
Java WebServices and WSDL file generation

What are the best tools to use for generating WSDL files from Java class files? Running into some issues using Java2WSDL and wondering what are my other options. Latest issue is that it is not encoding String[] as an array/sequence. Comes through in the WSDL as type xsd:string By best I'm thinking - nice clean WSDL and consumed by .NET...

How to implement WSDL provided by business partner?

I have been provided to a wsdl file by another business to build webservice so that the other business can connect to service I build using the provided wsdl and xsd files. I am dot net developer using wcf. I want to know where to start having the wsdl and xsd files in hand. Thanks ...

WSDL unable to import binding

I'm not able to get WSDL to work, it giving me this error: C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0\Bin>wsdl.exe /username:NOTGIVINGU/password:THEPASSWORD /v /parsableerrors WSDL: error WSDL1: Unable to import binding 'Product' from namespace '

THttprio onBeforeExecute changing the soapRequest

I've imported some wsdl for a project. i want to change the SoapRequest on HttpRio onBeforeExecute event, but as i changed the request, im getting some errors how can i change the request xml file with stringReplace function on this event. i've tried to change the size of stream, i ve changed the encoding etc. but anyway it didnt work. ...

Get methods params type parsing wsdl file in a rails/ruby application

Hi, I have a question about ruby and wsdl soap. I couldn't find a way to get each method's params and their type. For example, if I found out that a soap has a methods called "get_user_information" (using wsdlDriver) is there a way to know if this method requires some params and what type of params does it require (int, string, complex...

Where should you put XSD documentation in order for JAXB to pick them up and put them in Javadoc?

I am developing a contract first webservice and wish to include the appropriate documentation in the schema so that it is as self descriptive as possible. What is the best practice to put XSD annotations and documentation such that JAXB picks them up and includes them in the generated Java files as Javadoc? I noticed that some elements ...

@WebServices as @Stateless session bean in ejb jar

Hi! Scenario: Creating some web service as @Stateless bean, package it as ejb jar. Result - can`t access to wsdl file. Goal: I want to use @WebServices as @Stateless session using ejb jar packaging with accessible wsdl file form web. Web service: @Stateless @WebService(serviceName = "ws.isp.SecurityService", wsdlLocation = "META-INF/...

What's the easiest way for a Java Swing client to consumer a webservice?

I have a Java Swing application client that I want to use to consume certain webservices, but I want to make it as painless as possible to code (because really all I want is the info). I do understand that whatever solution is used will need to stub the POJO's too. If you'd like to give a demo, that would be great, or if you can point t...

Best practices for an internal webservice

Experience says that using WSDL-SOAP based webservice for internal consumption is an overkill. There are too many service-based POJO classes that when let into the system complicates it way too much. One option would be use adapter pattern, map the request/response objects to internal domain classes. But is it even required? Is there a b...

Integers in TextNodes w/ Python minidom

I am working on an API using SOAP and WSDL. The WSDL expects integers to come through. I am fairly new to ALL of this, and constructing XML in Python. I have chosen to use minidom to create my SOAP message. So using minidom, to get a value into a node I found I have to do this: weight_node = xml_file.createElement("web:Weight") weight...

Change web service url for a suds client on runtime (keeping the wsdl)

Hi. First of all, my question is similar to this one But it's a little bit different. What we have is a series of environments, with the same set of services. For some environments (the local ones) we can get access to the wsdl, and thus generating the suds client. For external environment, we cannot access the wsdl. But being the same,...

Parse SOAP webservice dynamically

Hi, I'd like to create an application where you can specify a webservice's url and automatically get the input parameters a output format. (similar to svcutil in Visual Studio I think), in the way the user could add webservices dynamically to the app and select which data is gonna send and what is he gonna do with the return data. So i...

svcutil.exe excludetypes problem

My service uses a type Foo defined in another DLL, and my client also uses that DLL to get that type. Rather than generating a proxy class for that type, I'd like the proxy code to just refer to the real type. I can accomplish this manually by generating the proxy with WSDL.EXE on the running service, manually editing out the partial ...

Making SOAP call using Perl's SOAP::Lite and a WSDL file

I want to make a SOAP call to a local web service. The web service is defined via a WSDL file (see below). I want to use Perl and SOAP::Lite. I tried this: use strict ; use warnings ; use SOAP::Lite ; my $endpoint = qq{} ; my $tns = '' ; ...

Web service URL being overwritten with localhost

I have a reference to a web service on a remote server like such... The moment I invoke the web service and view its URL property it looks like... http://localhost/PersonifyWebServicePPROD/UniversalWebService/default.asmx Can anyone tell me why it's overwri...

WSDL using soapclient

Hi, Need to access a webservice using soapclient.I have the following settings. ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 120); $client = new SoapClient( "", array('proxy_host' => "proxy url", 'proxy_port' => proxy port ) ); $param=array("varname1"=>'value1',"varname2"=>'va...

Listening to PHP function calls to intercept the returned value

I am working on making use of a Web Services API offered by the hosts of our internal system. I am accessing it via PHP with the built-in SOAP offering. The API session is initiated by a remote call to a function that returns some session tokens; every call to any function thereafter will return a new session token, which must accompany...

Connecting to a localhost Webservice via kSOAP2

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Staring the Application, since it's quite small I think that should do it here. What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Well actually I'm not quite sure what should be the output in the end, but while debugging the app I noticed that it won't execute the line:

Problem in accessing wsdl from URL(http) from bpel

HI, I want to access wsdl file that is imported in bpel definition, can i do that or i will have to create local copy and then use it? Because whenever it run the process it gives me this: FATAL - GeronimoLog.fatal(116) | openResource: invalid scheme (should be urn:) http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/Inverse?wsdl I am using ODE en...

help a .NET developer consume a wcf service using coldfusion

Hi, I am a .NET developer with no coldfusion experience, but I need to write cf code to access a wcf service i've set up. I've got a few WCF services being hosted in IIS 7 with WsHttpBinding, and I'm able to use the services fine by adding service references to a .NET client and using client classes. It is very straightforward for a ....