
How do I change the background color in response to the build status of running an Apache Ant script?

Depending on the build exit status, i would like to change the background color to green or red. How do i achieve this with Apache Ant and windows? ...

running sun java from cygwin

I have installed cygwin in C:\deepan\cygwin\ directory... how do I reinstall it in C:\ directory? I want to be able to run java in C:\programfiles\java\ folder from cygwin ...

how can i write a script to find the latest updated file and copy to certain directory

i have a process that downloads a file from a webbrower. it has the same name always (can't change that) so each file gets downloaded as file([latestnumber]) so in this directory i have: joe.pdf joe(1).pdf joe(2).pdf etc . . . I now would like a script to take the "latest file" (joe(2).pdf in this case) and copy it to another direc...

Programmatically Disable Windows Autoplay

Possible Duplicate: Can I disable window autoplay function programatically with C#/.NET? I am trying to disable Autoplay for all devices in Windows XP programmatically. I know how to do it by running gpedit.msc, then navigating to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Turn off Autoplay. I just need a ...

What Bluetooth stack supports HFP on Windows XP?

I am looking for a Bluetooth stack for Windows XP that supports HFP. Here is what I have found so far: Wildcomm - HFP not supported or no one has be able to enable it. Microsoft - support for HFP in their embedded platforms. Toshiba - supports HFP, but their Bluetooth stack seems to be only for their products. Has anyone had any luck...

Watchdog test in Windows XP

I want to test the watchdog in my system. How can I totally freeze the Windows XP, in order to let the watchdog to perform reset? I tried the "fork bomb", but it didn't help. I don't care if OS will be damaged or destroyed. This is test station, so I can restore it quickly. Thank you in advance. ...

Get all IPv6 addresses on all interfaces (Windows)

I have a solution using WMI, unfortunately only on Windows Vista and above. On WinXP/2003 WMI will only return IPv4 adresses. Is there any way to get all assigned addresses including IPv6 ones on WinXP? Adt: No .NET, just WMI or WinAPI please. ...

dokan "driver install failed"

Hi everybody, I am trying to install the Dokan driver on my machine. I have downloaded the source code and have installed the Windows Drivers Kit. Using the build environment, I built and copied dokan.sys to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers, as well as dokan.dll, dokanctl.exe & mounter.exe to C:\WINDOWS\system32. I then try to run dokanctl....

Handling large dense matrices in python.

Basically, what is the best way to go about storing and using dense matrices in python? I have a project that generates similarity metrics between every item in an array. Each item is a custom class, and stores a pointer to the other class and a number representing it's "closeness" to that class. Right now, it works brilliantly up to ...

How can I change console font?

I have a problem with output Unicode in Windows XP console. (Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]) First code is that(from #include #include #include int main(void) { _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT); wprintf(L"\x043a\x043e\x0448\x043a\x0430 \x65e5\x67...

Get currently logged on interactive user for a remote machine?

How do I find out what user, if any, is currently logged on to some remote Windows XP machine interactively? .NET code would be great or any command-line utility that I can call from code. SysInternals psloggedon, as suggested on SuperUser, almost works, but it doesn't tell me which session is interactive. ...

How can I access the CFFileServlet directory on a ColdFusion Web Server using multisite.dll?

I am using the multisite.dll ISAPI filter ( in order to develop on several websites simultaneously on my Windows XP Professional/IIS 5.1 workstation. I am developing both HTML and ColdFusion websites. On the ColdFusion websites, when I use CFIMAGE to create an image in memory - a CAPTCHA im...

jpeg to png conversion

hi, I am working on images in iPhone. There are lots of jpeg images which range from 35kb to 50kb. I may need to transfer this over internet which comes around 6 mb. I tried to change a 35kb jpeg image to png. The actual size got increase jpeg was 56.1kb and png is 576 kb. I used mspaint to change the format. jpeg to png should actually...

Same FOR Loop acts differently (WinXP)

I am trying to write a batch script with a section that ouputs your drive mappings to a text file, so i can restore it later once i wipe out the machine. I came up with this for loop to do it, but its acting differently when its a batch script versus running the command itself. This is the actual line of code: FOR /F "tokens=1,2" %i in...

who/what deletes the print job?

Having a strange problem where a print occasionally is not being printed The scenario is that we print barcode labels with a barcode printer (Zebra LP2844). Printer is plugged into the TerminalPC and then shared. Printer->TerminalPC -> Terminal Server. Session on TerminalServer is using Printer as \TerminalPC\Printer When logging prin...

Windows XP exposing websites in IIS in local network

Hi, how can I expose my Website to other PC's in my local network? Say I my computer name is CompTest and I can access my websites deployed in IIS in my own machine in http://Comptest/ and http://localhost/. Is there anything I need to set so other computers in my local network can access http://CompTest/? Just within local network. ...

Compiler bug? "not a valid win32 application"

I have been working on a very large program, compiling, testing, adding new code, compiling testing - repeat. The program has generally been working fine, but then I added some new code and now when I run the executable, I get a dialog box with "xxx.exe is not a valid Win32 application.", I can only assume this is a bug in the compiler. ...

Google appengine using appcfg from behind proxy with authentication

Im working behind a corporate proxy and was fine while i was using the eclipse plugin configured with my proxy credentials. Then one of my deployments failed and now I have to rollback my previous transaction. Im trying to use appcfg (either .py or .cmd) since I think that is the only way to rollback. Im getting either timouts or proxy a...

IF EXIST C:\directory\ goto a else goto b problems windows XP batch files

Hi whenever i run the code below it occurs to me I have made a mistake using the if exist lines, as no matter whether the directory exists or not, it acts as if the line was never there... either that or its not reading the else line. echo off echo echo (c) Ryan Leach 2010 echo Stockmaster Backup System for exclusive use of Rive...

How can i list all hidden files inside all subdirectories using batch scripting for windows XP?

dir /S /aH doesnt work as it wont delve any deeper inside of unhidden folders. EDIT: turns out it WAS dir /S /aH just there wasnt any hidden or system files or folders within the non hidden files or folders i was testing on. ...