
Using a WindowsXP VBScript to automate Internet Explorer, how can I 'click ok' when a dialog box appears?

My Windows VBScript opens an InternetExplorer.Application object, and runs through some navigation. At one point the page I'm working with displays a dialog box in which I must click "OK" or "Cancel." Is there a way to tell the VBScript to click "OK" when the dialog box pops up? ...

How do I get rid of the console when writing GUI programs with gtk in C?

I'm following the tutorial: It works but each time I double click on the executable,there is a console which I don't want it there. How do I get rid of that console? Platform: windows XP. BTW I also have this trouble when right click on the icon: GLib-WARNING **: g_main_contex...

Joomla template parameters and params.ini - file becomes unwritable after save.

I am using wamp on Win XP SP3 and creating a Joomla template with changeable parameters. initially the message is The parameter file \templates\ssc_2010\params.ini is writable! once I make changes everything works as expected, except now i get the message: The parameter file \templates\ssc_2010\params.ini is unwritable! ...

Memory mapping of files and system cache behavior in WinXP

Our application is memory intensive and deals with reading a large number of disk files. The total load can be more than 3 GB. There is a custom memory manager that uses memory mapped files to achieve reading of such a huge data. The files are mapped into the process memory space only when needed and with this the process memory is wel...

Cygwin make always processing target

However it happens only on Windows 7. On Windows XP once it built and intact, no more builds. I narrowed down the issue to one prerequisite - $(jar_target_dir). Here is part of the code # The location where the JAR file will be created. jar_target_dir := $(build_dir)/chrome # The main chrome JAR file. chrome_jar_file := $(jar_target_d...

Subversion Copy Hook on Windows

Hi I am working on a web based project in my free time. I have SVN set up on my machine (running XP). What I would like to do is have a copy of my repository copied to the htdocs folder (Dev machine) post-commit via a hook. That way I can test my changes in a browser. I know that I can write up a .bat file, but I'm not sure what the syn...

Open 2 Firefox Shortcuts on 2 different screens.

Hey Everyone. Is is possible to have 2 Firefox shortcuts on your desktop and when you open them they open to a designated different screen (new window/different screen)? I have a 3 screen set up, Win XP and using FF3.6. If no way of coding it, maybe a product that will do it? I appreciate your time. Thanks. ...

Can the Windows Phone 7 Series emulator be made to run on Windows XP?

Well thats all there is to this possible? I understand that officially it's not supported but has anyone figured it out? I have some work to do where XP would be the preferred platform. I would expect that users of the actual device are not required to use Windows 7 so it stands to reason that this can be done. Any poitners i...

Set volume using SDK functions causes one channel to be inactive.

Here is my problem: I made a simple mixer class for my own purposes, here it goes: struct Volume { DWORD left; DWORD right; }; CMixer::CMixer () { m_hMixer = 0; m_value = 0; } CMixer::~CMixer(void) { delete [] m_value; if (m_hMixer) mixerClose (m_hMixer); } bool CMixer::Init( UINT type /*= MAIN*/) { // ge...

Environment Variable to determine the OS type (Windows XP, Windows 7)

I want to differentiate between Windows XP and Windows 7 in a XML file. Thought i will use an environment variable for it inside the XML. However I could not find any system environment variable defined in windows that gives this information. I see the %OSTYPE% variable but it is only available in Windows 7. It is not defined in XP. ...

How to get a fully transparent backbuffer in directx 9 without vista Desktop Window Manager

I currently have an activex control that initiates a media (video/audio) framework another development group in my company developed and I am providing a window handle to that code. That handle is being used by their rendering plugin in the pipeline that uses Direct3d for rendering the video using that handle. I have seperate LPDIRECT3D...

How do I best implement my Windows desktop and service C# applications automatic updates?

My project contains WinForms, WPF, and Windows Service programs running on users' office desktop PCs. I want these applications to periodically check for new versions available at specific URL, automatically download new versions and replace themselves with new versions without attracting any user attention (keeping in mind that users ma...

How to delay user login until RunOnce is completed? [Win XP]

Currently I have an application that runs at startup when a user log's in to the account (administrative), as well as something under HKLM...\Run which is also executed - but I need to run something once and BEFORE both these things are executed. My solution was to use HKLM...\RunOnce which is executed before the HKLM...\Run but the tas...

Storing a NTFS Security Descriptor in C

My goal is to store a NTFS Security Descriptor in its identical native state. The purpose is to restore it on-demand. I managed to write the code for that purpose, I was wondering if anybody mind to validate a sample of it? (The for loop represents the way I store the native descriptor) This sample only contains the flag for "OWNER", b...

On Windows XP, programmatically set Pagefile to "No Paging File" on single c: drive

I'm trying to write a C#/.NET application that optimizes the hard drives for our XP workstations Set pagefile to "No paging file" Reboot Run a defrag utility to optimize the data and apps Create a contiguous page file Reboot, run pagedefrag from Sysinternals I'm really struggling with #1. I delete the following key: SYSTEM\CurrentCo...

RE-Storing a NTFS Security Descriptor in C

Hello all, I'm trying to create a utility which exports a file's security descriptor, and re-assign it on demand. I've created a test sample, which uses GetSecurityInfo() with the DACL flag, and then try to re-assign the very same DACL with SetSecurityInfo(). Before applying SetSecurityInfo(), the descriptor's 'Control' is: 0xA004 , SE...

Where is a safe place to store log files that is compatable with XP, Vista, and Windows 7?

I have a winforms app that needs to write out logs. The app also needs to run without UAC warnings and using a non-admin account. Where can I write my logs without running afoul of the default security settings? In addition, this has to work on Windows XP, Vista, and 7. Extra points if all users can write to the same set of log files. ...

availability of Win32_MountPoint and Win32_Volume on Windows XP?

From the MSDN articles I've found -- -- Win32_Volume and Win32_MountPoint aren't available on Windows XP. However, I'm developing a C# app on Windows XP (64bit), and I can get to those WMI classes just fine. Users of my app will be on Windows XP sp2 with .Net 3.5 sp1. Goo...

Copy and paste RESULTS of a file search

In order for me to get the results of a file search in a readable format, I use the following command line in a command prompt: dir *.* /s > myResultList.txt I then open that list in Excel, use fixed width format to get rid of all the stuff I don't want and then I have my list. Seems like a lot to do for something so simple. Does a...

gnuplot png export

How to "export" a graph to png or something insertable in Word ? I know there are a dozen tutorials for this on the 'net, but I'm having trouble just finding a simple example. ...