I try to use axis2 (1.5.1) version to generate java codes from wsdl files, but I can't figure out what is the correct pom.xml
I have a web service implemented in this folder in this package hierarchy in eclipse:
to generate the client classes using WSGEN utility, I entered the following command in cmd:
C:\Users\NOONA\workspace\HW2>wsgen -d . -keep -wsdl -classpath . hw2.agency.server.AgencyServiceServerImpl
but I get the following error...
This is what I have in my schema section of my WSDL to specify the field has to be comparison operators
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:pattern value="<|>|<=|>=|="/>
Is WSDLpull supports https request?
Hi All,
Kindly let me know how to create WSDL for a WCF service programmatically.
Thanks & Regards,
I have a webservice that uses a custom object which inturn has an array of custom objects:
public class SerializedObjectList
[XmlElement("LineItems", IsNullable = true)]
public SerializedObjectItem[] MyArray { get; set; }
public class SerializedObjectItem
[XmlElement("MyVarOne", IsNu...
I am trying to validate generated WSDL to be correct. I have tried WS-i test tool downloaded from http://www.ws-i.org/ but it's test tool require all input to go through a config xml and the output is again an output xml file. Is there other easier way of validating a WSDL?
I have a WSDL with various portTypes. Some of the contain only output
<operation name="getServerTimeZone">
<output message="s0:getServerTimeZoneSoapOut"/>
I would expect that the correct should be:
<operation name="getServerTimeZone">
<input message="s0:getServerTimeZoneSoapIn"/>
<output message="s0:getServerTimeZo...
Hi All,
I am looking for adding a version number to the wsdl that gets created for a WCF service. Let me know whether it is a good practice to add the version number as a part of data contract or at the soap headers? if so how to do it? This version number would be helpful to find out the latest wsdl.
Thanks & Regards,
I am completely new to web services, but not new to Delphi.
I am importing a WSDL file into Delphi 2010 with the "WSDL Importer" wizard. The WSDL file contains some "attributeGroup" tags which Delphi completely ignores, which is presumably a bug, although I haven't yet found an entry on Quality Central for this issue, only mentions in ...
I am trying to create wsdl definition for the below soap response,
< reasonCode Required="TRUE">
< ValidCode>RR< /ValidCode>
< ValidCode>RB< /ValidCode>
< ValidCode>RT< /ValidCode>
< ValidCode>AR< /ValidCode>
< /reasonCode>
Below is the wsdl definition I have,
< xsd:complexType>
< xsd:sequence>
I'm trying to get PHP connecting correctly to a WSDL using SoapClient, it connects (as in finds the WSDL) okay but then gives me the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Missing name for <fault> of 'invokeService'
The PHP code is as follows:
$client = new SoapClient("wsdl.wsdl")...
Hi. I got a wsdl file in email. At first I didn't know how to use it. I've simply saved the file to my disk. Opened visual studio...added a service reference...provided path to file, and service was discovered. I opened the object browser to see the types and methods that got imported. I figure anything that ends with the name 'Client' i...
I've made Web Services with Delphi in the past but most were pretty simple that just took a few parameters and returned a single value to the client. A new service I am working on calls for me to be able to send and receive complex types. Consider the following types are defined in my code:
TBaseRequest = Class(TRemotable)
Currently I have my WSDLs setup to deal with SOAP payloads. I now have a customer that wants to use the same services but they cannot create SOAP payloads (for various reasons, but nothing I can change). They instead want to send XML payloads.
My question therefore is how can I conigure my WSDLs so that it can accept simple XML payloads...
Is there a generic way of obtaining the service WSDL by using the service endpoint address. I know this can be done by appending ?wsdl to Axis2 services. But does this property hold for other web service containers as well?
I'm currently writing a web service using WCF in VB.NET.
Previous web services I wrote used ASMX but I wanted to learn WCF and so far it's going well. I actually prefer the way WCF does things.
One thing I miss however is the way that ASMX used to generate example SOAP requests and responses. It was like getting documentation for fre...
I am using BizTalk 2006 R2 to generate a web reference from a WSDL file.
Comparing the generated XSD to the WSDL, it is apparent that a lot of information has been lost.
Consider the following extract from the WSDL:
<s:element form="unqualified" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4" name="Applicant">
How can I solve "cannot find interface declaration 'someEnumeration',
superclass of 'interfaceName'" error?
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Compiling Wsdl2ObjC
Targeting groupwise.wsdl file
Fixing non-valid file names of output csource code like ".h" + ".m" and
objects inside source files
Moving up one of the @interface BEFOR...
We're using apache cxf 2.2.2 with JaxB and I need to change the wsdl:definitions name of an exported wsdl to something else. Does anyone know how I could change it, possibly via a JAXB annotation?