
Stripping Wordpress Post Content, Leaving Permalink Intact

Is it possible to execute an SQL query that would strip all post content, except for the Permalink (and/or Post Title) from Wordpress posts marked as "Private" in your database? Basically, I have a ton of old Wordpress posts that I have marked as Private. I don't want to delete the posts entirely, I just want to slim down my database by...

Getting list of categories available in wordpress NETWORK sites.

In my plugin, I am trying to get the list of categories available in all the available network website. Is it possible without writing SQL query? ...

wordpress mod_rewrite problem

I have a plugin "Theme My Login" for WordPress 3.0.1 which causes my user's profile pages to be here: domain.com/login-2?action=profile instead of here: domain.com/profile So I am trying to fix it with mod_rewrite like this: RewriteRule ^profile /login-2?action=profile But it seems to do nothing. I suspect it's some weird thing happen...

More than 1 widget in wordpress

Following is my code $op=array("description"=>"Ads Widget"); wp_register_sidebar_widget('adswidget','Ads','ads_widget',$op); register_widget_control('adswidget','ads_widget_control'); I can use only 1 Ads Widget. I want to use more than 1 Ads Widget ? How to write it ? I'm finding in google and still not found. Still not foun...

Multiple tinyMCE fields in Wordpress Custom Post Type

I'm trying to get multiple tinyMCE instances on one Custom Post Type write screen but I am getting this error: Warning: array_push() [function.array-push]: First argument should be an array Basically I'm working off of this modified code. When I use this code unchanged it works just fine, however I have modified it to allow for numer...

Templating within a plugin - Wordpress

Hi folks, I need to create a plugin used to create a part of a web page. Therefore, it would be very useful for me to create a php template to be used by the plugin to generate the content. Unfortunately, I can't find anything within the Plugin API and I'm quite confused about it right now. The plugin needs to generate a list of i...

Show Authors and excerpt of their last post in a list

Hi All, I've search everywhere but haven't found what I'mlooking for even though I'm convinced there must be a solution floating around since it's obviously such a common request: I want to display a list of authors with a short excerpt of their latest post. I have a list of Authors with their images (using the 'Author Avatars List') ...

Can I use the native wordpress feedback system in my plugin?

I'm writing a plugin and naturally, I'm reporting feedback to the user of if their submission was accepted or not. Is there a way to tie into Wordpress's feedback mechanism? I'm doing my own, but I'm wondering if there is a better way. ...

Wordpress Custom Taxonomy URL Hierarchy

Hi, I've got a custom taxonomy that is set to Hierarchical = true. However, when I try to access them hierarchically in the URL, it doesn't work. i.e. | Training (Taxonomy Name) | - test-taxonomy | - - another-test-taxonomy My expected URL would be mysite.com/training/test-taxonomy/another-test-taxonomy/. That gives a Page Not Found...

Advanced dynamic WordPress custom meta boxes

Hello all, I'm in the process of creating a plugin which creates several custom post types (CPT) (all of which work just fine). Some of these CPTs require a 'custom write panel' which basically means that it has a set of custom meta boxes rather than the bog-standard 'edit' box you get with your posts or pages. One of these CPTs requir...

wordpress: replacing square brackets in the_content

First off, I admit I'm a WP-noob, so I'm not even sure I'm going about this the right way. I'm trying to create a simple plugin that replaces matched text in the_content. The code works on my PHP test server, but fails in WP, leaving me to believe I'm missing something. I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I would li...

Access User Meta Data on User Registration in Wordpress

Hiya, I am attempting to carry out a few functions when a user registers on a wordpress site. I have created a module for this which carries out the following function: add_action( 'user_register', 'tml_new_user_registered' ); function tml_new_user_registered( $user_id ) { //wp_set_auth_cookie( $user_id, false, is_ssl() ); //...

How to Search the themes from client server and how to copy the files from there in wordperss or php?

Hello friends, I need your ideas on my new project in word press. How should i approach that. what i want to achieve is that Client will have library of word press themes called wps themes on his server. I need to create a plugin which when install 1)- The plugin will search for a wps themes, if does not find any wps theme installed o...

WordPress Plugin Development using OOP

I am a newbie in Plugin Development. So please correct me, wherever I get wrong. I have a website which needs a Players Plugin with the following needs:- An Admin controllable form for Player registration, with some details of them. A listing page where all the registered players are to be shown. Registered Players can be deleted & ...

Problems in Using Object Variable to Activate & Deactivate WordPress Hooks

First of all, I want to say sorry for this very big question, but all these questions were disturbing my little brain (or no brain!) for the past couple of days as I was not getting any suitable answer. I will request to first read this slowly, and whoever knows any part of it, please try to answer it for that part only. I will really be...