
(Windows) How to lock all applications (explorer, task manager etc.) and make only the browser active?

I'm trying to run only the browser in the system - locking access to everything else. Only the supervisor can resume the normal functioning of the system after giving a password. This kind of activity is usually done by virus. Disabling the registry for Task manager etc. Does anyone know of any source available that does this? I might b...

Is there a way to enable Unicode characters in all browsers on Windows XP?

I'd like to use unicode symbols within my website (especially Dingbats). Is there any way to enable this inside all (or at least some) browsers in Windows XP, without having the user to adjust any of his settings? I use the HTML5 doctype with the charset configured to UTF-8: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> ...

Making(programming) virtual drives on windows XP

Ahoy, I'd like to mount a "virtual drive" myself on Windows XP, I guess using the windows API. What I thought about would be like a server interface, meaning explorer.exe would send "queries", like, list directory, or get file through a pipe or whatever... I know some programs do it, maybe not the way I think it is done, but what the ...

C# XP Sound QuickFix

I have this: ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(FireAttackProc), fireResult); and FireAttackProc: private void FireAttackProc(Object stateInfo) { // Process Attack/Fire (local) lock (_procLock) { // build status message String status = "(Away vs. Home)"; ...

Get ASP within .html files to render on IIS Windows XP

I have IIS running under Windows XP. I have .html files with classic ASP content in them. How do I get the ASP within these .html files to render properly? ...

How to check code is compatible with Windows 7

Hello, We are developing using Visual C# 2008 Express a program based on WPF under Windows XP machines (32 bits). The thing is that we have tried to run the program in two Windows 7 machines, one is 32 bits Windows 7 and the other is 64 bits Windows 7. Under Windows XP everything is fine. In Windows 7 machine, it launches in the 32 bi...

Mapping of memory addresses to physical modules in Windows XP

I plan to run 32-bit Windows XP on a workstation with dual processors, based on Intel's Nehalem microarchitecture, and triple channel RAM. Even though XP is limited to 4 GB of RAM, my understanding is that it will function with more than 4 GB installed, but will only expose 4 GB (or slightly less). My question is: Assuming that 6 GB of ...

Coerce Windows to show a thumbnail for my custom file type.

Hi, I want to use the windows OpenFileDialog class in C# to browse files for my application. I would then like the files to show up with previews in Windows' "thumbnails" view. Is there a simple way to make this happen? I'm thinking there should be a way to encode the files so that Windows simply reads and displays the thumbnail informa...

Confusing permissions for FOLDERID_PublicDocuments and FOLDERID_ProgramData

In trying to answer a question regarding a folder that a program can write to on any version of windows by limited users, i suggested FOLDERID_ProgramData and FOLDERID_PublicDocuments. However, it would seem that not everyone has access to this folder, despite their purpose (ostensibly) being to allow anything to write to them. Why? ...

How to test website for ipad without having ipad , in both condition Portrait and landscape?

How to test website compatibility for iPAD without having iPAD , in both condition Portrait and landscape? on Windows PC ...

How to selectively run programs like MySQL, Java EE SDK when I turn on Eclipse and NOT on startup?

Since I do some RAM/Memory sensitive Tasks on my computer, I was wondering weather I can run MySQL and Java EE SDK processes ONLY when I'm turning on eclipse.exe? BTW, I'm running Windows XP ...

Windows XP Rejecting Digital Signature

I don't want to see unsigned driver warnings while installing a driver, so I'm trying to digitally sign a driver using signtool, inf2cat, and a Software Publishing Certificate. Vista x64 requires the drivers to be digitally signed or it flat out rejects them, but I have managed to get Vista x64 to accept the driver, so I know I'm doing ...

How to connect / disconnection connection on windows XP / 2K with c#

Hi, I have to control a network connection located in the Network folder in Windows XP. How can I do that with C# ? I have found some method to enable or desable the adapter but it is not my case. Thanks in advance ! ...

Install windows service "Service ... was not found on computer '.'."

I'm trying to create my first Windows Service in C# VS2010 and slowly discover how I should do things. But now I have reached a point, where I cannot install a new version of my service. My setup program tells me Error 1001. Service MyService was not found on computer '.'. --> The specified service does not exists as an installed servic...

Content sensitive help from SnapIn using chm file

I have written an application using MMC, this application has independent .chm help file, I am using snapIn.ShowHelpTopic() to show help for my application. When f1 in pressed while using the app it takes me to right help page but the index(contents) of this particular application chm file on the left hand side are missing but I can see ...

Win32: How to crash?

i'm trying to figure out where Windows Error Reports are saved; i hit Send on some earlier today, but i forgot that i want to "view the details" so i can examine the memory minidumps. But i cannot find where they are stored (and google doesn't know). So i want to write a dummy application that will crash, show the WER dialog, let me cl...

How to tell if the OS is Windows XP or higher?

I am trying to play with the Environment.OSVersion.Version object and can't really tell what version would indicate that the OS is Windows XP or higher (e.g. I want to exclude Windows 2000, ME or previous versions). ...

PHP Include Windows XP Notepad++ Editor - Nav Include Not Working - Nav Disappears

I am creating a website, and have a tabbed horizontal menu. In order to cut back on the number of files I have to edit when I have to make changes to the menu I want to put the navigation in a separate file that I can call using a PHP include statement. When I do this, however, the nav disappears entirely from the page. The rest of the c...

Run Windows XP on a usb drive virtually on Windows XP?

I am sick of not being able to run and install certain applications on my work computer due to admin restrictions (eg: Adobe AIR) . I have heard of smaller versions of Windows running on a usb thumb drive and have looked into it but can't find anything on running windows virtually from a usb drive. I would like to be able to login to th...

ls command on Busy Box on a SD card doesnot work gives no error. SD card shows file inside on windows xp

I have a 2 gb sd i saved few files on that from windows xp fat32 partition. Now when I tried using ls command on same sd card(I was able to mount) ls command doesnt do anything.It does not throw any error also. ...