
Custom taxonomy "hierarchical' => true" not working in WordPress 2.8

Another WordPress issue from me! I've been trying to set up two custom taxonomies in WordPress 2.8 for "Course subject" and "Type of opportunity". I used this code in functions.php: function create_pc_db_taxonomies() { register_taxonomy( 'course', 'post', array( 'hierarchical' => false, 'label' => __('Course subject', 'series'), 'quer...

Wordpress 2.8+ and IE8 display problems?

EDIT: Corrected the site header IE7 code in my original post. Have tried that and inserting X-UA-Compatible: IE=EmulateIE7 into the header without any success. Both of these steps are suggested by Microsoft here: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/06/10/introducing-ie-emulateie7.aspx I'm working on a Wordpress blog (URL: www.nxtbot...

Only date certain articles on Wordpress?

Hi, I'm setting up a Wordress installation where I want some of the articles to show the date they were posted, and other articles to leave the date out. I'd like these articles to be completely dateless, if possible, so they only show in category archives and not in date archives. I'm guessing I can tweak the templates to show the dat...

WordPress auto generated thumbnails issue

I have the following code to pull the auto generated thumbnail images from a post which I use to display in the archive page. The code works fine on my local server but as soon as I uploaded it to the web, it doesn't work. ----EDIT----- What it now displays is the same thumbnail for every post, the one linked to the first post entered...

How do I order subpages within my static ones in Wordpress.org 2.8.4 ?

I already applied a custom order for the toplevel navigation of my page, but it doesn't automatically sort the submenus alphabetically, although i assumed this behavior: Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but you can put a number above to change the order pages appear in. (We know this is a little janky, it’ll be better in future...

How to output a menu showing 3+ levels of a page hierarchy branch ?

My wordpress blog contains the following Page hierarchy: - page 1 L page 1.1 L page 1.2 - page 2 - page 3 I display a menu on my page.php template so that i can show a parent's child items, and a child's upper parent level, like this: if($post->post_parent){ $page = get_page($post->post_parent); $categoryTitle = ...

Wordpress: query all images in a posts media library

Howdy! I am looking for a way to list all of the image files in a posts' media library. What I mean by this is if a file has been uploaded while creating or editing a post, is the file associated with the post in some way, and can I create a list from this data. I think that the next_image_link() / previous_image_link(); template tag...

How to get and display post's "position" in the query?

Hello, I have a simple query: $query = new WP_Query('showposts=5'); that will obviously display 5 latest posts. Is there any way to be able to get post's position in the query? By position I mean... $query has 5 posts, and I need to be able to display the number of a post in the loop. I don't really know PHP but I'm assuming the $query ...

how to add a picture into wordpress witout uploading it on the backend?

i am trying to add a picture into the design of my blog and ive written it like this <img src="<?=TEMPLATEPATH; ?>/style/images/maskot.png" /> and it wont display and ive made sure that the link is correct am i doing it wrong? thnx ...

Showing x amount of comments on post list in WordPress

Hi all, Im currently scouting for a plugin for Wordpress which will show a certain amount of comments for each blog entry on the home page and under each category. For example on the home page: Entry #3 Blog content Comment Comment Comment Entry #2 Blog content Comment Comment Comment Entry #1 Blog content Comment Comment Comment I...

Wordpress how can I know if the pagination is active?

Has Wordpress a function or something like that?I need a way to check if there are any page links(Older Entries | Newer Entries)to be displayed or not. Best Regards, ...

Returning Wordpress Custom Field Values

I'm trying to echo the key of a custom field (value, such as a URL set while editing a post) back into the document. Here's the overall code: <div id="feature" class="clearfix"> <?php $feature_post = get_posts('category=3&numberposts=1'); foreach( $feature_post as $post ) : ?> <div clas...

Best Resources for creating custom wordpress backends (advanced theme design)

I am interested in learning to create custom backends for Wordpress that extend the functionality.substantially. Anyone know of any books or resources that are particularly helpful for this. ...

Inserting a custom_field in Wordpress using MySql

I have asked here(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1670838/inserting-a-post-in-wordpress-using-mysql) about how to insert a post in wordpress using mysql, but now I also need to insert some custom fields values, for example: if I have a custom_field called stack how can I insert a value for that custom field using mysql... ...

How to set up a website with WordPress ?

Hi, I'm a PHP developper, and i need for a client request to set up and create a template/theme for wordpress. I know a little about this blog engine, but i read i could use it as a CMS. As my website will be 6/7 pages so far. I'd have liked to know if it was just about writing a template, or will there be some others stuffs to do to...

Retrieving widget data with MySQL query in WordPress

I've built up multiple dynamic sidebars for front page item manipulation. Each sidebar contains a Text widget, and I want to retrieve each widget's content (according to widget ID) from wp_options. Basically, the structure is dbName -> wp_options -> option_id #92 contains the following: a:9:{i:2;a:0:{}i:3;a:3: {s:5:"title";s:0:"";s:4:...

Is there a way to change (delete) a standard phrase going after a single post in Wordpress?

Hello everybody, my question is about Wordpress. Is there a way to get access to the phrase, going after a single post? "Enjoy this article If you have enjoyed this article consider subscribing to our RSS Feed" Thanks a lot) ...

WordPress > setting permalink option via script buggy?

My theme's custom options panel has the following code... ` /* initialize the site options */ if(get_option('permalink_structure')==""){update_option('permalink_structure', '/%postname%/');} ` This checks the permalink option setting and since the WP default is "" which triggers the site.com/?p=x handler. This way, if the user has not...

Wordpress custom query pagination

I have a wordpress site, where on the main page I list the content from more categories. My question is, is there a plugin where I can paginate the results from a category?I mean something like $this->plugin_paginate('category_id'); or smth? Best Regards, ...

How do I concatenate a string in a PHP Array Element?

I am customizing wordpress blog and I have a need to make custom sidebar widgets. My PHP is rusty at best. What I am trying to do is concatenate a php variable into a string being set as an array element. here is the code I am using, it doesn't seem to work. All it does is print the stylesheet directory at the top of every page: if ...