reshaping the "glass" in Windows Vista

In Windows Vista, all standard window borders are translucent with some sort of a glass distortion effect on whatever is under them. This glass effect can permeate other areas of the window--such as surrounding the address and search bars in Windows Explorer or the playback controls in Windows Media Player. What if I want to do this in m...

General pitfalls when moving to 64-bits Vista?

Well, to begin with, I'm using Visual Studio 2008 on a 32-bits Windows XP system. I have a second 32-bits Vista system but that's not used for development. I just ordered a new development computer which will use 64-bits Vista. (Don't want Windows 7 just yet, but will probably upgrade to Windows 7 in two years from now if it has a good m...

Installing a program on windows vista dutch version.

I have a program that installs on the English version of vista just fine but when we try to install it on a dutch version we get the following error message. Error 1001 "Kan een aantal of alle id-verwijzingen niet omzetten" Google translate converts it to this: "Could some or all id referrals not convert" This error is happening during ...

Vista: Can an EXE bypass user confirmation while invoking another EXE?

I have 2 applications written in Delphi. The first exe (with a user interface) calls another using ShellExecuteEx(), which runs as a background process. When the first exe invokes the second, one of these two things happen: When I log in as an admin, a UAC dialog comes up with the Allow/Cancel prompts. Selecting Allow continues the e...

Hosting wcf service in WAS

I wrote my WCF Service I need to host this in Windows Activation services (WAS) in my vista machine.. Please tell how to host my service in WAS.. Also how to consume this client apps ...

Vista permission denied programdata

I'm trying to add a tool to Visual Studio and it is a DOS command line utility. The command line args require a path to a config file. It seems that no matter where I try to store this config file, the command line utility can not get permission to open the file. I tried C:\ProgramData\Utilities\JavascriptLint\ C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Ut...

Is it possible to UAC elevate a process without starting another process

I was wondering if it is possible for a program to prompt the user with a UAC prompt to raise it's own privileges without starting another process. All the examples I can find on the internet seem to ShellExecute "runas" which creates a new process with elevated privileges. If this is not possible then my best solution I guess would be...

How do I create add a shortcut (.lnk) for my application to the Startup folder programatically in .NET/C#

My application will have a per machine (not per user) Startup shortcut. I can create a shortcut during the installer process no problem. My problem comes when the user later removes it and then tries to re-enable. In otherwords, they turn off RunOnStartup (which deletes the Startup ink) and at a later time they decide they do want it ...

Is the .NET Framework installed by default on Vista?

I'm writing a console application that will be deployed with an installation of an application we are writing. The console app aims to fix a bug in vista that will allow our application to be installed correctly in Vista. The console application works fine, but can I count on the .NET framework being installed on all Vista machines - i...

WPF Browser controll will not run activeX on Vista

I have an WPF application that hosts a control. After loading I set the control to navigate to a web camera. this.WebBrowser.Navigate(this.NodeUrl); This web camera will run some active X controlls. On an XP machine in the regular broser IE7 these run fine and I see video. But the hosted browser in the WPF does nut run the active X....