
How to change the "date modified" of any file in Vista home premium?

Hello, In windows vista, how can i change the filed "date modified", of any file(text/binary) without editing it? I mean by just changing some of its properties. In Win-XP if one had to change date of any file(text, binary), in the file properties menu, one could add any string in one of the fields like Author, Comment, summary and sa...

Vim: running java from vim command gives error.

I wrote a simple hello world program to test the JDK installation. I can compile from Vim using: :!javac Desktop\ That works just fine but when I try to run the program using: :!java Desktop\HelloWorld it gives me this error: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c java "Desktop\HelloWorld" Exception in thread "main" java....

GetPrivateProfileString() Gives Access Denied Error on Vista

A GetPrivateProfileString() call works fine on Windows XP but fails with an Access Denied error when run on Vista. The call is being made inside a thread spawned by a Windows service which I wrote. The Windows service itself is run using the credentials of a user account on the local machine (thought to be needed because the code requi...

Problem in hosting ActiveX on Vista (in a Visual Studio 6 C++ application) II

Hi, (I'm re-posting this message since I signed up as a user now) I just installed Visual Studio 6 (SP5) on a Vista Enterprise machine. Had some problems but I think it’s set up alright. The problem is my VC++ 6 application fails when trying to host an ActiveX. I was able to compile it ok, though got a warning message from Vista about ...

Open an html page on an install CD with the default browser

I am trying to build an install CD with a custom MFC application set to autorun when the CD is inserted. The instructions are included as a simple html page with images and links to PDF documents, all of which are located on the CD. In the past I'd used the following to open the html page with the default browser: ShellExecute(NULL, "...

Where to find good looking and Vista look-alike user interface icons?

Ok, I know that Visual Studio ships with a few user interface icons but they are few and most of all, they are kinda outdated and don't fit well into Vista or Seven. I like pretty interfaces and I like interfaces where they fit and look part of the OS. One of the problems regarding this is the interface icons, I can't find good icons in...

IWebBrowser2.Navigate opens second window

The following code, on Vista with Internet Explorer 7, opens two windows (the one I create, and then a second one when Navigate is called, which is the one that the file appears in). This doesn't happen in Internet Explorer 8, or on XP as far as I know. Any idea how I can stop it doing that? SHDocVw.InternetExplorerClass ieObject...

Missing windows authentication IIS component because of Windows Vista Home Premium edition... any fixes out there?

Apparently Windows Vista Home Basic and Premium both do not ship with integrated windows authentication for IIS (You need Business edition)... so does anyone know how to get windows authentication installed for IIS? I went into Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features on or off. Then in the Windows Features popup I navigated to... ...

User Interface Icons

Does anyone know where I can find well-designed User Interface Icons?? I'm looking for 16x16 for a toolbar that I'm Designing. I really enjoy the OS style, but I need some that will fit well for Vista?? Can anyone help?? ...

Git checkout and reset on Windows occasionally shows random files have changed

Often when I do a checkout of a different branch, or a reset, I will get 'permission denied' errors from windows for one to a dozen files - but the particular files vary from run to run. Here's the output from a test I just did, with GIT_TRACE=1. The trace only added the one line before the error message: $ git checkout master t...

msa1 codec problems

So my new job started. The company provided me with a computer with a Windows Server 2008 operating system and they told me I should watch some Live Meeting recorded instructions and demonstrations about how the system works that I will be working on. Live Meeting, in case you don’t know, has a very cool feature where you can record a ...

Uninstallation of Vista gadget.

I have developed a test vista gadget. Zipped it and renamed it to ".gadget". Its a valid installer for the gadget & it works well. Is there any standard way to un-install the same gadget? What I am looking for is programmatic way to un-install the gadget. ...

Show UAC prompt when launching an app

I have an app which needs administrator privileges to do some things. I'd like to just show the UAC prompt when it starts, and then be elevated. I'm not sure how to do this, but I'm hearing about things like manifests and whatnot but not seeing a plain answer anywhere. ...

C#: Detect if running with elevated privileges?

I have an application that needs to detect whether or not it is running with elevated privileges or not. I currently have code set up like this: private static bool _isAdministrator() { WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); WindowsPrincipal principal = new WindowsPrincipal(identity); return principal.IsIn...

how to detect the plugin folder as a np plugin of Mozilla Firefox?

Here is a question and background: I wanna use some external resources which distributed with XPI file in "plugins" folder. How can I detect where the folder is and load all these resources? I am in Vista and expect the solution works cross-platform. ...

IE Addin with WebServices under Vista

I have an application that uses Add In Express (a product which creates Internet Explorer Add ons) and it consumes Web Services from within the browser. It works great under XP however - due to I am guessing Vista security it breaks down. I reference

Is there a way to share the same .NET 1.1 web.config file accross IIS5 and IIS7

I am using Vista, but most of the other developers working on the same projects as me are still using XP. Some of our projects have wildcard script mappings for handling vanity URLs, so each time I work on those sites, my IIS 7 adds a system.webServer/handlers section to the web.config file and when one of the other developers do an upda...

Gadget development

Hi! I'm searching about gadget development when I found this site. I'd like know if somebody know how get open windows name? I want get a collection of all the open windows. I know in VB.NET, but dont know in DHTML/VBScript for Windows Vista Sidebar. If somebody can help me, I'll to stay grateful! Thanks Erik ...

Icon Extraction in VIsta..

Hi Freinds, for extracting special folder icons I'm using ExtractIconEx(Environment.SystemDirectory + "\\shell32.dll",ncIconIndex, handlesIconLarge, handlesIconSmall, 1); Here im passing explicitly nIconIndex for special folders like MyDocs,MyPictures ..etc and its working fine in XP ,however in Vista its not retrieving the correct i...

Trouble deleting .svn folders in Vista

I do a search on .svn using Explorer in my project directory and they come up fine. But when I try to highlight all the .svn folders in my search results it appears that they are deleted by the dialog but they're stil there. I can't get rid of them! ...