
Jquery WYSIWYG with image uploader

Hi guys. I'm driving nuts around here. I'm building a CodeIgniter CMS and I need to use rich text areas. Image uploading is a must. I've been trying NicEdit all weekend, and it has great and simple image uploading but it shows some really strange issues on IE8 that I can't fix. So...I'm ready to try something else. I've seen FCKeditor, C...

Why are WYSIWYG's always in iFrames?

It seems like every WYSIWYG out there has an iFrame and that iFrames complicate the heck out of things. So why iframes? ...

Html 5 wysiwyg designer

I am looking for wysiwyg designer that creates applications in html 5 (based on any major JavaScript library like JQueryUI or other). So far, the only thing I found is Ext Designer: http://www.sencha.com/products/designer/ but it is still in very early stage and with serious limitations (custom components can not be added to toolbox fo...

Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG

Does anyone have experience with Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG? I'm thinking of moving from CKEDITOR to Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG. Ideally I'd love to use the etherpad editor but it doesn't appear that anyone has separated the editor from all the app. Anyhow, for Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG, does anyone know, does it support the r...

Is there a free image uploader plugin for TINYMCE?

I just realized that the business behind wyiswyg web editors is selling you the image upload plugin. Which is the alternative if you can't/don't want to pay? ...

Detect if text is bold

I'm trying to make a WYSIWYG editor, and so far I have it so you can select text and click 'Make Bold' to make the selected text bold. It literally just wraps < b> (no space) tags around the selected text. But my problem is that if I want to un-bold that, my script has some trouble... So far, here is my script: <script language="java...

How to get CKeditor to switch from Hspace and Vspace to proper CSS

I'm working with CKeditor, and for whatever reason, they included Hspace and Vspace in their UI. Convenient idea to allow users to manipulate their images like so, but those are way deprecated. Has anyone converted CKeditor's Hspace and Vspace to CSS, and know how to explain its conversion? I am a javascript novice.. ...

In Drupal 6, what's the quickest way to set up a WYSIWYG editor with code syntax highlighting and image upload?

I've seen numerous posts in random places about how to set up a WYSIWYG editor for Drupal 6. I've had luck with CKEditor and FCKEditor via the WYSIWYG Drupal module. All is well there, but I hit a breaking point when I try to add on syntax highlighting and image upload functionality. Any procedure I try is very cumbersome and ends up not...

CKeditor forcePasteAsPlainText not working in 3.2..

I've heard mixed responses about this working/not working . Mine happens to not work since I've upgraded. I upgraded rails by using a rails plugin that install rails 3.2. http://github.com/galetahub/rails-ckeditor For non-rails users, this basically just installs the latest version of CKeditor with an external yaml file for handling...

CKEditor and JQuery, Tooltip WYSIWYG vs. Source

We are trying to extend CKEditor via a "Comments" plugin, so that our content team can collaborate on writing content. Essentially, users can add comments to sections of selected markup (in the WYSIWYG editor) which manifest in the form of spans which enclose the markup selection. The comment is stored in the title attribute and displa...

How do you remove CKeditor's new image properties' photo upload, or browser server properties?

I just upgraded my ckEditor, and it's added a few options I don't want right now. Of them are to browse images from files rather than just include them as urls. How do I remove those options? ...

The State of contenteditable

The State of contenteditable The markup produced by wysiwyg editors is atrocious. Its littered with style attributes and often is not even valid HTML (missing closing tags, overlapping styling, etc). Are there any established solutions to the problems introduced by contenteditable? If not, how can I go about creating one? Invalid HT...

Markdown parser in Javascript

Does anyone know a markdown parser in Javascript ? PS : Actually, I do this with request to server to parse it, but a client side parser would be better :) . Edit : If there is no one, I will use HTML (with WYSIWYG editor). ...

Are there any WYSIWYG plugins for Netbeans Editor?

I love this IDE but I need a WYSIWYG for some HTML/CSS design projects. Are there any WYSIWYG extensions for Netbeans? ...

looking for web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor that is free license to editing the code

i need to add as part of CMS application some kind of Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor somekind of TineMC kind of thing but its needs to be license free no GPL or LGPL kind of license this is because i have to modify it and i can't open source the application. i dont need it to be full of options like TineMC. Any ideas? ...

Non Destructive WYSIWYG editor?

I am looking for a very user friendly WYSIWYG for text-areas, that leave the text-area intact, to allow normal JavaScript validation. I have tried tinymce and it is not easy to do that. I am currently using of the markdown wmd, but because it displays in the text-area, my target audience is clueless about how it works. Any tips or reso...

Using jWYSIWYG with autoGrow (textarea) in jQuery

I'm trying to use jWYSIWYG and autoGrow together so that the textarea in the jWYSIWYG editor expands as you type. Either jWYSIWYG works or autoGrow works, but not both together. I'm pretty new to jQuery, so would appreciate hearing what I'm doing wrong here. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $('#wysiwyg').autoGrow();...

HTML editor - A free alternative to DreamWeaver

Hello, In the past, I used to work with DW4 and liked the way it allows you to visually write HTML pages. Can anyone suggest a free alternative for Windows? ...

Looking for that cool new WYSIWYG inline HTML editor

It's been on HN some time ago, but hours of searching HN and googling later I still haven't found it. It's kinda like NiceEdit Inline mode.. ...

Online WYSIWYG PDF editor

Hi, Actually i'm looking for a simple online WYSIWYG PDF editor where i can build simple formular (image,text,inputs) with drag&drop, but i could'nt find any. Alternatively i would also accept a HTML WYSIWYG editor like ckeditor, but with an Grid option for placing absolute elements. With only absolute elements it should'nt be hard to ...