
Associate specific file extensions with my delphi app - any library for this?

So far if I had to associate the file extension with my application I used to simply modify the registry. However I haven't been doing it for years, and I'm afraid the things might have changed a bit. I have no idea how to prevent registry access restrictions in Windows 7 / Vista (if there are any for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). Thus I'm looking...

Application not working on Windows XP

Hello, I created a .NET 2.0 application on Windows 7. When I tried to run the .exe on my Windows XP machine [SP3 as well as SP2], it doesn't start up. It shows me a message that Windows has encountered a problem....send error report... Any known issues? Thanks for help! ...

Creating a standalone ASP.NET MVC application for Windows XP

Is there a way to create an installable (ideally XCopy installable) version of an ASP.NET MVC application that will run in a standalone fashion on a Windows XP machine? I don't mind installing SQL Server Express for this purpose, so I guess the question boils down to this: Can the Cassini web server that comes with Visual Studio 2008 be...

.bat for shutdown/reboot on xp loop problem

hello! i have a little problem... on win xp, if i write on commandline shutdown -t 00 -r -f the reboot works fine. but if i paste it, as is, in a bat file...the prompt show me an infinite loop. anyone can say me why? thanks a lot for any suggestion :) ...

Visual C# 2010 Express keeps File Handle after Debugging

After debug, in about 90% of the cases I can't rebuild my solution, because VS keeps the file handle of the old .exe (can't copy the new exe from obj\Debug to bin\Debug). I know that it's VS's file handle for sure, since I checked it with the Unlocker Assistent. Also, I tried the workaround with calling the default namespace the same es ...

@ key not working in eclipse (Windows XP)

The keyboard combination "Alt Gr + q" = @(german keyboard) is not working in eclipse but everywhere else. I'm using windows XP. It is not a language problem, I have already deinstalled the english keyboard and all other charactes work perfectly fine. It's also kind of impossible to google this, because the character is escaped by the sea...

File Association / Outlook Attachment Issue

I have a clickonce application with a custom (xml based) file association. Users can dbl-click a file from the file system and it will launch the associated clickonce app. On Windows XP, users can attach the file to an Outlook (2007, SP2) message and dbl-click the attachment to launch the app as well. However, in testing for an upgrad...

Logictech USB HID controller message

I have a Logitech game controller( I'm using c# and Microsoft's HID driver to track what buttons are being pressed. Each button press sends a Byte Array that has 8 values. The problems is that I don't know what those 8 value represent. Here is an example: 0, 128, 126, 12...

issues regarding UAC prompt

I want to implement a UAC prompt for an application in visualc++ the operating system is 32bit x7460(2processor) Windowsserver 2008 the exe is myproject.exe through manifest.. Here for testing i wl build the application in Windows XP OS and copy the exe in to system containg the Windowsserver vistamachine and replace it So what i did i...

getting cpu usage of one process using c++ (win32)

How i get the cpu of one process (by its id or som thing like that...) using c++ lang. ...

USB driver problem - "could not find a better match for your hardware", but still doesn't work

I am having a USB driver problem with a TI ccdebugger module. I am running XP and using the ccdebugger with the IAR IDE. Once upon a time about 2 months ago this was working, but when I tried it recently it was broken. I have uninstall the driver and now I am trying to re-install it. When I plug in the USB cable I get a "USB Device Not R...

Windows XP control panel - providing a value for the "comments" field

Where does the Windows XP control panel get the value for the "Comments" field from? I'm writing an EXE control panel application, and it doesn't appear from the documentation that you can provide a value for that field. ...

Connecting to Subversion hosted on a Windows XP machine?

I have successfully installed SVN on a Windows XP machine and can connect to it locally. But I do not know how to connect to it via another machine on the network. The project is at C:\svn\project And I connect to it via Tortoise locally and want to remotely via another machine - how do I do it? Thank you. ...

Is there anyone here familiar with this zend debugger error found in apache's error log?

[Zend Debugger] Cannot receive start command ... [Zend Debugger] Cannot send message I googled and found there are others also having this problem (here and this one on serverfault), but unluckily no fix yet. PHP 5.2.8 (cli) (built: Dec 8 2008 19:31:23) Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008...

Develop Windows Phone 7 on Windows XP

Dear all, I downloaded the Windows Phone 7 SDK yesterday but when I installed it on my Windows XP it complaint that it needs to be installed on Windows 7. My question is, is it possible to install the Windows Phone 7 SDK or develop for Windows Phone 7 on WinXP? Is there any workaround that has been made to overcome this? Thank you for ...

Building a project with eclipse takes forever on windows

Does anyone know how to diagnose why eclipse (using Ant) takes over an hour to build a project on a windows box that takes a Mac only 3 minutes to build? I've checked my eclipse.ini file and it is as identical as a Mac and Windows implementation can be. ...

Visual Studio 2010 Not Debugging .NET 2.0 Code

Please stick with me, this is a strange one. Since upgrading from VS2008 to VS2010, some guys at work (and myself) found that we could no longer debug into our code. None of our breakpoints were being hit. Without giving too much away, my work consists of writing .NET apps which run on top of a custom platform application we’ve develop...

How to run .net code when a user unlocks a Windows machine?

How do I run .net code when a user unlocks their machine? Windows versions: XP and 7 ...

Rate My Script: Finding Flash Files Embedded in Office Files

Can anyone improve on this? Requires Sysinternals Strings date /T >N:\output.txt net use z: /delete net use z: \\svr-002\rmstudentwork @cd /d "z:\" "N:\Scripts and Reg Frags\FindEmbededFlashFiles\strings.exe" -s *.xls | findstr \.swf >> "N:\output.txt" "N:\Scripts and Reg Frags\FindEmbededFlashFiles\strings.exe" -s *.ppt | findstr \.swf...

Drawing directly on screen

Is it possible in Java to draw shapes and stuff directly on the screen so my desktop remains visible and I can click whatever is underneath my shape? I'm using Windows XP. Thanks. ...