
A wizard with spring MVC

I'm developping a web application with Spring MVC, and i need to develop a new model as a wizard; first i have to load a file and extract informations from this file, after i have to edit these informations, and doing other operations, and i have to finish the process by doing other traitement. I'm looking on internet i found AbstractWiz...

jface wizard passing variables

Hi I'm a Java novice but am trying to produce a wizard using the Wizard class (org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard) Basically where I extend the Wizard in the constructor I addPage the two pages I want. On my first page I take some credentials. On the second page I want to run a query against the database using the credentials from the ...

jquery wizard for user registration

Hi I Want some samples for step by step registrations like a wizard. i want to use these samples and asp.net page. Thanks. ...

oracle jdbc jface wizardpage

I want to create a jface wizard and collect credentials as I go along - password and username on page 1 and then on page 2 I want to display a list I get from an oracle database. I am using eclipse, and have all the controls in the places I want. On page 2 I put the oracle connection details and sql statement in the createControl method...

help on rcp simple wizard creation using jface

I just want to create a simple wizard or wizarddialog which will ask the user to enter his name place and date of birth and display it back ..I couldn get how i can create a wizard by reading the docs...kindly help..and i thank evrybody for the previous ans ...

Eclipse plugin - get a list of Eclipse projects and their contents in a wizard

In my Eclipse plugin application I have a wizard to create a new file. In this wizard I need to display a tree of the Workspace projects, their packages and source files, similar to the Package Explorer, so that the user can select the items that are relevant to my particular editor. They won't be edited in the editor itself, but they pr...

MVVM like wizard

Hi, I am currently building an MVVM based application. The application should also have a wizard in MVVM style. The wizard is not a normal wizard, its a particular kind of a wizard. My goal is to implement a wizard with 1.) has also multiple branches. The wizard can guide you in other direction. So the wizard must not be straightforwar...

ASP.NET Wizard Control inline editing

I have being developing a form with the wizard control. The final step is a summary of the content that has been entered by the user as a confirmation step before submit the form. These summary sections also catgorised into visual sections that corresponds with the each WizardSteps. Each summary section is provided with an edit button...

Multistep Nested Forms Using Rails

I'm trying to implement a multistep form using a nested form, but since I'm using a nested form, it's not working out like the railscast. I got this from railscast #217 (multistep form/wizards) http://railscasts.com/episodes/217-multistep-forms old _event.html.erb form <%= render "event_details", :f => f %> <%= render "sandwich_detail...

Customize the buttons in a QWIzard??

QWizard have some options related to the buttons as follows: NoDefaultButton NoBackButtonOnStartPage NoBackButtonOnLastPage DisabledBackButtonOnLastPage HaveNextButtonOnLastPage HaveFinishButtonOnEarlyPages NoCancelButton CancelButtonOnLeft HaveHelpButton HelpButtonOnRight Now these options are ...

Set Size of JFace Wizard

Hi, I am building an Eclipse RCP application and am having trouble on settings the size of a JFace Wizard. ...

Prevent Default with formToWizard.js

Hi, I have a form wizard and need to block the user from moving from step 1 to step 2. It's easy enough to do this with validation, but this isn't a requirement, just a warning if a certain combination of boxes is checked. I have it working to a point, unfortunately it doesn't stop the user from moving from step 1 to step 2 and displays...

Where to control the QWizard button?

Hi: I'm using Qt, and I use a QWizard object which contains several pages. when it comes to a specific page, I want to hide the "Next" button first, and shows it after the user do something (such as clicking on a radiobutton...) I want to do some customize control of the wizard when this specific page shows up. the question is, I know ...

AbstractWizardFormController using Annotated @Controllers

I was wondering if anyone has attempted to rewrite AbstractWizardFormController (deprecated in Spring 3) using annotated controllers and could give me a hint on how to start. I am using Spring 3.0.3 ...

Looking for a great Wizard example implemented with WinForms and/or an advice regrding design.

Disclaimer: In this question tab, page, an dialog actually mean the same thing, sorry. My excuse: I am not sure what the final product should look like - a bunch of separate windows or all in one. I am looking to improve an existing, hard-to-maintain Wizard baked with WinForms. I need to try to keep the look and feel about the same, but...

Use Wizards with Project Templates

I'm trying to create a wizard for my project template like the one demonstrated below: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms185301.aspx This great example shows how to add custom parameters to a project. What I want to do is allow the user to select which files should be added to the new project from the template. example: On a pa...

How to identify whether "Back" button or "Forward" button was pressed?

Hello, I use MVC2/asp.net and try to develope something like a wizard. This wizard will have serveral websites. The user will be able to enter some information on website A and to navigate then to website B (by pressing a button which triggers the Http.Post event). No problem up to this point. Also on website B can the user enter some ...

jQuery, stopping an animation associated with a jQuery Form Wizard

Hi all, I'm a designer with limited coding knowledge. All I need to do is to create a simple form that submits data in one go. The form broke up into parts using jQuery Form Wizard. There's this progress indicator at the bottom of the page. However, when I finish the form, the arrow carries on and doesn't stop at Finish. Below is th...

Eclipse SWT - WizardPage widgets validation

What is the best way to validate Text, Combo and any other SWT widget included in Eclipse Wizard? Recently, I got into a project in which there are many different wizards. I tried to add FocusListeners, ModifyListeners etc. however the size of code and it's complexity was not what I expected. Let's say there are two Text elements in Wi...

AbstractWizardFormController: java.lang.NullPointerException at processFinish(...)

Hi, Could someone please help me understand that why am I getting this error at RegisterServiceProviderController.java when processFinish(...) method is called? java.lang.NullPointerException at com.inception.web.RegisterServiceProviderController.processFinish(RegisterServiceProviderController.java:66) at org.springframework.web.servl...