
How to draw a transparent frame in wxpython

UPDATE I completely rephrased the question I want to create a window with round corners, that's also semi-transparent. I managed to make a frame semi-transparent by calling the SetTransparent( alpha ) method, however, I still don't know how to make the window have no background. I tried to get the device context (dc) of the window and...

Tool Chain for WxWidgets explained

Where can I find an writeup that shows me how to set up a tool chain for WxWidgets (C++) on linux/ubunto and/or OS X. I downloaded, compiled & installed WxWidgets both on linux and OS X, compiled and tried the samples, but seem to be stuck setting up a compile environment in my own home directory. DialogBlocks from http://www.dialogblo...

How does Rainlendar achieve transparency with wxWidgets

Rainlendar is a fantastic cross platform calendar program that is written with wxWidgets. How does it achieve the transparency effect? Does anyone have any example code which demonstrates the transparency effect? ...

Internet Explorer control won't load CSS and JS

I have embedded an IE control in a Win32 app. The only purpose of this app is to ensure that a URl is always loaded and being refreshed every N minutes. My problem is that almost always the first time the URL is accessed the CSS and JS files are not loaded. This behavior repeats randomly while the application is running. My webserver i...

What is the preferred method for creating a wxWidget application: using a GUI tool or procedurally in code?

I use wxWidgets to create test tools at work. I have always created the GUI by creating the widgets in code. I haven't tried any of the tools available that help to do this. How do other users of wxWidgets typically create their interface? If you use a tool, which tool do you use? If you use a tool, what advantages and disadvantages...

How can I auto-scroll a wxTreeControl widget while dragging with the mouse?

I have a wxTreeCtrl widget with scroll bars, where I want to drag and drop items on other items. But when I drag an item, how can I make the control automatically scroll invisible items into view? ...

Problems using dynamic linked libraries (wxWidgets) from a DLL

We created a plugin; it is a DLL (Run-Time Dynamic Linking) which uses a 3rd party library (wxWidgets) and also links dynamically to that. The host software seems to scan our plugin, but exported functions are not called. We checked all dependencies with DependencyWalker. We see in the debugger that the plugin is loaded, but the DllMain...

How do I get the dimensions of the view (not obstructed by scrollbars) in a wx.ScrolledWindow?

Is there an easy way to do this? Alternatively, if I could get the width of the scrollbars, I could just use the dimensions of the ScrolledWindow and subtract them out myself... ...

wxWidgets: how to change caret style in StyledTextCtrl (sending a command to scintilla)

wxWidgets has wxStyledTextCtrl which (as I understand) uses Scintilla behind the scenes I don't know much about Scintilla API, but I kinda have the idea that you issue commands to it. In particular, I want to make the cursor have a block style, I found in Notepad++ the following snippet: execute(SCI_SETCARETSTYLE, CARETSTYLE_BLOCK) ...

XRCed learning resources?

I've seen many people saying XRCed very strong "if you have learned how to use it". Unfortuntately, there're few documents about it, and many of the links on SF.net home page is 404 now. The best I can found is XRCed Tutorial, however it is too primitive - so, does anyone have some idea for where can I find better documents about it? ...

Unflip wxImage loading

I have the code here working fine except that all the non-power of 2 images are flipped in the y direction. In the wxImageLoader file there is this loop which I believe is the culprit: for(int y=0; y<newHeight; y++) { for(int x=0; x<newWidth; x++) { if( x<(*imageWidth) && y<(*imageHeight) ){ imageData[(x+y*newWidth)*bytes...

Display large result set

Hi, This is my problem: I need to store a lot of log messages and thought it would be smart to keep it in a SQLite3 database to be able to search and filter it easily. I will display the log messages in a standard list widget (using wxWidgets). The list will have several columns and can be sorted and filtered by the user. Now, I'm not...

wxpython ogl package drag event.

Hello! I'm testing the ogl package in wxpython. I want to drag a shape. And when I do drag it, I want a second shape to move at the same time. The problem is that I have not found a move/drag event. Only pre and post move events. The only solution I can think of is to hide the second shape, and redraw it at the new position when the d...

How to drag-and-drop a remote file in wxWidgets ?

I've got a wxWidgets application which show files located on a remote server (FTP, SSH, ...) and I'd like to allow the user to drag and drop the file locally. But it seems that wxDropSource/wxDataObject does not allow me to do that. I have already done the same kind of things directly under Windows using this kind of techniques. Is it ...

Create tab blinking effect (like IM programs) using wxNotebook

How can I Create Tab blinking effect like IM programs do using wxNotebook? A good example of this is would be any tabbed IM program that blinks to show the user that they received a new IM. ...

Update list view with changes in a table

I have a SQLite database that contains a huge set of log messages. I want to display this in a list view (using wxWidgets). The user can reorder the list (by pressing the column header), apply a filter on the result set and navigate through it as a usual list, using the scroll bar. The user can also select one or multiple entries in th...

wxwidgets // g++ Compiler error: no matching function for call to 'operator new(..'

Hello, at the moment I try to port a Visual C++ application to Linux. The code compiles without errors in Visual Studio, but I get many compiler errors under Linux. One of these errors is: ../src/wktools4.cpp:29: error: no matching function for call to 'operator new(unsigned int, const char [40], int)' More information: ...

Programmatically Add/Remove tabs on wxNotebook by PageText

I need to be able to programmatically add and remove tabs on a wxNotebook by the text/label that is displayed on each tab. In windows, using a tab control and tab pages, I would be able to reference each tab by a key. The tab control has a map of tab pages keyed on the text of each tab. I'm trying to write some helper methods to recreat...

wxPython: What is the difference between a wx.Panel and a wx.Window?

I got the impression that Panel is better. Is that true? What advantage does one have over the other? What reason is there to use one over the other? ...

Adding system menu items in wxPython/wxWidgets

How is it possible to add menu items to the system menu of a frame in wxPython/wxWidgets? (I'm talking about the menu that appears when clicking on the application icon in Windows - the one with Minimize, Maximize, Close, ...). I want to add a menu item of my own for a simple application that doesn't require a full blown top menu. A Wi...