
WordPress Themes API

When studying the source of /wp-admin/theme-install.php?tab=search, I discovered the theme directory you get inside WordPress Admin -> Add New Themes is generated from an API call to http://api.wordpress.org/themes/info/1.0/ Unfortunately, there is no documentation for this yet. I tried picking apart /wp-admin/theme-install.php?tab=sea...

Finding the Latest Post by Author

I'm building an "authors" page for my Wordpress blog that lists all the current site contributors along with various other information such as their number of published posts, the date of their last post, etc. Google and the Wordpress Codex has pointed me toward using subqueries in MySQL to pull all the data I need in one query, and it'...

Want to learn Plugin/Template Development. Wordpress or Joomla?s

i seem to be getting the impression that Wordpress is more popular than joomla nowadays. but i also get the impression joomla is more powerful. so which shld do u think will give better prospects if i were to want to learn to develop for one. ...

Redirect old permalinks (page_id=x) wordpress

I used to have my permalinks to standard format, something like http://example.com/?page%5Fid=2. Now I have changed this, using ISAPI rewrite in a httpd.ini file in the wp root folder. This is working, but I need to have the old page_id=x style pages redirect to the current permalinks which is in a form of http://example.com/subject. I ...

How can I make custom Wordpress comments form?

I have made following form, but it doesn't work because it doesn't send post id in post request. <?php require('./wp-blog-header.php'); $post = get_post($_GET['p']); ?> <form action="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>/wp-comments-post.php" method="post" > <label>Name : </label><br/> <input name="author" id="author" type="text"/><br/>...

How to output a menu showing 3+ levels of a page hierarchy branch ?

My wordpress blog contains the following Page hierarchy: - page 1 L page 1.1 L page 1.2 - page 2 - page 3 I display a menu on my page.php template so that i can show a parent's child items, and a child's upper parent level, like this: if($post->post_parent){ $page = get_page($post->post_parent); $categoryTitle = ...

MySql and Wordpress query syntax

I'm trying to learn MySQL queries for use with Wordpress.... What I do know is this query, which gives all instances of the custom field "description" the value of "test" if the field is NULL UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_value` = 'test' WHERE `meta_key` LIKE 'description' and `meta_value` is null What I need to do is change that so...

Wordpress MU admin plugin, how to apply to new blogs?

I am trying to create a Wordpress MU admin plugin, that will insert some JavaScript code into every admin page that my users see. I created my own plugin, and activated using the "Activate Plugin Site wide" link. I have been testing with the following code, which works on existing blogs. add_action("admin_footer", 'testAdminFooterHook...

Highlight Current Page in Wordpress

What is the easiest method of highlighting the current page from a nav menu in Wordpress? ...

Highlight Current Page in Wordpress

How can I highlight the current WP page using this code: <div id="menu"> <ul> <li> <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1&exclude=52'); ?> </li> </ul> </div> ...

Is there an API call in WordPress to remove the categories and author from static pages?

I'm currently using the Carrington Blog theme, and it has a few things that I would like to remove from static pages. I would like to remove the "Posted in Uncategorized.", "By Thomas Owens – August 13, 2009" (where Thomas Owens is the author and August 13, 2009 is the date of posting), and "Comments Off" from all static pages (since I ...

Managing Wordpress blog on development and live environment

I have basically three environments that I use to work on my main site. I have my local one on my computer and the development and live ones on my web server. I developed the site using Wordpress on the local environment and want to keep everything up to date via svn. What would be the best way to do this since I need three installs of...

Wordpress: query all images in a posts media library

Howdy! I am looking for a way to list all of the image files in a posts' media library. What I mean by this is if a file has been uploaded while creating or editing a post, is the file associated with the post in some way, and can I create a list from this data. I think that the next_image_link() / previous_image_link(); template tag...

Fantastico not automated enough

From a php script, I need to log into cPanel and run Fantastico De Luxe to install WordPress. Anyone know how to do this? Doesn't look like Fantastico comes with an API. ...

Patch for Wordpress Remote Admin Reset Password Vulnerability

The vulnerability is documented here. The patch is supposedly a 1-line replace as documented here in line 190 of branches/2.8/wp-login.php - the new patch should look this (check line 118) - my question is - is this patch enough? If not, any suggestions? ...

How to create a blog community?

I work for a travel agency, they have a website, from here they want to give the option to their travels to create their own subdomain with a wordpress blog inside. More or less what the webpage http://wordpress.com/ offers its users. What do I need? And plz links. ...

How to get and display post's "position" in the query?

Hello, I have a simple query: $query = new WP_Query('showposts=5'); that will obviously display 5 latest posts. Is there any way to be able to get post's position in the query? By position I mean... $query has 5 posts, and I need to be able to display the number of a post in the loop. I don't really know PHP but I'm assuming the $query ...

Linking Forum Login to User Login in WPMU

What is best approach of using WPMU, and having a forum that uses the same user/pass for the WPMU acct? Having a WPMU user/pass then a different user/pass for a forum on the same site isn't an option :) ...

count() causing "unexpected T_STRING" error?

I'm trying to define a new shortcode in WordPress, and I get the following error when the function is loaded (just loaded, I haven't tried to call it anywhere yet): Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /pathtomytheme/user_functions.php on line 105 Here's the code; line 105 is "$cat_n = count($cats) – 1;": function user...

How do I integrate WordPress blogs with my Grails application?

I had my static site with which WordPress blogs were integrated. Now I have made a Grails application with which I want to integrate those WordPress blogs. I had put the WordPress folder copied from my previous site to the web-app folder of my Grails application. But I am not able to access the WordPress folder, as when I hit URL - htt...