
Model View Controller inside a Model View Controller

I've just recently completed a personal project and one technique I did use to break down the interface was to have one main Model View Controller that was handling a lot of the main logic of the application. Then for the most part, there were many generic controls lets say a Slider and a Text Field that were bound together to a single f...

how to allow user to order columns with wxListCtrl in report mode

with wxListCtrl, how to allow the user to rearrange the column order at runtime ? just like in windows. Tnx, Vertilka ...

Making a Windows .exe with gui2exe does not work because of missing MSVCP90.dll

I'm trying to compile my python script into a single .exe using gui2exe (which uses py2exe to create a .exe). My program is using wxWidgets and everytime I try to compile it I get the following error message: error MSVCP90.dll: No such file or directory. I have already downloaded and installed the VC++ redistributable package, so ...

wxVListBox with "dynamic" data

I have a stream of data that I want to place into a container. This container will either be of fixed size or dynamically constrained to a certain size at runtime. The latter may be preferable. When the container is full, the oldest data will be removed. I want to display this data using a wxVListBox because I need full control of the ...

Example of a histogram using wxWidgets

Does anyone have sample wxWidgets code to display a histogram? wxMathPlot seems to be working great for my other plotting needs, but now I have a requirement for a histogram. Not being a UI developer I am a little bit like a fish out of water. Any suggestions or references are greatly appreciated. (I'd like it to be a dynamic histog...

How to hide vertical scrollbar in wxTextCtrl?

I'm using wxWidgets for a cross platform app. In this app, there is a text control that contains enough text to cause the vertical scrollbar to appear. However, I do not want the scrollbar to appear. There is a flag wxTE_NO_VSCROLL that works on Windows but not *nix. Any ideas? ...

How can I add a wxIcon to my frame app?

I've looked all over the net and can't seem to find a standard way of including a wxIcon in my wxWidgets app that actually works! I've tried converting the icon to an XPM and including that I've also tried loading the bitmap but whatever I do it seems to compile but the icon never appears! ...

What resources exist for WxRuby: documentation, tutorials, samples?

I found the RubyForge documentation, which is a little tricky to navigate. There's a basic tutorial on the Ruby On Windows blog. But I've already moved on from that. What other WxRuby resources have you found useful? Or, if not WxRuby specifically, what Wx resources have you found useful from a Ruby perspective? ...

GUI Toolkit for ASP.net

Do anybody know any free Ajax-based Windowing toolkit for asp.net like Coolite Toolkit (which is a .net port of Ext-JS), and of course with extensive documentation? Coolite Toolkit has an excellent library of Ajax controls. But lacks detailed documentation. So I am searching for a better option. ...

Help needed for wxWidgets - DialogBlocks

I'm using DialogBlocks to build a dialog and got the errors below * g++ i386: No such file or directory * cclplus: error: unrecognized command line option -arch" make * [GCCRelease/AdvancedControls:0] I really don't know what does that mean. By the way, I'm a new learner on this field, any effort is greatly appreciated. Many ...

Proper way to get a wxWidgets pop-up window to dismis when the parent gets clicked?

Preface: wxWidgets 2.8.10 project on Windows. I have a main application window (controls in a frame). If the user presses a hotkey, a pop-up window (implemented as a wxDialog) shows centered within the parent. The behavior I want is if the user clicks outside of the pop-up window, on to the parent window, then the pop-up will dismiss, ...

wxlua bindings does not work with my shaderobjects made using SWIG

Hi, I made a class using wxwdigets //wrapper over wxIPV4address class IPV4addressLua : public wxIPV4address { public: IPV4addressLua(); ~IPV4addressLua(); bool SetService (const wxString &service); bool SetService (unsigned short service); unsigned short GetSer...

Compile error in wxWidgets with VS2010 Beta 2

Hello, i try to build wxWidgets straight from source using VS10 beta 2, but i get this error when i try to compile it: Error 1 error MSB3073: The command "copy "" ..\..\lib\vc_lib\mswd\wx\setup.h :VCEnd" exited with code 1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cp\\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 145 thanks! ...

Downloading file with wxHTTP?

Im really stumped. Im using the wxHTTP class in wxWidgets to try and download two files. The first request succeeds but the second one fails when wxHTTP->GetInputStream is called. Between downloads, the wxInputStream from the first call is freed. Any ideas? Edit - Here is some pseudocode: wxHTTP * http = new wxHTTP(); // connect to www...

How can I get a volume serial number using wxWidgets?

Hi, I'm looking for a function/class in wxWidgets which can give me a volume serial number (like win32 GetVolumeInformation function does). I assume that the volume serial number must be pretty much cross-platform. Thanks in advance. ...

f.pos undefined?

simplified version of my problem require 'wx' Wx::App.run do f = Wx::Frame.new nil f.title= 'the potlee' f.size= Wx::Size.new( 200 , 500) f.pos= Wx::point.new(50,50) f.show end i get this error `method_missing': undefined method `pos=' for #<Wx::Frame:0x207d020> how can i set the size on the frame but not the position...

wxGraphicsContext dreadfully slow on Windows

I've implemented a plotter using wxGraphicsContext. The development was done using wxGTK, and the graphics was very fast. Then I switched to Windows (XP) using wxWidgets 2.9.0. And the same code is extremely slow. It takes about 350 ms to render a frame. Since the user is able to drag the plotter with the mouse to navigate it feels very...

Embedded wxLua not displaying most controls (but still does layout correctly)

I am having trouble getting embedded wxLua to work with my application -- it works fine when I use the wxLua DLLs, but I'm trying to use the static libraries so I can distribute a single, standalone executable with no external dependencies. First, the symptoms: Most controls (such as wxButtons, wxGauges, wxTextCtrls) do not display; at ...

wxTextEntryDialog assertion problem

Hi guys! I am making a text entry dialog in wxWidgets, and I always get a assertion error. Code looks like this: int CFrame::MenuSetAmbient(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxTextEntryDialog dial(this, _T("Enter ambient light value..."), _T("Set value"), _T("0.5") ); int result = dial->ShowModal(); return result; } Thanks for reply! ...

wxWidgets and "Implement_App" causes _main duplicate symbol error

I'm compiling a trivial wxWidgets app on MacOS X 10.6 with XCode 3.2 The linker is return an error about the symbol _main being defined twice: once in main.mm once in the test_app.cpp file. After I commented out the macro: Implement_App(TestApp) The error went away, compiled & linked and I was able to run the application. ...