
axis2 maven example

I try to use axis2 (1.5.1) version to generate java codes from wsdl files, but I can't figure out what is the correct pom.xml <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.axis2</groupId> <artifactId>axis2-wsdl2code-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.5.1</version> <execution...

using wsgen utility for generating webservice client classes

I have a web service implemented in this folder in this package hierarchy in eclipse: src\hw2\agency\server to generate the client classes using WSGEN utility, I entered the following command in cmd: C:\Users\NOONA\workspace\HW2>wsgen -d . -keep -wsdl -classpath . but I get the following error...

How to create a valid schema in a WSDL that restrict to <|<=|>|>=

This is what I have in my schema section of my WSDL to specify the field has to be comparison operators <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:pattern value="&lt;|&gt;|&lt;=|&gt;=|="/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:s...

Is WSDLpull supports https request?

Is WSDLpull supports https request? ...

How to programmatically generate WSDL for a WCF service?

Hi All, Kindly let me know how to create WSDL for a WCF service programmatically. Thanks & Regards, Priya.R ...

C# Webservice custom object array set WSDL minoccurs to 1 NOT 0

Hi, I have a webservice that uses a custom object which inturn has an array of custom objects: [Serializable] public class SerializedObjectList { [XmlElement("LineItems", IsNullable = true)] public SerializedObjectItem[] MyArray { get; set; } } [Serializable] public class SerializedObjectItem { [XmlElement("MyVarOne", IsNu...

Is there any easy way to perform Junit test for WSDL WS-I compliance

I am trying to validate generated WSDL to be correct. I have tried WS-i test tool downloaded from but it's test tool require all input to go through a config xml and the output is again an output xml file. Is there other easier way of validating a WSDL? ...

web service with no input parameter

I have a WSDL with various portTypes. Some of the contain only output <operation name="getServerTimeZone"> <output message="s0:getServerTimeZoneSoapOut"/> </operation> I would expect that the correct should be: <operation name="getServerTimeZone"> <input message="s0:getServerTimeZoneSoapIn"/> <output message="s0:getServerTimeZo...

How to add version number in WSDL for a WCF service?

Hi All, I am looking for adding a version number to the wsdl that gets created for a WCF service. Let me know whether it is a good practice to add the version number as a part of data contract or at the soap headers? if so how to do it? This version number would be helpful to find out the latest wsdl. Thanks & Regards, Priya.R ...

"attributeGroup" references ignored by Delphi WSDL Import Tool

I am completely new to web services, but not new to Delphi. I am importing a WSDL file into Delphi 2010 with the "WSDL Importer" wizard. The WSDL file contains some "attributeGroup" tags which Delphi completely ignores, which is presumably a bug, although I haven't yet found an entry on Quality Central for this issue, only mentions in ...


I am trying to create wsdl definition for the below soap response, < reasonCode Required="TRUE"> < ValidCode>RR< /ValidCode> < ValidCode>RB< /ValidCode> < ValidCode>RT< /ValidCode> < ValidCode>AR< /ValidCode> < /reasonCode> Below is the wsdl definition I have, < xsd:complexType> < xsd:sequence> ...

PHP SoapClient error - Missing name for <fault> ...

I'm trying to get PHP connecting correctly to a WSDL using SoapClient, it connects (as in finds the WSDL) okay but then gives me the following error: Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Missing name for <fault> of 'invokeService' The PHP code is as follows: $client = new SoapClient("wsdl.wsdl")...

error working with wsdl files in visual studio 2008

Hi. I got a wsdl file in email. At first I didn't know how to use it. I've simply saved the file to my disk. Opened visual studio...added a service reference...provided path to file, and service was discovered. I opened the object browser to see the types and methods that got imported. I figure anything that ends with the name 'Client' i...

TRemotable Descendant Parent Members are not included in WSDL generated by delphi web services.

I've made Web Services with Delphi in the past but most were pretty simple that just took a few parameters and returned a single value to the client. A new service I am working on calls for me to be able to send and receive complex types. Consider the following types are defined in my code: TBaseRequest = Class(TRemotable) private ...

How can I use a WSDL for a non SOAP compliant payload?

Currently I have my WSDLs setup to deal with SOAP payloads. I now have a customer that wants to use the same services but they cannot create SOAP payloads (for various reasons, but nothing I can change). They instead want to send XML payloads. My question therefore is how can I conigure my WSDLs so that it can accept simple XML payloads...

Obtaining WSDL from a Web Service Endpoint Address

Is there a generic way of obtaining the service WSDL by using the service endpoint address. I know this can be done by appending ?wsdl to Axis2 services. But does this property hold for other web service containers as well? ...

Using WCF in .NET how can I make it auto generate SOAP docs like ASMX did?

I'm currently writing a web service using WCF in VB.NET. Previous web services I wrote used ASMX but I wanted to learn WCF and so far it's going well. I actually prefer the way WCF does things. One thing I miss however is the way that ASMX used to generate example SOAP requests and responses. It was like getting documentation for fre...

BizTalk Web Reference - generated XSD has "lost" information from WSDL.

I am using BizTalk 2006 R2 to generate a web reference from a WSDL file. Comparing the generated XSD to the WSDL, it is apparent that a lot of information has been lost. Consider the following extract from the WSDL: <s:element form="unqualified" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4" name="Applicant"> <s:complexType> <s:sequence> <s:...

How to fix error - "@interface interfaceName : someEnumeration" gives error "cannot find interface ''someEnumeration'.."

How can I solve "cannot find interface declaration 'someEnumeration', superclass of 'interfaceName'" error? What steps will reproduce the problem? Compiling Wsdl2ObjC Targeting groupwise.wsdl file Fixing non-valid file names of output csource code like ".h" + ".m" and objects inside source files Moving up one of the @interface BEFOR...

What annotation/property defines the wsdl:definitions section of a wsdl in Jaxb?

We're using apache cxf 2.2.2 with JaxB and I need to change the wsdl:definitions name of an exported wsdl to something else. Does anyone know how I could change it, possibly via a JAXB annotation? ...