
Can't execute YUIcompressor globally using Path enviroments (Windows XP)!

I typed D:\yuicompressor-2.42\build in Path and save it (Windows XP). But when I tried executing it the command line displayed: unable to access jarfile. The same message that appear when I type an incorrect directory. I tried executing the file in this way: D:\wamp\www\projects\alexchen\alexchen 0.1\scripts>java -jar yuicompressor-2.4...

Modifying a file from within an executable - permission denied in XP (but not Vista)

I have an application where I need to open an xml file, modify it, and close it again. When I test the code on a laptop running Windows Vista, it works perfectly, but under Windows XP I can't even open the file for read/write access: errno_t _wfopen_s(&inStream, m_fileName, L"r+, ccs = UTF-8"); ...without getting an error code 13, "Pe...

Read evtx log files from win server 2008

I'm trying to read, from XP SP3, .evtx log files which are hosted on a windows 2008 server. I use EventLogQuery, EventLogInformation which are in Framework 3.5 System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader. However Visual Studio tells me this: "platform not supported exception". I don't get it as I have the Framework 3.5 installed already. I am ...

How to avoid HDD thrashing

I am developing a large program which uses a lot of memory. The program is quite experimental and I add and remove big chunks of code all the time. Sometimes I will add a routine that is rather too memory hungry and the HDD drive will start thrashing and the program (and the whole system) will slow to a snails pace. It can easily take 5 ...

GetSaveFileName() not returning path of CD burning staging area on XP

I have a feature where I save a file to a location that user specifies. I'm using GetSaveFileName() to show the Save As dialog. I then use the path that it returns to write out the file to that location. I've noticed that it does not work when the user chooses the CD-RW drive on an XP machine. This same process works correctly on Vista a...

Increasing the size of console output display

Can we change/increase the size of console output to view large size of data in console application at once? ...

Getting the key of a directory in the registry

How to get the key of a especific directory in the registry of windows XP? I'm using Delphi HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags ...

Python VM arguments

OS:WinXP Python 2.6 A Python project in Eclipse, if you go to 'run configuration' arguments tab. There's a section for 'Python VM arguments (Python.exe)'. Does anyone know where to find a reference for what arguments does Python VM have? I tried keyword 'Python (VM or Virtual Machine) arguments' but couldn't find it. Thanks. ...

use win32 API to see whether a Windows XPe system has got USB2 or just 1.1.

Is there a way, just using the win32 API, to find out what version of USB is available? The XPe build is pretty barebones and doesn't doesn't have WMI. I considered the USBview technique: enumerate the USB hubs by opening \.\HCD0 through say \.\HCD9, use DeviceIoControl to get the hub name, and looking for an enhanced host controller. ...

@Override error when java project transfered from ubuntu to xp

My current task is taking a Java project written and developed in Ubuntu NetBeans (extensively using the palette, which, it seems to me, locks me into continuing to use NB) and transferring it to XP, as it involves software that interfaces with a webcam and the client strictly uses XP. In Ubuntu, the project compiles correctly and compl...

Is there a way to programmatically set window size to be bigger than display resolution?

I have run into a weird necessity to make a certain window in the system of a really big height, one that is larger than my display's resolution. I have written a simple WinAPI program that sets a window size by calling SetWindowPos and I have encountered that if the height is greater than current display's resolution, then it is simply ...

Performance and counters error

Hi. i'm trying to watch system performance and counters on the remote desktop (Win XP pro). my Active Directory account already in Administartors group on this machine. but when i'm trying to watch system performance by mmc console manage computer it return error 0xC0000BC6. How can i resolve this? ...

XLL doesn't properly load

I've got a XLL Addin and I'm trying to run it under Excel 2007 XP without VBA installed. My addin is well registered (OPEN key as /R "C:\Program Files (x86)\MyAddin\myAddin.xll" in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options). When debuging, I see that DLLMain is called... but not xlAutoOpen (neither others xlSomething...

How do I access network shares from Perl in Windows?

How would you explore and write to windows shared directories in perl ? Note: I don't have the right for network drive creation on the concerned workstation. I tried (without results) the following : my $ROOTDIR1 = 'c:/'; my $ROOTDIR2 = '//server/dir1/dir2/'; sub dtest { my $ROOTDIR = shift; warn "Testing '$ROOTDIR'."; opendir( SH...

Example of System call

Where can you find a list or example of system calls which execute in kernel mode on Windows NT 5.1? ...

Detecting windows shutdown event

I have a windows Service always running once PC started, how would i detect using .NET 3.5 or WMI, when the user or some other application/process has requested a shutdown or reboot in windows. I do not want to stop it, just log the time and who initiated the shutdown (user or process is fine, don't really need to know which process) T...

Any reason I'd get a NullReference exception on Windows 7 only?

My C#, .NET 4, app runs fine on XP (media centre to be exact - don't ask). On Windows 7, it installs fine, but immediately borks. It complains about a NullReferenceException in the callback of a background worker. (I'd love to give you more information, but short of installing VS on the target machine, this is all I can get.) So, anyth...

Run Bash Script in Windows XP command line

Hi guys, how do I create a file and run a bash script in Windows XP command line? I only know commands in LINUX. :) ...

Using pySerial to connect to a non-COM port

In Hyperterminal I am able to connect to a serial port called "X64-CL_iPro_1_Serial_0" where I am able to send/receive ASCII text to a camera. However when I try to connect to the same port with pySerial, it throws an exception: SerialException: could not open port X64-CL_iPro_1_Serial_0: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specif...

Windows cannot initialize a synchronization event

I get the above error message in a Windows batch file that tries to defrag two disks (Windows XP Professional SP3), on the second defrag. The first one works fine. The relevant code is: echo My C: defrag started: %date% %time% > %logfile% defrag C: /v 1>> %logfile% 2>&1 echo My C: defrag finished: %date% %time% >> %logfile% echo My E: d...