
How uninstall/delete MSDN Library - January 2002 from my machine?

I am cleaning up my machine and found cannot uninstall MSDN Library - January 2002 due to an error. It takes 1.3G disk space. I want to remove it. any idea where it is and how to manually remove it? or any free tool can do the trick for me? I am plan to install Visual Studio 2008 professional. I am using Windows XP. thanks, ...

c# how can i make sure that my application will look the same on other systems?

hi .. how do i make sure that the application iam developing will look the same on other windows-systems? iam developing now on a windows7, with .net 3.5 framework .. (VS 2008) as an example, i have a toolbar, that i changed its rendermode to system, it looks ok on my windows7, but when i run the application on windows xp, it is differ...

How to present a plot and then return to cmd prompt

I have a data file, and a gnu file, in which my plotting commands are. How can I produce a plot in gnuplot, in a way that I call gnuplot giving it a name of the gnu file ... it gives me the window with a plot ... and after I close it, it returns me not to gnuplot command prompt, but to cmd (windows cmd.exe) command prompt ? ...

Changing windows Xp appearance or theme programatically

The company I work for has windows xp installed and under group policy, I am not able to change the desktop appearnce or themes. Because admin has disabled the appearance and themes tab via group policy registry. I am looking for an application or form which is able to switch the appearance and themes under limited access xp accou...

This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect

I have created an application in c++ using VS .Net. There is only the windows.h dependency in my application, all other header files are standard. But the problem is when I make the release of my application and run on other system it show the error dialog box, "This application has failed to start because the application configuration...

Parsing NTFS Partition in C

Hello all, I'm just a beginner and I have a need to parse a NTFS partition for the purpose of extracting Security Descriptors. (I been trying to use the native functions of the Windows API, but my conclusion is that something is seriously wrong with the functions' behavior, or their documentation.) I was wondering if anybody here experi...

Output Unicode to Console Using C++

I'm still learning C++, so bear with me and my sloppy code. The compiler I use is Dev C++. I want to be able to output Unicode characters to the Console using cout. Whenver i try things like: # #include directive here (include iostream) using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World!\n"; cout << "Blah blah blah some ...

Monitor a COM port already in use.

Is it possible to read from a COM port already in use on Windows XP? I would like to see the communication between some software and a device plugged into a serial device. I wrote a small program using C# to monitor the COM, but once it's in use by the other device it will not let you open it again. How can one monitor a COM port already...

ComponentResourceManager.GetObject( "$this.Icon" ) throwing Invocation Exception on WinXP

This is generated code on a winform app's InitializeComponent() implementation (from the code-behind *.Designer.cs file). This code works on Vista/7, but on XP it blows up at runtime. I have a custom Icon added to the form. It was initially a png file. Suspecting that XP couldn't handle that format (the inner exception is something a...

What's the recommended way to write logs from a ruby script on Windows XP?

Too bad I don't have a server but a XP to serve some scheduled ruby scripts. So, what's the recommended way (gem/plug-in?) to write logs on Windows XP from ruby scripts? ...

How Can we integrate JQuery with windows XP Desktop?

How Can we integrate a JQuery menu with windows XP desktop for example a top menu that appears on mouse over ... ...

I need guidance in building my first C# project

Hi I'm a PHP developer and I have some experience with Java. I'm trying to learn C# and my first project would be a program that starts the timer on a PC by clicking a button on another PC in the network. The problem is, I don't know where to start? What do I need to read up on? The OS for both PCs is Windows XP so they're desktop apps. ...

How to preselect Administrator when running an application using ShellExecuteEx with verb "runas"? (Windows XP)

I have an application which runs another application (mine) using the WinAPI "ShellExecuteEx" with the verb "RunAs" so that the other application should start with "Administrator" credentials. My OS is Windows XP. (Do not bother about other operating system, as I have specific code in place) The only problem with this thing is that the...

Is it possible to unzip .ZIP file using .BAT command on Windows XP?

Is it possible to unzip .ZIP file using .BAT command on Windows XP? we have how to create a .BAT commands file to unzip\unpack it to some folder. USING ONLY NATIVE WINDOWS XP programms and commands. So.. How to do such thing? (code example, please) ...

How to find where program crashed

I have a program that crashes (attempting to read a bad memory address) while running the "release" version but does not report any problems while running the "debug" version in the visual studio debugger. When the program crashes the OS asks if I'd like to open up the debugger, and if I say yes then I see an arrow pointing to where I a...

How to start SQL Server in a remote machine using code from Delphi?

Hi there: I am developing an application (Delphi 7, windows XP) that uses a connection to a remote SQL Server. Sometimes, that server is down, and I want to do something to start it. I was trying to start SQL Server in a local context, and it was fine, it worked... But the point is that I have to start it up from a remote machine. I c...

assign characters to key combinations in XP or Visual Studio .Net

I'm running Mac OSX on a MacBookPro (UK keyboard). I run windows XP under parallels in a VM. I run Visual Studio .Net 2003 and 2008 in XP in the VM when i need to. I have English United Kingdom and English United states keyboards setup in XP. (they switch sometimes for no apparent reason) There is no hash "#" key on my mac's keyboard. H...

Fail to launch application (CreateProcess error=87), can't use shorten classpath workaround

When I launch our application in Eclipse on Windows I receive the following error: Exception occured executing command line. Cannot run program .. : CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect I've solved this in the past by shortening the CLASSPATH. I've now come to a point where I can no longer shorten the CLASSPAT...

Compiling NVIDIA's Quadro FX SDK (NVGVOSDK) on Windows XP

Hi, I've got an NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800 card hooked up in a Windows XP box and I am trying to compile and run some code using the NVGVOSDK. This SDK is not very well documented and is rather old. I downloaded version 1.2 from the NVIDIA Partners site which is from 2007 but appears to be the latest version. I am trying to compile and run...

How long does it take each thread timeslice in Windows XP ?

I am trying to find out how long does it take each thread timeslice (quantum) in Windows but the only information that I found out is about the clock ticks being from 15 to 20ms or 20-30ms. How can I find this information ? I think it may vary from OS to OS, but I am not certain. I appreciate any suggestion on this subject. Thank you. ...