
wxErlang - What is wrong with this code?

I am very new to erlang and am trying to get my head around wxerlang but have hit a wall. Can someone have a look at this code and tell me what is wrong. I think it is something very obvious, but I just can't work it out. -module(main). -include_lib("include/wx.hrl"). -behavoiur(wx_object). -export([start/0]). %% API -export([init...

(C++) MessageBox for Linux like in MS Windows

Hi, I need to implement a simple graphical message box for a Linux (SDL) application similar to the Windows MessageBox in C++ (gcc/g++ 4.4.0). All it needs to do is to display a caption, a message and an ok or close button and to return to the calling function when that button is clicked. SDL just uses X(11) to open a window for (OpenG...

Using WxWidgets with Eclipse for C++

Hi, I installed wxWidgets and then followed the instructions to make it with MSYS. After it was done, I copied a sample from a site and put it on a project in eclipse. The code was: #include <wx/string.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { wxPuts(wxT("A wxWidgets console application")); } But when I compile I get this error: **** B...

capture key events in wxdialog linux

capturing EVT_KEY_UP or EVT_CHAR does not work, but does under windows? Any hints ? ...

OleInitialize fails when Common Lanuage Runtime is enabled?

I am working on a wxWidgets console application that I want to call into = a C# DLL from, via the CLR. Unfortunately, the application hiccups in the wxWidgets application initialization code because OleInitialize is failing. The error I'm seeing is a pop-up simply stating "Cannot initialize OLE." It seems that this problem is usually ...

C++ : wxWidget HelloWorld

When compiling my wxWidget HelloWorld application, I am getting the following errors: Warning 1 warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMTD' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library wxWidget__HelloWorld wxWidget__HelloWorld Error 2 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual bool __thiscall wxApp::Initialize...

How to create hover effect on StaticBitmap in wxpython?

Hi, I want to create hover effect on StaticBitmap - If the cursor of mouse is over the the bitmap, shows one image, if not, shows second image. It's trivial program (works perfectly with a button). However, StaticBitmap doesn't emit EVT_WINDOW_ENTER, EVT_WINDOW_LEAVE events. I can work with EVT_MOTION. If images are switched when the c...

How do I create a multline wxNotebook for gtk?

wxWidgets provides for notebooks with multiple lines of tabs only on Windows platforms. Is there a simple way to provide similar functionality on GTK based platforms, or am I stuck with the only option being to create a customized notebook class that supports it? ...

How can you calculate the percentage overlap of two rectangles?

I wrote a drawing function that draws various on-screen sprites. These sprites can only overlap up to a point. If they have to much overlap, they become too obscured. As a result I need to detect when these sprites are too much overlapped. Luckily, the problem is simplified in that the sprites can be treated as orthogonal rectangles. I'd...

Switching from wxWidgets to QT for porting to Mac?

We are selling an image processing application (about 120k lines of code) developed with wxWidgets. We planned everything to be as most cross platform as possible in case the porting from Windows to other OS was needed. And in fact we are going to realiza a version for Mac. We haven't tested wxWidgest on Mac yet, but we haven't read very...

Is it a bad idea to run WxWidgets and GTK?

I'm currently writing a media player in Ruby (called Shroom) with a GTK interface, but I use WxWidget's MediaCtrl for cross-platform audio playback abstraction. I don't want to use WxRuby for the interface as well, as I need to work with GTK's TreeView. What kind of performance problems may arise from this? Is it so bad to have two main...

WX_CONFIG_OPTIONS: command not found

I'm trying to build Aegisub on linux mint, I'm getting the following error during ./autoget.sh /home/hasenj/code/aegisub/aegisub/configure: line 25685: WX_CONFIG_OPTIONS: command not found /home/hasenj/code/aegisub/aegisub/configure: line 25686: syntax error near unexpected token `debug' /home/hasenj/code/aegisub/aegisub/configure: line...

How to set a minimum size for a Window in wxRuby

Hi people! I'm doing a simple GUI using wxRuby. I have just only read the tutorials and FAQ on the official site of the gem, but there are just a few examples. I want to know if there's a way (i'm sure there is a way but i don't know how to implement it) to set a minimum size of the windows... For example, i want to set the minimum siz...

How to build wxmathPlot for win32?

I downloaded the latest wxmathplot but the readme is a bit sparse with instructions on how to build on win32 platform. Has anyone used this library for win32? Can someone point me to the docs or give some hints/advice on how to build for win32 targets. We'll eventually use this for cross platform stuff, for now it is just win32 until ...


I am trying to display search result data quickly. I have all absolute file paths for files on my network drive(s) in a single, ~50MB text file. The python script makes a single pass over every line in this file [kept on the local drive] in a second or less, and that is acceptable. That is the time it takes to gather results. However, ...

Can i use the google chrome gui library code for own desktop applications?:

I mean is it useable like WxWidgets to develop total non web releated client apps. A HTML widget is always nice but does it provide all the other common widgets a typical appication needs? Is it hard to generate a build script for an chrome based application or are the make files full of chrome specific paths and targets. EDIT: I know ...

Multithreading in wxWidgets GUI apps?

Hello there, I'm having problem (basically, I'm confused.) while trying to create a worker thread for my wxWidgets GUI application that WILL MODIFY one of the GUI property itself. (In this case, wxTextCtrl::AppendText). So far, I have 2 source files and 2 header files for the wx program itself (excluding my own libs, MySQL lib, etc), s...

XP Visual Style in wxWidgets?

Hello there, I'd like to know whether it is possible to enable XP Visual Style in wxWidgets, as it is not enabled by default. All of the controls were drawn in classic Windows style. I'm using wxMSW packed with wxPack, but without wxFormBuilder (http://wxpack.sourceforge.net/), and MSVC++ 2008 EE as the ide. So, is it possible to ena...

Rendering unicode characters correctly on textbox

I am working on a translation application in which users are allowed to give English input and I need to convert to a target language and display on a text box. I am facing problems in displaying unicode characters. Complex characters are not rendering correctly. I know windows uses Uniscribe for rendering complex characters. So do I ne...

wxwidgets custom control size cannot be set.What am i missing out

I have a Custom control derived from wxControl,inside a dialog with a vertical sizer wxBoxSizer *topSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); Knob* newKnob = new Knob(panel,wxID_ANY,wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(40,40)); topSizer->Add(newKnob,0,wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER); panel->SetSizer(topSizer); topSizer->Fit(panel); //panel is a wxPanel inside t...