
How to add a simple title in a menubar without creating a new page in Wordpress?

Hello, I have a question about my wordpress style.css. I tried to find the answer for hours now but i don't know how to describe it in a few words...Although it seems really simple. In my leftsidebar i have different pages. Now i want to add some new catagories/titles in the menu! So i don't want it to be a "button" but just a word......

Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action()

i got some code for twitter updates- function twitit() { global $wp_query; $thePostName = $wp_query->post->post_name; echo '<div id="twitit"><a href="http://twitter.com/home?status=Currently reading '.$thePostName.' : '.get_permalink($post->ID).'" title="Click to send this page to Twitter!" target="_blank">Share on Twitter</a></div>'; }...

Has somebody studied wordpress plugin architecture so as to reuse it somewhere else ?

Wordpress has a huge ecosystem of plugins. Why not reuse it some other frameworks ? Has someone studied this ? ...

What is the best hosting solution for a classified site using Wordpress

Hi, I am creating a website for classified using Wordpress. I was looking at hosting possibilities. I am a little worried about my choice, as with any classified website the big issue is with Storage of images and videos. Mainly, all sites are offering capped storage around 50Gb-100Gb. How do you usually go about this kind of situation,...

Joomla WordPress single signon

Hi I am developing a site based on Joomla 1.5 and using wordpress for the blog aspect for the site. I need help in user authentication part. I am looking for sharing the user session between both. Example : If a user loged into Joomla he gets logged into wordpress too are may be the reverse way. What I mean is let the user registratio...

Wordpress - base theme

Hey Folks, Am building some really custom sites (basic grid though) in wordpress. Are there any base themes that are good to use as a foundation to develop custom themes? I know there are quite a few out there and was just curious if there were any that were made specially for foundational purposes. ...

wordpress-menus like multi-level menus

Hello everybody, You must know WP 3's multi-level menu configuration feature on the dashboard. I was wondering how WordPress is doing that. Yes, I know they are using jQuery UI. But still, how? Is there any documentation? Or is there any plugin or anything that shall help me? Thank you all. ...

PHP mailer with WordPress - how to pull admin email?

I'm trying to use a mailer in my WordPress theme, but I don't seem to be able to pull admin email from WordPress. I have a mailer.php file in my theme folder and tried using get_bloginfo('admin_email') function but it doesn't work. I'm a PHP newbie, but I'm guessing the mailer.php file isn't "connected" to WordPress installation. I trie...

RSS in a Wordpress

is there any way to show an image for RSS feess in my wordpress page... it os because currently defaul wordpress RSS feeds will only show a text of other feeds from other site..how can i make my site show a thumb image of rss feeds of th other sites..below are example of the rss feeds on my site. plizzz help me.i really needs a help from...

Wordpress Widget - switching between themes

in developing a site, I switched to a different theme then back to the one I was working on and saw that my widget configuration defaulted to the base (ie lost the configuration.) Is this normla? I am using a child theme based on Thematic. ...

wp-admin redirects to home page in my wordpress blog

After I logging in to my wordpress (via wp-login.php) home page is loading instead of admin page (dashboard). I am using wordpress 3.0. How can I fix it ? ...

WordPress custom post type Single.php?

I have a WordPress custom post-type setup. I've created single-[customposttype].php However instead of displaying only the requested custom-post-type it goes to the URL, then displays all of the posts in the custom-type. Here's a copy of the code i'm currently using: <?php query_posts("post_type=shorts"); while (have_posts()) ...

Wordpress-like configuration for TinyMCE in Drupal

I am using Drupal's WYSIWYG module, and i have added the latest TinyMCE and have configured it succesfully. Now I would like it to display its buttons and toolbars precisely the way Wordpress displays them. How should I proceed from now? ...

How can I avoid jQuery scripts being loaded multiple times?

On my site, I load jQuery UI script using the following code: wp_enqueue_script('nf-jquery-ui','http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.5/jquery-ui.min.js') In my plugin I use the following code: wp_enqueue_script('wp_filebrowser-jqueryui','http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.5/jquery-ui.js') The result is tha...

Wordpress AJAX Content

How can I load dynamic wp content into my wordpress blog index page? Ideally I'd have the index page which sends GET requests with a ?tag= query, to another page which renders a list of posts that I want to see in my blog. How can I implement this? ...

How can i create subdomain for wordpress ??

can i create subdomain /subsite for wordpress blog ...

how to add expires add for adsense

Hi all, is there any one to help me to know that how to add expires header for google adsense in wordpress ...

Wordpress: category page not for post's

Hi, Please at first let me explain my question. I use wordpress to create web sites for flash games, so I don't have certain page for post's. I add each game by <code> post-new.php?post_type=game </code> and u can see it's not the regular post for wordpress. I try to use this code from codex: <code> <?php if ( have_posts() )...

Rails - Make a one-off query to a different database and table.

Hi, I have a rails app with a wordpress blog sellotaped on the side (totally separately at /blog). The client want's to the latest blog post on the main homepage of the rails app, so I need to do a one-off mysql query to the word-press database. How would I go about doing this in the rails app. The word-press is completely sperate from...

WordPress - can´t login with the admin account after restoring MySQL DB

I've got a Wordpress blog hosted on Linode under Cherokee web server, but the performance has been problematic the last weeks and I'd like to give a chance to Nginx. So I've made a DB backup of the current site, setup a LEMP platform, installed wordpress, and the "new" wordpress, with no articles (yet) on it works as expected. But when...