
Message Queue terminates program operation.

I'm writing a program which uses a MessageQueue to receive data from another program. It works perfectly on my computer, but bombs on another. Both computers are running XP. I have installed .Net 4.0 Client Profile, and turned MSMQ on, and restarted the computer since then. Via a series of message boxes, I narrowed the error down to this...

Regarding email in php

Hi.. I am shoun developing a small project. and i am not able to write code how to send and receive email,So if someone know please tell with help of example. Thanks, Shoun ...

Regex works differently on different computer

I'm writing a program which uses regex to match incoming data. The regex works on the computer I'm coding on, but it doesn't work on the client computer I'm testing on. It works on my computer in debug mode, release mode, and being run straight from the bin. What could possibly make a regex work differently? Regex: const string _patter...

Unable to unset Read-only attribute of directory

Hi, I am facing a problem with directory attribute. I have a script that creates a sub-directory inside a given dir. For example, the script creates directory 'auto' inside G:\root\ The script then tries to MOVE a directory from a given location to G:\root\auto\ The problem is that when it tries to perform the MOVE operation, it get...

How to compile program that will launch an exe as administrator

Possible Duplicate: Elevating process privilege programatically? I'd like to build a console application in .NET that simply runs another program with elevated rights. That way I can point it to, say, an install exe for Flash, send a shortcut to the user pointing to my 'runasadmin' exe, and the user can update Flash. The cre...

Cannot find network path for VM guest XP computer on the network

VMWare Workstation 6.5 is running as an app on a Windows Vista 64bit PC host. Thanks to Workstation we have 2 guest machines running: TerriVM and MattVM (both of these run Windows XP SP2). We are attempting to get virtual networking configured so we can access the files of both of these VM guest systems from other real PCs connected to ...

My choice of Class Names is hampered by Windows XP Max Path Length issues with SVN / Domain Driven Design - any solutions

I'm using PHP 5.2 to make a website I like to have explicit names for my classes I also have a convention saying 'the path and name of a file' match the 'name of the class' So a class called: ABCSiteCore_Ctrlrs_DataTransfer_ImportMergeController would sit in my svn working copy at: C:\_my\websrv\ABCCoUkHosting2\webserve\my_library\...

Ada: windows installation

Hi, When downloading the tar file from AdaCore for the GNAT compiler (the libre version), I noticed that there are two exe files for installation purposes: win32ada-gpl-2010.exe of size 2.67 MB and gnat-gpl-2010-i686-pc-mingw32-bin.exe of size 70.2 MB In the folder containing the second one, there are instructions for the installa...

modwsgi - Precompiled Binaries for Python 2.4?

I'm trying to install Django using Apache and modwsgi on Windows XP. The problem is our whole development environment uses Python 2.4. This page explains how to install modwsgi on Windows but it doesn't link to any precompiled binaries for Python 2.4. Anyone know of anything, or a workaround? ...

Win XP Autohide feature not working when Eclipse is running

I am running Eclipse with Windows XP. I have my desktop taskbar set to Autohide. When I pull the mouse to the bottom of the screen the taskbar/Start menu pops up as expected EXCEPT when Eclipse is running. When Eclipse is running, the only way to get the taskbar to pop up is to manually minimize all windows, then drag the mouse to the...

Tell Windows XP to Standby programmatically

How can I tell Windows XP to switch to standby mode programmatically with C/C++ native code? ...

Is there an environmental variable or equivalent for WinZip?

Is there an environmental variable or equivalent for WinZip32.exe I can use to find it's location path? EDIT - This is an in house tool for a controlled system. Thanks. ...

Problem with SetSuspendState

I write a small application to enter the computer to Standby Mode: #include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> #include <PowrProf.h> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { SetSuspendState(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); return 0; } I get this error: 1>Standby.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _SetSuspendState@12 1>C:\Document...

Hudson -- Windows execute windows batch command

I currently running the following commands on a hudson slave deployed on a windows machine. dir cmd mvn clean install I get the following return on the build. mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I have set the correct path on the node which points to the hudson installation on ...

How to send an automated email from Win XP Apache

I need to send myself an automated email once a day from my windows XP dev. machine. I've got Apache, PHP, and MySQL running here. I don't mind which email address the email gets sent from since i can add it to my address bar. I'm wondering though, what do i need to enable/install to be able to send emails? ...

How can I hide Cursor in Windows? (delphi)

I want my program to work sort of like Team Player. Multi mice, multi cursor but only one focus. But the problem is I can't hide the default cursor. I only want it to be invisible. So far this works inside my application only. ShowCursor(false); and Screen.Cursor:=crNone; Is there a way to hide the cursor for the entire system (jus...

Why do I get different EOL for different files?

What can cause Notepad++ to make new lines as CRLF in one file and only LF in the other? Both files were created at the same folder from the same OS and no modifications to Notepad++ preferences were made, AFAIK... Is there any option in Notepad++ that changes how new lines are defined? ...

Why can VS 2008 find a custom tool in XP but not in Windows 7?

Hi, I'm running Visual Studio 2008 SP1 on Windows 7. My company has a build tool that registers itself under the C# node. More specifically it creates this entry in the Registry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Generators{fae04ec1-301f-11d3- bf4b-00c04f79efbc}\AssemblyName] Other team members are running ...

Preinstalling WinXP USB drivers to be able to connect device without interaction

Hello, We are a small hardware manufacturer. Most of our products use USB for programming the controllers used. The current situation is that programming the hardware (part of the assembly processor) is rather labour intensive. Each time a new USB device gets plugged in Windows prompts for a driver install. This means that for each ne...

How do I run a VB6 project within Hudson?

Rather than build a whole project group (several DLLs and an executable) I want to run the group from the command line like this: VB6 /runexit project It eliminates the compile step and keeps the registry clean. I can setup a Hudson job which gets the latest code from source control and runs the command line. The problem I've run into...