
SNMP: Create custom OID

I need custom OIDs for monitoring some of my software states. But I just can't understand: how can I create custom OID (like . in Windows XP system? I need few of them to write there some info and read it when needed but I have no idea how to create them in the system. ...

Script to end process with a specific name

I have to kill two processes with the same image name (system and my local user name) every day. Is there a script that I could write or do I have to go to the task manager every time windows starts up? ...

XP support for SQL Express 2008 R2

I noticed that the SQL Express 2008 R2 does not list Windows XP as a supported operating system. While it seems to work fine, I'd need to be sure that everything is going to work on an XP machine should I deploy R2. Otherwi...

SetLayeredWindowAttributes not working in XP .

I use SetLayeredWindowAttributes for giving the dialogbox an irregular shape .it is working fine in Vista ,win 7 , But in XP(SP2 ,SP3) it shows the masked color . I tried drawing the picture using GDI+ Graphics DrawImage and IPicture interface . no luck. when i tried with a BMP image it works fine in XP .but i need to draw a jpg or png...

Networking from a Kernel Mode Driver

Hi, The question is pretty self-explanatory, I require the ability to open and control a socket from a kernel mode driver in windows xp. I know that vista and after provides a kernel mode winsock equivalent, but no such thing for XP. Cheers Edit I've had a recommendation to have a user-mode service doing the socket work, and one to u...

Accessing locally hosted (II6) site from XP Pro on domain from other same-domain PCs...

When my colleagues try to access a site hosted under a virtual directory on my local machine's IIS they get a pop up dialog asking for their domain username and password. When my credentials are entered they then get access to the sites hosted on my PC. How do I disable/stop/get around this dialog? I want everyone requesting sites on my ...

Can the Visual Studio Remote Debugger work on a windows xp home machine?

We're trying to get remote debugging working across domains from a windows 7 machine to a windows xp home machine. The machines are VPN'd together using LogMeIn Hamachi. I've checked over the MSDN guide on getting Remote Debugging set up thoroughly and have gotten past a lot of errors, but I'm constantly running into blocks. I can get...

WPF: Transparent menus on windows XP

I've been developing a WPF application using Windows Vista/7. During the testing phase I tried it on Windows XP (SP3) and noticed that all of the menus in the application, including the system context menus in textboxes appear to be transparent: I don't think I did anything to "deserve" this kind of behavior - all of the menus in XAML...

ODBC Connection to Access 2007 on WinXP

Is it possible to have an ODBC connection to a MS Access 2007 database on Windows XP without having any other database engine (i.e. Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0) installed? I am using the following connection string which works on Windows 7 but not on Windows XP. (There is only *.mdb option in Data Sources (ODBC) control panel in Windows XP...

Python on windows, shutting down and taking a screenshot

Hello, I have the following two quesions: 1 I want to be able to shutdown windows xp from python code. I am able to do that by running the following code in the python console: import os os.system("shutdown -s -f") But, if i put the same code in a .py file and try to execute it,it does not work. I get the help prompt for the shutdo...

C++ How to replace a function but still use the original function in it?

I want to modify the glBindTexture() function to keep track of the previously binded texture ID's. At the moment i just created new function for it, but then i realised that if i use other codes that use glBindTexture: then my whole system might go down to toilet. So how do i do it? Edit: Now when i thought it, checking if i should bin...

Socket operation errors with MATLAB and the Parallel Computing Toolbox

We're using the MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox for one of our projects and we intermittently get the following error: The client lost connection to lab 2. This might be due to network problems, or the pmode parallel job might have errored. This is causing: An operation on a socket could not be performed because t...

x64 wix installer on XP doesn't write the registry values under Wow6432Node

In case of installation on x64 I need to write two registry values: 1) <RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange" Name="Info" Type="string" Action="write" Value="8"> 2) <RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Exchange" Name="Info" Type="string" Action="write" Value="9"/> I'm using <?if $(var.Pl...

Problem with Windows XP scheduler calling C# app requiring passing of variable

I have a app I need to run off a computer. It has to be scheduled. I am using Windows XP Professional and the app is in I have attempted to schedule the job, but I think my syntax is wrong. I would appreciate any help in getting it corrected. The c# exe file is on the c drive of the computer, and in order for it to wo...

How can I solve an AccessViolation error in Adobe AIR?

I have an AIR application that loads a series of html components and rotates through them, showing a component while reloading the next one, then showing the next one, etc. It works fine on every OS (Mac, Windows 7, Vista) except on XP it sporadically crashes with a c0000005 AccessViolation in ntdll.dll at either 7c91b121a or 0001b21a. T...

Find if process is responding without using System.Diagnostics.Process.Responding

Good day everyone. This problem was part of another one which it as been solved, i realized that what i thought it was the problem after all, it wasn't. Still thanks to that I've learned a couple things. My application does loads of work with IE and from time to time, IE is redirected to a website with some bad Javascript code that end...

Winforms application does not paint properly when started maximized on XP

I have an application in Forms that has a lot of custom controls, all on panels within a home-grown tab control. So far, so good. The problem comes from some systems, all XP. If you start the app from a shortcut, with the "Run Maximized" option selected, the application runs but the tabs do not paint properly. Also, the desktop seems to...

How to Use SVN in XP with FTP?

I am the new to SVN using FTP server. Anyone can give idea for using svn in FTP in Windows XP? ...

PostMessage seems be blocked by other Window's operation

Hi, It happens only on Windows XP, the Windows API PostMessage will be blocked during maximum or minimum a window of another application. It takes more than 200ms. I've set priority of my application to High. There's no problem on Windows Vista or Windows 7. Any hints how to solve this problem? Yun ...

How do I schedule a Python script to run as long as Windows XP is running?

I wrote a temperature logger Python script and entered it as a scheduled task in Windows XP. It has the following command line: C:\Python26\pythonw.exe "C:\path\to\" It writes data to a file in local public folder (e.g. fully accessible by all who login locally). So far, I was able to achieve this objective: 1. Get the ...