
How to test app for Vista

I've written an app that connects to websites APIs and does some things there. It is a app written in C#, .NET 3.5 on a XP OS. Now I have a problem. Some people reported that this application hangs on Vista, and not on the more new version of Windows (what was the name?) So I do not have Vista and do not have money to buy this system ...

How to Modify a restricted registry key under HKCU in Vista programatically?

I want to modify a restricted registry key in Vista under HKCU hive programatically. Can anybody help me out in this regard? ...

Can add own voice to TTS voice

Hi, There are some built-in sound in TTS(Text-to-speech) like sam at XP and ana for vista, is there any way to add own sound in it. ... (Permission denied)

i am tying to read a file placed in my documents folder on vista. The fiel does exists on a specified location but still i am getting the following error when trying to open an input stream to the file (Permission denied) at Method) at

Tomcat application/catalina logs buffered on Vista, can't be tailed

I'm working on a Vista workstation purely out of stubbornness. Not that I like it, but it's what IT put on the machine when I arrived, and I'm determined to make it work somehow. I build a webapp and deploy it under Tomcat 5.5, starting it from the command line, not as a service. The problem is that the log files written by Tomcat and...

Is it possible to lower the privilege level when calling CoCreateInstance on Vista?

Okay, I have a plugin for IE that when installed needs to (with the user's permission) restart IE. To do this I have a DLL that is invoked by the installer. And it works, but the problem is that when IE is restarted on Vista, it is restarted with the administrator privileges of the installer, which is a problem for a number of reasons. ...

Vista DLLImport Problem C#

[DllImport("DoSomething.dll", EntryPoint = "something_dump", SetLastError = true)] private static extern void something_dump(IntPtr dumper); When I run this DLLImport on XP machines it works fine but on vista I recieve the exception: Unable to load DLL 'DoSomething.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from ...

SQL 2005 Express on SBS2008 connection issues from Vista x32 SP2 machines

I have a VB6.0 application running at a client's site on Vista SP2. When attempting to connect to a SQL 2005 Express database on a named instance ([edit]running in Mixed Mode - not Windows Authentication Only), on a SBS2008 server, from THREE OF THE FOUR Vista workstations in the office I receive the following errors: "SQL Server does n...

HTML to emulate Vista Command Link?

This is a Windows Vista Command Link dialog: I was wondering if anyone had already written HTML to mock the look and feel of the options in the dialog. For my purposes, I only need the font and font size because I'm using an HTML-enabled Windows Forms control. However, it might be more useful for the community at large if someone ha...

Vista Home Premium IIS 7.0 and

New laptop, new operating system. Windows Vista premium. I've installed Visual Studio and IIS 7.0. I open my web project in visual studio and vist the properties view for the web app. The webDev server is currently selected. I select IIS instead and I get the warning IIS telling me I need to install IIS 6.0 configuration compatabili...

Problems during Migration from VS 2003 to VS 2008

I have converted one of my Visual studio 2003 projects into VS2008 and when trying to build the project in VS2008 I get the below mentioned error. In oledb.h, I have typedef LONG DBROWCOUNT; and in sybdb.h, I have #define DBROWCOUNT 16 When I compile, I get the following errors: c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a...

SQL Server 2008 SSMS won't remember password

SQL Server 2008 doesn't remember password inspite of checking the "Remember Password" checkbox. I was suspecting a reboot would solve the problem. But, the issue persists. Environment: Windows Vista Ultimate, SQL Server 2008 I have been hesitant to post this, as it seems so trivial and weird. ...

Looking for list of files already included with each version of Windows (XP, Vista, 7) so we know what to distribute

We have been distributing OleAut32.dll and olepro32.dll (and other DLLs that are in the VB6 Runtime package) for many years now but Windows 7 has a newer version of those. And we were forcing our VB6 app to use our copies of them. I removed all of our standard DLL's (including the above) and the app runs just fine, so they're all inclu...

RAM PerformanceCounter problems

My code: var list = new LinkedList<int>(); var ramCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes"); while (true) { for(int i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000; i++) list.AddLast(0); Console.WriteLine(ramCounter.NextValue()); } Questions: The documentation seems to say I can use a PerformanceCounter only as an Administrator,...

NSIS Integration with Windows Games Explorer

I'm trying to get the NSIS installer for my game to register the game with the Games Explorer in Vista/Win7. In all other respects, my installer is working fine - but I've had a difficult time identifying the 'right' way to integrate with the Games explorer. In my searching, I've found the following resources: Game Explorer with Help...

How to host a WCF service in a web application with netNamedPipeBinding and WAS on Windows Vista

I am trying to host a WCF service with netNamedPipeBinding in a web applicaion on a Vista machine. I enabled the non-HTTP service activation as described in this article: I configured the service as follows: <endpoint address="net.pipe://myservice" binding="netNamedPipeBinding" bi...

creating COM object in Vista- error

Is there special security settings needed for a server side VB script to create a COM object on Vista (64 bit, Enterprise) ? The COM object (a DLL) is registered. THanks, ...

Request suspend on Vista but allow other applications to cancel

My application uses the Win32 SetSuspendState() API to trigger system suspend or hibernation when it has finished doing a lengthy task. The API accepts a parameter "ForceCritical" which determines whether or not the system suspends immediately or whether it broadcasts PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND first to allow other apps the chance to cancel th...

How do I add `java` to the command path on Vista?

I have JDK installed in Vista. I want to run java from the command line. How do I configure the path variable? If I'm not able to set the JAVA_HOME variable, what is an alternative? ...

self-signed certificate issue in IIS 7.0

Hello everyone, I am setting up IIS 7.0 on a Windows Vista box. I am using self-signed certificate (by using built-in Create Self-Signed Certificate feature of IIS 7.0) on a web site. The I can browse from the local machine (the machine with IIS and web site) for the https address, for example, https://machinename/test.html, it works. ...